Spooky Synchro

Here’s yet another one from Isabella, the healing sound lady from Montreal: She had a dream, a spooky one, and her neighbor…well, let her tell it.

Very early one morning 12 years ago, around 5 am, I was half sleep when I noticed a gigantic spider suspended over my head. I was also aware of younger version of me seeing it from the astral plane. Kind of complicated. I said to it: “If you are my totem animal, do you have to be big as a pumpkin to scare the hell at me? You know what, I choose to sleep and not be bug by you..bye now.” I closed my eyes.

One week later, my next door neighbor, a chef, was vacuuming the entry of our building. He stopped when he saw me and told me that last week he had a strange dream in which I was sleeping in bed and a big spider was over my head. In the dream, he killed it!

“Thanks,” I said. “You work in the astral when you sleep, and you just proved to me that there is no such thing as walls.”
Esoterically, spiders represent an intensely creative period of life. Part of your success will be due to your ability to camouflage yourself, to blend in with a crowd, and yet to stand out from the crowd in terms of what you produce. Anyone who has listened to Isabella singing knows that her voice is that ability.

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16 Responses to Spooky Synchro

  1. terripatrick says:

    I hadn't heard about the connection between spiders and entering an intense creative period but can relate.

    I've been enjoying a huge wood spider and web that spans across a section of our back garden. It's in a non-walkway part, so I've really enjoyed the extra decoration. I've actually studied it and felt relaxed while our house remained the construction zone from hell.

    But the roof is done, and most of the web is just strands now. We had some high winds.

    However I have been feeling the flow of creativity – and have been enjoying the total rewrite of a novel that's been on a shelf for years. It's been marvelous to feel back in the groove and yet, my writing style is so different – better.

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Looks like a very nice sign for a creative period, intuitive girl! You and gypsy and several others who have had spider experiences recently could be entering very intense creative periods.It'll be intersting to follow up on this!

  3. Intuitive Girl says:

    Just this morning, when I walked outside, I noticed a huge spider sitting in its giant Web outside my house under the awning. Reading this post is synchronicity for me.

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Are you left-handed? Left side of body is right brain controlled, that side where creativity/imagination are believed to originate.

  5. Dennis Igou says:

    Love your take on syncro mystic happenings. Many same here. I woke up with my left wrist sprained, first thought spiders. Perhaps we beings can discover much about ourselves with dreams and a heart.
    Dennis from Oregon.

  6. Toumai says:

    Anytime, and thanks for the open door

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Wow, Toumai. Your mind is labyrinthine. Interesting stuff. Thanks for posting!

  8. Toumai says:

    Spiders may be a bit eerie creepy but they spin a mighty fine web. Maybe synchro is spinning a web within a web. Okay, etymology check.

    The word spider evolved from *spenwanan meaning “to spin” ( my married name was Spinney… hmm, no, we won’t go there). Spenwanan came from an earlier source: Proto Indo European root (s)pen, meaning “to stretch”, hence the word ‘span’ (join) which Old English defines as the distance between the little finger and thumb of a hand (later a measure of 9 inches)

    Interesting, when you stretch out your fingers (span) the hand forms more of a circle… interesting, the ‘pentagram’—five pointed star is often displayed in a circle.

    Our English “five” is related –from Proto Indo European *pengke (Sanscrit ‘panca’, Greek ‘pente’, Latin ‘quinque’)

    The word spinster originated as “female spinner of thread”, the suffix ‘ster’comes from root *’-istrijon’–the feminine suffix used as the equivalent to masculine 'ere'(linguists disagree over whether this indicates female domination of weaving and baking trades, as represented in names like Webster, Baxter, Brewster, etc.)

    'ster' was also a prefix in words like 'sterling' and is related to the root word 'sterr'– star.

    Maybe the message is strive and stretch for the stars (like some already have)

  9. Nancy says:

    Great story. I love her voice – it's emepheral, and healing.

  10. staceyjwarner says:

    Great story, I often wake up with spiders hanging over my head, I reach out for them but nothing is there but they look so real…this has happened several times and for several years…if any one knows what it means, I'd love to hear.

  11. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    must be on my end, then – still happening here, with your today's post not coming up – but, you're right, rob, i know where you guys are!

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    But thanks for the tip, Gypsy. With mercury still retro, who knows?

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I guess if you're meant to find it, you will. It seems to work fine from here. – R

  14. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    just fyi, while ago when i went to my dashboard to get to your blog, this post did not show at all – the most recent post showing was yesterday's – i had to go into it and then to "newer post" to get to today's post – don't know if it's my problem with blogger or what – but wanted to let you know at least for me, your today was not coming up –

  15. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    just a great story with multiple levels!

    her dream of a spider reminds me of my own a few nights ago – but in my lucid dream, there were a number of small flat things [seems they were in different colors] on my lower arms – i stood aside from me and watched as i attempted to wipe them off, but when i did, they turned into spiders which bit me – i remembering watching me do this but saying to "me" that even though they were spiders, not to worry – they were small and would not hurt me – weird, the stuff of dreams –

    anyway, i love the isabella story – not to mention that voice –

    and great image, too!

  16. Dave King says:

    Enjoyed both bits: the synchronicity bit and the esoteric bit.

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