Category Archives: word play


Some days when I’m hoping for a synchronicity, searching for one, nothing happens.  Other days, I see a synchro only in retrospect and wonder why I didn’t recognize it as it was happening.  That’s what happened today. My sister flew … Continue reading

Posted in synchronicity, word play, word seriality | 11 Comments

Gypsy’s Road Trip Synchros

                                           Painting by Paul Klee Travel synchronicities are always intriguing and can involve virtually any sort of meaningful coincidence. For Gypsy, whose synchros we’ve posted before, a recent trip east was jammed with synchronicities. She was kind enough to write … Continue reading

Posted in travel, word play | 10 Comments

More and Better

MORE AND HIS BUDDY BETTER This story comes from a young woman in NYC, who is applying to graduate programs to pursue her master’s in fine arts. +++I was writing my MFA admission material and in my story I had … Continue reading

Posted in birds, word play | 6 Comments