UPDATE on Human Butterfly Crop Circle

According to Colin Andrews, a crop circle investigator, the human butterfly was man made. Quoting from his site:

“The media and others in The Netherlands have been hyping what they claim is the discovery of the largest crop circle ever. Well,it falls well short of that claim but is as shown in the photograph very attractive.

“When it seemed very few in the crop circle community were reporting upon the story, which was being circulated to a large mailing list of researchers around the world, more e-mails followed claiming that it was made by a team of 60. This claim was challenged by some people and a third circular followed stating that the construction was filmed and that this film would be released to the public.

“It’s really a no story, just another crop circle made by people, leaving many around the world without rational explanation and also many more that are indeed made by humans but that attracted paranormal attention – this neither tackled by the media who run with just easy, crazy stories that require very little work on their part. Time is ticking in a period of critical transition, not helped with more wasted effort and energy. We don’t seem to be passing the test of our time do we!”

Colin Andrews

Man made, but still really beautiful!

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14 Responses to UPDATE on Human Butterfly Crop Circle

  1. Toumai says:

    Oh yes, and to "wink" can be thrown into the above mix– that back and forth motion of the eye produces something as well… nothing like a wink to send a message

  2. Toumai says:

    Many of your posts as of late have involved "wings"… same with mine. So lets soar… check on etymology: "wing" via Proto Indo European (PIE) base *we — to blow. Other related words: 'wind'(*wendh- to turn, weave); 'wink'(*to bend, curve); 'wince' (*quenchir- turn aside avoid); 'winter' (*vindo- white); 'white' (*kwindos – bright);'window'(*vindrauga- wind eye); 'weave'/'wave'/'web' (*webh- move back and forth); 'vent'(*ventus- wind);'ventral' (*wanst- stomach).

    What do all of these have in common? 'Motion' (back and forth movement) that enables- flying, weaving, web making, nest building, wind, digestion (methane gas production).

    What does this have to do with a language/message… after 9 years of sleuthing around, I have a pretty darn good idea… took me a long time to boost my confidence/ego to the point where I would… move… bend.

    Which brings me to the phrase "Black Swan Event"… 'just happened' to find this on wiki yesterday so I incorporated it in my post.


  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I'm not disappointed at all, Toumai. Like I said, whether its genesis is human or otherwise, the symbol is terrific.

  4. Toumai says:

    Where does having no ego take us?. Other than death and taxes one other thing is sure– unless you step out you get no where. Perhaps I'm wrong, but did you not see a parallel with this particular crop circle… and did you not then post it?

    You are disappointed because you see it as coming from regular people "hoaxing around" and you fail to see the synchronicity message. I think this is a reward and a message that says quite plainly: the voice os synchronicity comes from within and because of that, hoaxers, debunkers and Black Swan Events can hold special meaning from this world.

    The fact remains that you have bravely stepped out in a realm that is difficult. Forget about being right or wrong with interpretations, do we ever start out anything new without mistakes along the way. The voice will bring us along until we get it right… we just have to keep trusting, following,and bending… a lot of bending.

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Well, that'd be cool, but a bit egocentric. The image, though, is a hopeful sign whether man-made or otherwise!

  6. Toumai says:

    I think that the group of 55 were inadvertantly advertising your synchronicity site. I'm serious. Think about it, the picture seems to parallel and reflect much of the talk on this blog not to mention visuals… angel wings, metamorphosis, even a tatoo and printed dress. Remember, the world of synchronicity works from within.

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks for the tip, Crop Circles. I've got that site bookmarked. But still, if there was a film taken of these 55-60 people making this human/butterfly, where is it?

  8. Crop Circles and 2012 Real? says:

    When you cannot find a pattern in the main pages, look in the World Rumors section. This particular circle pattern was reported by the Creators themselves XL D-sign with a link to their site.

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Funny, Terri! The same thought occurred to me. Who are these 55-60 people, anyway? Maybe it was a graduate school project or something!

  10. terripatrick says:

    So 55 or more people in the Netherlands dedicated 6 mos of their time to create a man-made crop circle. Was this funded? Are there practice sites? What was the event that was so important for them to dedicate their time and effort?

    Maybe these people in the Netherlands (love that they live there!) In the region of "Goes" were inspired to create this image.
    The image is beautiful and symbolizes the man as evolving. If man-made, this design shows the evolution of humans is to mimic what used to be mystery, and the people in Goes, Netherlands have the answer. Humanity needs to dedicate their lives, bending grass.

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I don't know, gypsy. I was wondering, though, why I couldn't find it on crop connector or on Linda Moulton Howe's site. Ever since two hoaxers came out in the 90s about making crop circles, skeptics seize on the man-made theory first. Too bad. It does distract, like you say.

  12. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    was it known publicly, from the beginning, that it was man made? i mean, did its creators announce that they had, in fact, created it? or did the creators allow it to just "pop up" and be discovered – and then the media hype before releasing the information that it is man made? [did i miss something in the reading?]

    and yes, it is beautiful – but it is really too bad if, in fact, it was intended as a hype-maker initially, thereby distracting from the real value in being able to pursue those that truly are not man made –

    very grateful for the follow-up – thanks much!

  13. ~JarieLyn~ says:

    Yes, still really beautiful and still creative.

  14. lakeviewer says:

    Man still wants to create beyond the moment.

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