Life Under Sanders or Clinton


Today, is a really big super Tuesday, with 5 states conducting primaries. I cast an early vote last week, and was surprised that there was actually a waiting line. I admit I didn’t ask anyone in the line how they were voting!

For the Dems, this means Clinton or Sanders. Let’s take a look at life under both of these presidencies.

 Life Under Cliton


She has never met a war she didn’t like.

We Latinos are only a voting block for her.


Did she ever fight in the Mideast? Did she ever meet a Jihadist face to face? I did. We can’t continue being the world’s cop.


I would love to see a woman as president.

But not this woman. Give me a woman who mean what she says. Give me a true progressive like Elizabeth Warren.


I read blogs, I read sites, I read and read opinions and I get out there and take it all in. And you know what? We Americans really are a crossroad – as a people, a culture, a society, and I think I need to go deeper underground.


OMG, she’s beautiful, Clinton is just beautiful. She really loves us Wall Street guys because we’ve funded her Superpacs to the max and she is going to make life much easier for us, yes indeed. Hello, Hummer redux. Hello, tax loopholes. Hello, hello.

 Life Under Sanders


I may be living in an alternative universe. I clearly remember a dream where my abuelita was taken away by the Guardia. She has lived here for forty-eight years as an undocumented immigrant from Mexico, who cleans houses, raised three kids, and has five grandchildren. I’m 31, the oldest among them, and I know what I dreamed.

And yet, today my abuelita and I drove over to a federal office with all her documents – when she came here, why she came here, what she has earned since she came here, the taxes she has paid in her forty-eight years in this country. She had photos, journal entries, notarized statements from her children, grandchildren, employers…And at the end of three hours, she was granted residency.

She and I and the rest of the family and our friends, more than seventy of us, celebrated in a local park. It turned into a press extravaganza, with a parade down Calle Ocho in Little Havana.

Is it too good to be true? Are we now living in a new dream, a new story?


I was going to enlist because I thought it was the only way I could find a job. And then the election happened and over time we began to withdraw troops from the Mideast, even from South Korea. I realized that if I could get into the architecture program at the University of Florida, my tuition would be free.

I spent months studying for the SATs and compiling a portfolio of my best designs for alternative-fueled buildings. In April, I was accepted at UF, and now here I am. I still pay for the dorm and for my food, but that’s a fraction of what my tuition costs would have been in the times before. That’s how I think of it: the Times Before and the Times After. It feels apocalyptic, but in a good way.

To cover my vastly reduced expenses, I work part-time at this fast food joint and make the minimum wage – 15 bucks an hour.

In Times Before, this job paid about half that. Instead of paying $300 a month for health insurance that kept denying me coverage for this or that, I pay a $5 co-pay for everything. And hey, I’ve always been healthy and the few times I went to a walk-in clinic with the flu or whatever, the drug I needed cost several hundred bucks. Now, I can get that same drug for my $5 co-pay.

Am I happier? More productive? More creative? More compassionate toward the plight of the people with whom I share space on this incredible planet? You bet.


I’m 28 years old. White female. I have a college degree in English. I teach at a public university in Asheville, North Carolina, where I earn more than $86,000 a year. An amazing wage for  a teacher. I have no college debt, of course, because my tuition was free, and I was able to work part-time and pay for my other expenses.

My husband, an engineer, and I are thinking about starting a family. We can afford to do it now because we have universal health care. When my mother had me, it cost her and my dad nearly ten grand. Jake and I will pay nothing. Plus, I’ll get four months of paid maternity leave and he’ll get four months of paternity leave. If we stagger it, our child will be nearly a year old by then and will qualify for in home care. That cost is 50/50.

Yeah, we pay higher taxes. But you know what? I don’t care. Everyone is paying higher taxes, even the corporations, the uber wealthy, and the benefits to the rest of us are great.

If this is a dream, never wake me up, okay?


