Remarkable lookalikes


This image makes for an interesting visual synchronicity. At left is Enzo Ferrari, the founder of Ferrari autos and Mesut Özil, a German soccer player who plays on an English team and is considered one Europe’s most gifted footballer.

Ferrari died in 1988 and Mesut was born the same year. So maybe after a lifetime of inventiveness, Ferrari moved onto sports.

Or not. It would be interesting to know if the two have other similar personality and life traits. Looking like someone from the past doesn’t mean you were that person. Just like two people who look alike and are both alive may have no genetic relationship.

I like the concept of past lives and future lives, but not so much the idea of one life following the next in linear fashion. Instead, I see reincarnation as lives all happening simultaneously and one life possibly influencing another both forward and back through time. In other words, my past and future selves are all living their lives in the Now. What I do might affect a past life or future life, and a future life – which from a linear time point of view doesn’t yet exist – can affect my present life.

Of course, it’s kind of complicated to think about such influences since we live day-to-day in linear time. In a way, it’s like cultures, such as the Mayans, that have two calendars – one, the everyday calendar, and the other, a spiritual calendar.

You’ve got to wonder, though, Ozil drives a Ferrari.

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6 Responses to Remarkable lookalikes

  1. Interesting and Özil’s partner/girlfriend Mandy Capristo has an Italian father.

  2. Dale Dassel says:

    I really believe reincarnation is like the TV show Quantum Leap, where we leap out of one life and into another for the purpose of altering fate or destiny for the better. It makes perfect sense! 🙂

  3. Ray G says:

    When I was in my forties I wore submariner glasses, the John Lennon type. When I looked in the mirror I looked like my grandfather. My son looks like my dad’s brother. He even combs his hair the way my uncle did since I knew hat he looked like.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Carol Bowman, in one of her books on reincarnation, talks about reincarnation within the same family. Make sense to me!

  4. Jenean says:

    Jenean Gilstrap sent this via Facebook:
    oh, wow! how intriguing is that! and even more so, your perspective on reincarnation vs. a linear view – such food for thought! have I told you the story of alejandro [my little g/son in delaware – lisa’s son] and his total fascination with fire fighters since he was in diapers – I’ve always wondered if he was somehow a part of the 9/11 tragedy – anyway, I digress – neat post – thanks a bunch!

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