Can we predict the future?

When Carl Jung coined the word synchronicity to define meaningful coincidence,  he used a wide-angle lens, so to speak, encompassing many aspects of psi phenomena in his definition. In a sense, telepathy and precognition and other ‘sixth sense’ abilities are subsets of synchronicity.

But when we explore precognition, we encounter another question that seems to lie on the border of synchronicity. That is, predestination. In a post that appeared on May 24, Trish explored the question of predestination vs. free will. A few days later, we received an incisive and thoughtful comment on the topic from Australian futurist and intuitive counselor Marcus Anthony, who explores these matters in his books and on his blog.

Since many readers probably missed Marcus’s comment, we decided to put it up as a post.  Marcus not only talks in theoretical terms, but also details  specific examples from his work. One thing that struck me as particularly notable is that Marcus contends that the outcome of sporting events are largely predetermined weeks, in not months, before the players take the field.

That’s quite an astonishing idea, especially since skeptics often dismiss precognition on the basis that if it were true,  psychics could accurately predict the results of horse races, football and baseball games, and other sporting events. Marcus tells us that he has done just that.

Here are his comments.

“There is definitely at least some degree of predestination, though I am undecided exactly how much. I work with spiritual energy quite a bit, so I can sense things about the future in various ways. I don’t predict the future though – if people ask and I sense something , I just relate it as a “sense”, not an inevitability. I have often been given numerous hints and warnings about the future, and it seems to me these come from spirit guides. One I relate in my book Discover Your Soul Template was a vision about a visit to a beach, where I was told swimming was unsafe (the vision occured just before I got a phone call from a friend inviting me to the beach – in winter!). At the beach i made sure I didn’t venture out into deep water! There are numerous other cases I could mention. The point is, why would there be any need for spiritual guidance at all if there was no free will? If there was no choice?

“You can get a strong sense of possible futures through accessing intuitive feelings. For example I applied for a job at an Australian university two weeks ago, and two hours later as I was sitting on the subway train on the way home, I projected my feelings into the job and it felt absolutely 100% like an open doorway – like it was just meant to be. I have learned from personal experience that when intuitive feelings are that strong, they are always correct. I’ll let you know what happens with the job! Again, the point is, with so many possible variables with a job application – you can’t possibly know who else will apply or what the people at that workplace will think of your CV, or your interview performance (if you get one) – it suggests that that particular future has already been set.

“A few months ago I tested empirically whether intuitive feelings and visions were reliable by using them to predict outcome for a sporting event involving 13 games – the England’s cricket team’s tour of Australia. before each game I projected my feelings into the game, and used a light trance state to select the winner. I got 11/13 correct. What’s more, because I was investing an intention into the outcomes of games, I had numerous dreams about the outcomes of specific games. All turned out to be correct. During the recent cricket world cup, as an Australian i was hoping Australia would win, but right at the beginning of the month long tournament I had a vision that Australia would be eliminated at the quarter final stage, which turned out to be true. In one early game played against Pakistan (not a knock-out game), I had the strongest intuitive feeling that Australia would lose the game. I predicted Pakistan would win. At that point Australia had been undefeated at cricket games at the world cup for 12 years, so it was a big call. Yes, they lost.

“I now believe that sports events are predetermined many weeks or months before anyone steps onto the field or court. I thus also conclude that many – perhaps even all – of life’s events are determined well in advance of when they happen. Yet there is free will nonetheless. The more conscious you are of the “energy” that is unfolding from present to future, the more you can shift possible futures.”


I’m not convinced that the results of games are mostly predetermined. After all, if this concept became commonly accepted and people like Marcus could pinpoint the winner, there would be little motivation to play the game or race the horses. Yet, despite any predetermined victor, ultimately free will could still play a role. All it would take would be for a key player on the perceived winning team to drop out of the game at the last minute. Or maybe a referee makes a bad call and throws the game. Unless those factors are also predetermined, free will would still prevail.

As Marcus concludes, “The more conscious you are of the ‘energy’ that is unfolding from present to future, the more you can shift possible futures.” Hence, free will exists in spite of any perceived underlying patterns that suggests victory or defeat.

