Synchronicity Followup to Dale’s Mom


On March 17, we posted an email from our friend, Dale Dassel, whose mother was dying of cancer and how synchronicity had helped him prepare for here death. As Dale was writing a followup to my email, explaining that his mother had just had last rites, his father came hurrying into his room to tell him she had just passed away. He sent this email two days later, and is already experiencing contact with her.


Thank you so much for the kind wishes. Mom was indeed waiting for her last rites. She departed about 45 minutes after the priest left, and we’ve been seeing her name all weekend. On Saturday at noon, I drove to the grocery store to buy food, which we haven’t done in nearly a month. On the way, I was thinking of all the times I’d been grocery shopping with Mom, and that we would never have that experience again. I began crying, of course, then I saw her name on a street sign immediately on the right.

I pulled over, turned around, and drove back to photograph it with Mom’s cell phone, which I kept because I don’t have one. (Photo above) The weather was beautiful and sunny, with a brilliant blue sky above. That was my confirmation that Mom was fine on the other side, a reassurance that I did right in following the synchro signs in the week leading up to her passing.

Later, Dad and I visited the mausoleum to pick up a ceramic angel statuette from my grandmother’s grave because I wanted to have it at Mom’s viewing this week. I’d impulsively kept it after Grandma’s funeral in 1999, and it has been in our house ever since. But I turned the place upside down without success. We questioned Mom about it several times before she passed, and she gave us conflicting reports. “Where is Grandma’s angel statue?” She replied: “I’ll find it for you.” Then: “It’s in the bathroom.”

She used to have it sitting on the shelf by the sink, but it wasn’t there. I recalled that the statue had been moved several times over the years, in various rooms, but it was nowhere to be found, and we searched everywhere at least 3 times. At the cemetery, there was a small ceramic angel figurine hanging on a wire below the flower vase, but it wasn’t the right one. Dad’s phone buzzed and he walked down the hall to answer it while I tearfully spoke to Grandma, telling her that Mom was with her now and asking them to watch over us (I haven’t visited the mausoleum in years, so it was very emotional for me).

Then I took a few steps back and noticed Mom’s name on an adjacent crypt on the wall above Grandma’s grave. When Dad returned, I pointed it out as another sign from Mom, and I asked him to take a few pictures of it.


Afterward, we drove to the funeral home to finalize the details of Mom’s service. Since she is being cremated, we were shown a selection of urns on display in the gallery. We were drawn to a wooden box urn topped by a ceramic angel figurine. Another box type urn on a lower shelf was engraved synchronistically with Mom’s name: Linda (but with a different surname). We didn’t make a choice, but the synchro was another pleasant nudge from beyond. Mom is saying hi to us again! 🙂

We’ve spent the rest of the weekend sorting through the house, cleaning out in preparation to donate things to Mom’s church, which we will begin attending regularly, as we promised Mom before she departed. She was very pleased by that decision, and told us it’s a good thing. Saturday night we delved into the photo boxes, reminiscing about our life and all the good times we’ve had together. It was wonderfully theraputic & uplifting. I found a small book about ‘A Mother’s love’ which I had never seen before. I read it with increasing tearfulness at the very moving text within, and then I fell apart at the end, because the last page was signed by Mom to me, untold years ago (probably a few years after I was born).

For personal mementos, I decided to keep Mom’s glasses and her cancer hat, a beautiful blue & white tie dye cap which she wore to every chemo session. I walked into the room and saw the hat lying atop your book, where I’d placed it the night before. In the morning sunlight, I was awestruck to realize that the color design of Mom’s cap almost perfectly matched the soft pastels of the book jacket – an absolutely beautiful synchronicity that fills me with happiness. I know Mom is safe on the other side, where we will be reunited someday. Thank you so much for writing The Other Side. I am forever in your debt.

synchro dale



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7 Responses to Synchronicity Followup to Dale’s Mom

  1. c.j. says:

    May you and your family find peace and comfort, Dale, in the absolute awareness that your Mom lives and is with you.

    On cannibis….It is appalling to me that each night when my husband and I sit down together for dinner, the TV is a constant barrage of commercials for prescription medications, and each ad continues with a mile-long list of adverse side effects, including possible death from many of them. Yet, the FDA allows these deadly chemicals to be increasingly available to patients. Cannibis has many medical uses WITHOUT those horrific adverse side-effects, and with the potential to truly help patients…..such as the youngster who has seizures all day every day, and the patients who are suffering through chemotherapy and radiation, and so very many others. It has been proven to help relieve symptoms of Parkinson’s. which I have, yet Cannibis is not available to me.

    In my opinion, it is Big Pharma’s way of keeping people sick and making them even sicker with the approval of the lethal drugs, and innocent, uninformed patients take the life-threatening prescriptions at astronomical costs, not only in declining health issues but also in financial hits that most cannot afford if we don’t have prescription insurance, and we don’t. One month of my husband’s insulin….one month….costs $485.00 for a tiny vial. This is just one example of thousands that are similar. What can we do??? We MUST do something….there MUST be an answer…..

  2. Laurence Zankowski says:


    I am grateful for living in a state that has both medical marijuana and recreational marijuana statutes on the books. It is the path I have chosen as I work with this plant medicine to heal / move through my cancer. I do not know what lies ahead, it is my choice, my desire to move beyond this.


  3. Darren B says:

    On another synchy Linda note, I saw Tom Jones play the Byron Bay Bluesfest in Australia on Easter Monday and a week or two later he had to cancel the rest of his tour to fly home to his wife Linda who was dying (and passed away) from cancer .
    “The former mistress of Sir Tom Jones has told how the singer’s late wife Linda was the real “love of his life”.”

  4. Darren B says:

    Ironically, the story of my ex-father-in-law John and the day he passed away is told in ‘Synchronicity and the Other Side’ and my ex-mother-in-law’s real name is Linda, which only John would call her, because she didn’t like her given name for some reason and goes under the name of Lyn.
    In another weird twist, in Australia medicinal cannabis has just been legalized in one state so far (Victoria), but not my state of Queensland and I wrote a post featuring the mother of the flower-girl we had at our wedding, who cured herself of lung cancer using cannabis (a disease that is claiming my own mother right now) when doctors had given up on her plight by using traditional methods.
    I told (and showed) my own mother about Sharon’s cure, but mum isn’t interested in treating herself that way and would rather stick with the hospital’s new trail drugs.
    I guess you can lead a horse to water, but…

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Thanks for the links, Daz. You’ll see by Laurence’s comment that he’s going the cannibis route, too.

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