The heart of the story

Here’s one we received in e-mail from Rob McKenzie, a movie producer who lives in southern Maine. At first, we didn’t get it. Then he sent the kicker. Very funny!
I was driving home from work. Peter Gabriel’s “Solsbury Hill” was playing on the radio. When the song hit the “My heart goin’ boom-boom-boom” section of the chorus, I happened to look up at the street sign of a street I was passing, which I had never noticed before. The street? “Ann Gina Blvd.” I laughed out loud.

Maybe you get it. If not, read on…

Angina, of course, is a heart condition that produces chest pain and an irregular heartbeat. Angina… Ann-Gina… see? “Puns of the Gods,” says Rob.

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12 Responses to The heart of the story

  1. Simon from Caly ap says:

    Forgot a stanza, guess that's what there called, in between

    yet nobody present to see the light.

    From God's factory of fusing atoms
    To God's product of creating Adam's
    Man was born to lord this place
    Hopefully or souls not to waste

    Here on earth we walk the land……

    but for animal synchros, well it was "Real Quiet" (maybe I should listen better) back in "98" as I was sitting in a Wendys on Charleston in LV the night before the Kent. D with a car odometer (honda Accord) reading 222,222.1, then in "01" (down in the desert again) guess it was MR.John on May 19, very specific day in SF. Mr. John ran dead last as he was suppose to. won't go into the Preakness that year, makes me sound a bit to high on myself. That I am not. Thx R-T, now there's a coincidence.

  2. Sansego says:

    I love that song! I use it as the ringtone for the lady I really like (though she is engaged to a guy I don't like and think is wrong for her). I don't know why I picked that song for her, for I think it reflects more about me. She makes my heart go "boom-boom-boom"!

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Gypsy – during mercury retros – there is sometimes news or an encounter with friends from the past. So maybe you're in the groove, after all!

  4. Simon from caly says:

    gypsywoman you a poet, I looking for opinion, since I've thrown Rob some doozies perhaps I'll take advantage, will see if he minds,

    glowing golden sphere
    for all eternity never near
    from a place so much in sight
    yet nobody present to see the light

    years and years humanity grows
    reaps and sows and makes their bows
    here on earth we walk the land
    deer we hear kill by hand (ooopps)

    ealry in time the simplicity of survival
    late in time the complexity of rivals
    comfort and the fullfilment of needs
    the devil arose and stimulates greeds

    but weither it is AB or C
    the sins of my life
    so neccersary must be
    for continuing strife

    but when it is all said or done
    and we've lived out our day
    luckies the one
    to look to the sun and have respect for our way.
    synchro stories like non other, no brag just

  5. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    the past few days i'd been in a kind of slump in posting, writing, thinking, etc – part of the whole retrograde thing going on i'm sure – but today was a little different – today a friend whom i've not seen or spoken to in forever was on my mind – i mean, really really on my mind – and today i was spewing out words and verse and poetry carrying around those thoughts of my friend – it was as if a door had opened – and then, the mail came and in it several magazines – i was in the middle of my writing "groove" but decided to glance through one of the four mags and for some reason picked up the one that i would never usually bother with – one that had come in my daughter's name, actually – just flipped it open and there in my right hand, in living color, was a full page photograph of my friend, accompanying an article being done on him by this magazine –
    now, he'd never been interviewed by this publication before and it is not a publication that i have ever bought – but –

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Messages in everything. For sure.

  7. Toumai says:

    puns, like the name Dick, lend themselves so well to the language of synchronicity– a double meanings from a double world. Hey, and it might be the "buns of the God's" too.


  8. JBanholzer says:

    Reminds me of a rather ribald joke about "acute angina."

  9. Simon from Caly says:

    synchro guy was riding home from a camping trip with a cousin, it was the only thing we had really ever done together. Years earlier Auntie had asked me if I wanted to coach him and his twins baseball team. To my detriment I declined. A red eyed poker player, instinctfully new it wasn't proper. Gosh 20 something year old single moms possibly, what the heck was I thinking. But back to the point Chrissy said to me on the way down HW 101. "Bobby god, religion" (think he was about to get derogator) well I'm not totally big on R myslef as many aren't, but before he could get out another word a vehicle in front of him kicked up a little pebble and nicked the lower left hand side of his winshield.

  10. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    absolutely totally great! just gotta LOVE it!!!

  11. Nancy says:

    Very synchronistic.

  12. Liza says:

    You have no idea how much that song means to me, or do you? ; )
    This is a perfect story to hit home the fact that there are messages in everything.
    Thank you for sharing.

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