Category Archives: crop circles

Carl Sagan, ETs, and Crop Circles

An article in The Canadian, begins with this intriguing premise: “Did Scientists in 2001 translate an Extraterrestrial message implicitly designed to warn humanity about the ‘9/11 deception’?” Read the article by clicking above and then watch the video. Very interesting … Continue reading

Posted in crop circles, synchronicity, UFOs | 7 Comments

Crop Circle Enigma

First ‘Julia Set’, photo on left shows Stonehenge above the crop circle Yesterday we mentioned our contact with Jim  Moseley, editor of Saucer Smear. After our phone conversation, Jim sent us the latest issue. One of the interesting items in … Continue reading

Posted in crop circles, Jim Moseley, Julia Set, saucer smear | 12 Comments

First Crop Circle of 2010

I’m not sure where crop circles fall in the synchronicity scheme of things. Sometimes, the interpretations of the images they create seem to coincide with external events in a way that could be termed synchronicity. But as a phenomenon, they … Continue reading

Posted in 2010, crop circles | 15 Comments

Reverse Mediumship

 Ancient Mayan Crop Circle For some time, I’ve wondered if crop circles might be a form of reverse mediumship, or attempts of the deceased to contact us. Now it seems that Dutch medium Robbert van den Broeke might be providing … Continue reading

Posted in crop circles, mediumship | 8 Comments

UPDATE on Human Butterfly Crop Circle

According to Colin Andrews, a crop circle investigator, the human butterfly was man made. Quoting from his site: “The media and others in The Netherlands have been hyping what they claim is the discovery of the largest crop circle ever. … Continue reading

Posted in crop circles, human butterfly | 14 Comments

Largest Crop Circle

When this photo appeared in our Synchronicity Google search, my first thought was that it was a photo shop crop circle. Then we saw the video: It’s not. Whether it’s man-made or not is another question. But it’s huge. It’s … Continue reading

Posted in butterflies, crop circles, DaVinci, Netherlands | 32 Comments