For the first time in my life, I feel hope for people of color. I feel the way my mother did when she marched with King back in the early sixties, when her buddy Rosa Parks refused to move to the back of the bus. I feel the way many of us did when Obama was elected to the presidency. But he was up against such an intractable congress that he couldn’t implement many of the things he promised. Or maybe so many of us were beaten down by the years under W that Obama looked like the progressive that he wasn’t.

When Obama came to our city, I waited in line for four hours to hear him and Biden speak. I was riveted, buoyed, and sobbed the night he swept the election. And then the reality set in, that he could only do so much. I have a theory, see, that these newly elected presidents are shown the Zapruder clip of the JFK assassination,  and are told, Tow the line or else. But I don’t think Bernie was intimidated by this film. I think he looked at it with that wry expression and then said, “Really, dudes? Well, bring it on.”

And they didn’t bring it on because the old scare tactics don’t work anymore.


Holy shittin’ hell. My attorney says I need to cut my losses and run.

And he means it literally. You got money parked in the Caymans, Rich? Then head down there and live the high life because if you stay in the U.S., you’re going to find your ass in prison. They’re indicting the Wall Street crowd that brought the country to its knees in 2007. Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Yoo, and most of Wall Street.

Even if I stay here and somehow evade prosecution, I’ll be paying my employees 15 bucks an hour and will have to pay for maternity leave and paternity leave, and I’ll have to abide by federal regulations. My tax loopholes have vanished.

I sold my Hummer two weeks ago for 300 bucks, to an outfit that takes the spare parts to fix other Hummers. I had to take my kids out of private school because the tuition was so high. But next year, she’ll be going to Florida State tuition free. The social security my parents have been collecting for the last three years has risen and it galls me because I’m funding it. Me and people like me – you, you, you.



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8 Responses to Life Under Sanders or Clinton

  1. blah says:

    So what your saying is that the one who get’s elected president will have a SIG -nificant effect on the way of life for Americans… and not that the one whom WILL B elected has to do with blah blah blah….. Is that what it is about ??

  2. c.j. says:

    Prior to every presidential election, grand promises for positive change are made by the candidates on every corner of the playing field. At this point in time, it is my considered opinion that no one, democrat, republican, independent, has the necessary qualifications to keep his or her promises and turn the tide around. America didn’t drop into this extremely low level that it now occupies due to the actions and inactions of one administration. From where I’m sitting, and doing everything within my limited abilities to fairly evaluate candidates for the presidency and the other governing bodies and agencies in our country, I am unable to find anyone who is up to the task of creating the changes that MUST be made if we are to bring our once-amazing USA back to its stable feet. What troubles me most, just as an individual citizen, is that at the end of the day when all is said and done, the candidates from ALL groups sit down together behind a closed curtain we are not allowed to view, and
    socialize with each other at the expense of an unaware America. I cannot for the life of me find a single candidate in any party for whom I feel comfortable giving my vote.
    Sander’s age and health are important issues when it comes to the overwhelming responsibilities of running the country at this critical point in its history, and those issues cannot be reasonably ignored. That is evident when he speaks. Hillary is a criminal. (But among politicians, criminal behavior abounds.) Trump is a joke and a criminal. Rubio? A joke and a criminal of a different kind than Trump. It goes on and on and on. For once in my life, I cannot in good conscience put my trust, and therefore my vote, on any candidate in any party, because each and every one of them has serious skeletons of one kind or another hidden in closets. Maybe, and I hope, that by election time, I will have found a person whom I feel is genuinely capable of beginning to restore this country to its past greatness because it is my adult children and my grandchildren who will reap the consequences of whatever new governing bodies will ultimately reside in control and power. Right now, I’m waiting and watching and hoping.

  3. Melissa says:

    I think this is good post. For sure. I tend to like Bernie best, but I have to say whatever happens with the nomination, Bernie or Clinton, I am voting for the Democrat because I cannot fathom the thought of Trump or Cruz or Rubio in the White House.

  4. DJan says:

    I am right there with you. This is a great way to show the difference between the candidates. I’ve been feeling the bern for quite awhile now! 🙂

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