The Clan Kitten


This MacGregor clan is actually pretty small – Rob, me, Megan and, over the years, a number of animal companions. It’s been awhile since we had a new animal addition, but there she is at the top of this post, looking straight at my phone’s camera.

This kitten, a female, was rescued by a friend of our daughter’s who is allergic to cats. Megan agreed to take her in, but her current roommate is also allergic to cats. Her roommate, though, is going to move into an apartment soon so we agreed to take the kitten until Megan finds a new roommate who, hopefully, won’t be allergic to cats.

We named her Luna, but think she may actually be a Dusty or Dusky. We found that she isn’t afraid of dogs and is, in fact, apparently eager to bond with them. Here’s Megan’s dog, Nika, eager to make the kitten’s acquaintance.


We also discovered that she likes riding in cars.


During her first night at Megan’s, she explored the house in a couple of hours and slept draped around Megan’s neck. During her first night at our place, she was hissed at by both of our cats, aging Powder and middle aged Simba. But, undaunted by the hostility, she eventually found her way to our bedroom, where she slept curled up between Rob and me, in a nest of pillows.

I’d forgotten the wonder that kittens bring with them. The world itself is like a Beatles song, a magical mystery tour of sights and sounds, movements and strangeness. She loves playing with a spool of thread, a ball covered in catnip, or chasing some stray fly in our kitchen. When we’re watching the latest news on Trump and Clinton and Sanders, she’s happy to curl up between us and offer her two cents on the candidates. Trump gets a big yawn, Clinton gets a stretching of her claws, Sanders gets a contented purr.

Okay, so I’m reading into this. She actually doesn’t give a cat’s poop about politics. When I rail that Rachel Maddow is apparently campaigning to become Clinton’s press secretary, the kitten yawns.

When we talk about how Laurence O’Donnell is more balanced in his coverage of the campaign, how he actually discusses Clinton’s email problems and the FBI’s investigation, the kitten is momentarily interested, then curls up and goes still again. Her eyes are partially open, though, so I know she’s listening.

She is not quite as sanguine when the news turns to Trump. I imagine that she hisses, snarls, darts away to hide. But the truth is that she jumps to the floor and cuddles next to our Golden Retriever, Noah, who is at least 100 times her size. Protect me from Trump. Noah’s tail thumps the floor. He is happy to oblige her. He equates Trump with Romney, the Mormon dude who actually announced to the 80 million dog owners in the U.S. that he actually put the family dog in a crate on top of the car for a trip to Canada.

Some people believe that Romney lost the election in 2012 because of his comments about the 47 percent. But Noah knows it was the dog story that did him in.

I would like to know what this little kitten, still casting around for a name, might actually know. Maybe she’s a political oracle. Maybe she’s my muse in a new disguise. And maybe she’s just as cute as she appears to be, big ears and all.

I’m in love. Welcome to the clan, whoever you are!


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10 Responses to The Clan Kitten

  1. c.j. says:

    Don’t they just absolutely wrap their little bodies around our hearts and hold us hostage!! I can’t imagine how difficult it will be to ultimately put her in Megan’s safe-keeping, even though she will still be close in the family. And Noah will miss her, too, but of course then she’ll have Nika to be her playmate and companion. Cats and dogs are such extraordinary creatures, and add so much more to our day-to-day lives than can be expressed. My hubby’s old tuxedo male cat, Thoth, is almost ten years old now, and he’s an indoor/outdoor feline because he loves to be outside where he can still be the Master of his Domain….our backyard. He lays for hours on top of the gazebo, watching the birds and squirrels and an occasional dune mouse as they come and go. He has Storm (my blackchocolate Lab) very well-trained! She’s still an adolescent and wants him to play. He often obliges, for a few minutes. Then when he’s ready to stop the tomfoolery with this youngster, he lets her know in no uncertain terms that playtime is finished. Watching them is a riot! When he’s ready to cease the fun, he lets he know in “stages”. First, his tail starts to swish slowly back and forth. Storm doesn’t get the message yet. So, then the cat ears lay flat. Still, the pup is rambunctious. So, the cat-eyes squint. Does the silliness stop? Nope. Storm puts her rear in the air with her front paws low ,touching the old man and yipping at him. At that point, Thoth has had it with her and he hisses and strikes at her with his paws, but always with the claws hidden. He doesn’t scratch her, but she squeals as if she;s been attacked by a grizzly bear and runs to hide behind Mom’s chair! They would make such a laugh-inspiring video! Enjoy your new addition to the MacGregor Clan! No doubt she’ll bring all of you, including Noah and Nika, lots of fun-filled chuckles! More photos, please!

  2. Vicki DeLaurentis-momwithwings says:

    She’s Adorable!! She looks like a little “Mira Morales” to me.

  3. Looks to be a perfect addition to the clan – and a political oracle too, but, whatever, I’m sure you’ll vote the right way when the day comes.

  4. This is a special cat. I don’t know how you will be able to part with her.

  5. DJan says:

    She’s a cutie, all right. She’s stolen your heart, too. A fearless rascal. Plus she’s simply adorable. I can see why you love her. I had a cat I loved like that who looked like her. I named her Mandu. (as in Cat Mandu) 🙂

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