More and Better



This story comes from a young woman in NYC, who is applying to graduate programs to pursue her master’s in fine arts.
I was writing my MFA admission material and in my story I had these two birds. One was named “better” and I was thinking of naming the other one “More.” I ended up naming that bird Stendhal. But later that day, I was reading this essay that was totally unrelated and here was the first lines:

“For most of human history, the two birds More and Better roosted on the same branch.” (from this blog)
It seems to me that she’s on the right track. I mean, does it get any better than More and Better?

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6 Responses to More and Better

  1. simon from caly says:

    Gypsywoman, and Trish and Rob, do you guys know the movie "Key Largo"(just to keep local), what's are those lines that Humphrey has with Edgar G. Robinson (Johnny rocko).

    "I know guy's like you, I know what you want"
    " what, what do I want" "you want …., that's what you want", well don't worry we're definitely gonna get some, it's definitely gonna get more i.t.r.s.i.g…. SJ synchro guy typing away on 9/30, 6 months from the worst date of his life, and also the BD, 9/30, of his goodbuddy whose door (just to keep locally insync) has always been open since he meet him, and also the BD of good buddies mom, his co-signer/ and hence his captor, was unable to sell. always synchronicity. so remember if that's what you want then you have to be Xtra careful in what your wishing for. conservatives don't need as much brains as liberals…

  2. Marja says:

    These are more than beter names Great story

  3. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, geezzzeeee….i HATE it when i look up and see typos in my OWN typing!!! like above!!! when "to" SHOULD have been "go" –

  4. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    you to, girl! that's been MY mantra all my life!!!

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Funny! That'll be my new mantra – MORE IS BETTER.

  6. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    well, my philosophy has always been that more IS better!

    neat post!!!

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