Complicated stuff. – R




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48 Responses to Can we predict the future?

  1. Wrong Myspace link in the previous comment, sorry.


    That is a forum, but only the first post really matters. I can’t agree more. It very much looks like my life philosophy. Still, it can often be very headache-inducing when you jump into a void, don’t quite understand what you are doing and expect that everything will be alright.

  3. Jennifer says:

    I think there’s a step between free will and predestination. I think some things are intended for you, BUT you ALSO have to consent to them happening. It’s the “offer you can’t refuse,” or “being complicit in your own destruction,” if you will. Things like callings, something you feel SO strongly yanked towards and can’t get out of your head. If you have a calling, you WILL have to cave into it someday, even if it takes you 50 years and you stall and stall, and it will pain you every second until you do. That, to me, is not quite predestination because technically you could say no… but the universe will conspire to make you say yes, and if your final answer is no (to the point where you can’t change your mind later, like say someone dies and you can’t do whatever any more), then you will suffer.

    I’ve been researching the concept of daimons, which as far as I can tell are that step between fate and free will. Very interesting stuff explaining that voice in your head and how it knows more than you do.

  4. Thanks for re-publishing this, Trish and Rob. My attitude is one of openness to this topic. One thing I have come to understand is that what appears to be absurd at one level of consciousness development becomes understood as genuine at a higher level. So the paradox of free will vs predestination may make more sense at a different level. One of my friends, mystic Gary Weber is adamant that everything is predetermined. But my other mystic teacher Leonard Jacobson believes that free will is central to human consciousness evolution. I’m more inclined to think the latter.

    As for the job I mentioned, the university has indeed offered me work, but not exactly as I expected. They want to do some “collaborative” work with me, which appears to be online teaching and research. But the details are not clear, and they are going to email me that info in a week or two. So I was both wrong, and right. They didn’t give me the actual position I applied for, but something rather different. It seems they will tailor something specifically related to my idea of Deep Futures, which is probably even better than a full-time job, often doing what someone else wants you to do.
    That’s probably why I kept getting mixed signals after the interview, when I tried to tap into the energy of it. In fact I had a vision immediately after the interview where the interview panel chair said he didn’t want to employ me. But when I channeled the psyches of other interview panel members, I got fairly positive results. One panel member seemed excited by my ideas, but said “Sorry, it’s not in my hands, and indicated towards the more senior panel members. Later I was told via email that I would not get offered one of the main jobs, but that they found my approach “very interesting.” So it seems they were divided.

    At any rate, the adjunct work is probably a lot better for me anyway, as it gives me great flexibility in terms of location. It may open other doors as well. So I can’t complain, as the result is a positive one, all things being considered.
    Back to the idea of seeing the future, I have lots of premonitions that come true. Here’s an interesting one involving a newspaper headline I saw a month before it came true (this taken from my blog).

    “…on a somewhat related note, I had a vision a month ago. I saw a newspaper headline which said “Katich sacked.” Simon Katich is a very good Australian cricketer. He has been Australia’s most consistent batsman over the last year. Interestingly as I looked at the headline, the name “Katich” kept morphing into “Hilditch” – the surname of the Chairman of the selection committee of the Australian cricket team. When I awoke from the dream, I felt both these guys were going to get the axe. Then two days ago I opened a newspaper to see that Simon Katich has indeed been dropped from the team. It has created a media storm in Australia and internationally in cricket circles. Many are incensed that one of Australia’s best performing cricketers has been fired. Some are calling for heads to roll – especially that of the Chairman of Selectors, Andrew Hilditch. It will be interesting to see if he gets the chop next…”

    • R and T says:

      Marcus, maybe both of your teachers are correct. As long as you don’t know what it is that’s predetermined, then it could be said that in the larger picture your choice of actions or inaction is exactly what was predetermined. In essence, what you’re choosing now has already happened if you look at time as non-linear. So as long as we’re ‘stuck’ in linear time, we appear to be acting on our free will.

      Was I predestined to write the above? Maybe. But it seemed to me like it was my choice to do so, since I considered not saying anything. – R

  5. mathaddict3322 says:

    Gotcha, Trish, and understood. We just look at this issue from different perspectives. No harm, no foul, and lots of super information traded here today! Nats, hang in. I went to the hair salon today for the first time since my surgery, and you wouldn’t believe how many folks are having unusual family situations cropping up needing resolutions. Mine will be coming all summer into the fall, because the born-agains will be making their annual treks to the beach week to week to week, and then there’s the huge family wedding on Oct 1st in the mountains which will take us THERE. My sons, their wives, their children and I are the odd ones out, spiritually, but have all made a joint decision that it’s past time for us to be who and what we are. So hang in, girl. The tide will turn. Never give up, and stand your ground. You have a lot of support and a lot of friends who care!

  6. Natalie says:

    Here’s one to toss in, and it’s a goodun.
    Recently, I felt ‘compelled’ to tell my in- law family how my SIL’s actions have hurt me for the past six years and set a boundary in place. Mark said it would be a disaster, as they were not evolved enough to be compassionate towards me, and he was right. However, I felt heavily guided …pushed almost, to do it, and I did.
    In the physical, things are really grim for me right now. They all hate me and do not understand me at all. I have no support from my own family either, and I have been teeter tottering on a tightrope of whether to stay here in the physical or go ‘home’. On the surface it all looks really bad for me, and one could also say that there ‘must be something wrong with her’ to have all this turmoil around me. BUT:
    My guides keep assuring me that I have done the right thing,and that all will be well if I can just hang in there. I have drawn the ‘stand your ground’ and ‘boundaries’ oracle cards at least 20 time in a row. Even that was not enough to convince me to stay, so I followed Trish’s advice one day and checked out Susan Miller’s astrology site.
    I looked to see how the eclipses might be affecting me, and was totally gobsmacked. For Librans, it was predicted that an event around a sister would be prevalent.
    I don’t have a sister of my own, only sisters-in law. It also said that whatever I set in motion around the end of June 1992, would come to an end on July 1 eclipse, and that a new career path would be born. I fell pregnant with my eldest child on June 26 1992
    (exactly 19 years ago today in Australia) and kicked off my mothering career. So it tells me that I am now ready for the ‘next bit’ career wise, and had to get rid of all external influences that most certainly would have hindered my success.
    The other interesting point to note is that when I first met SIL, she hated me on sight and I ‘knew ‘in my heart that I had somehow chosen to be the catalyst for growth for my in-law family. We had tried to suppress me for 6 years, but I was ‘pushed’ into action recently by my guides. I believe I had contracted with SIL before I came here to do this task in order to raise the level of consciousness of Hub’s family.

    As an aside, when I met Hub for the first time, the angels literally sang and we both knew who each other was in an instant. If it weren’t for him , I would not survive here the way things are at the moment. I only have a few days until the eclipse sends me towards my next assignment. 🙂

    • R and T says:

      Nat, you have support in many other place s- with hub, with your blogging friends, your guides, your clients. If Susan Miller says the July 1 eclipse is the next career step, then believe her. Even though she’s doing solar house astrology – where your sun sign goes on the ascendant, so the houses aren’t correct (unless your natal sun and ascendant are the same sign), I’ve found her to be uncannily accurate. Sometimes you just have to go with your gut – or your guides – and let it all shake out. Looking forward to seeing what your next “assignment” will be!

      • Natalie says:

        Thank you, Trish.♥
        Susan is uncanny, she really is! I suppose it doesn’t really matter how she gets it, just that she does.
        Ditto for SIL. 🙂

        • R and T says:

          Ditto for SIL. Suspect that girl will be walking over hot coals for awhile.

          • Darren B says:

            Re :
            “I have been teeter tottering on a tightrope of whether to stay here in the physical or go ‘home’.”
            I hope that’s not a euphemism for suicide ?
            Because having been there myself about 26 years ago,and I don’t mean thinking about it,I mean doing it (although obviously failing)…I don’t think it’s such a good idea.
            It’s a bit like jumping off the top of a roller coaster,because you are frightened of the ride…sometimes it’s better just to see how the ride pans out…because the ride is usually only perceived as scary because of the thoughts you are generating inside your own head rather than the ride itself…some of the best advice you will ever hear in your life is,
            “Live your life one day at a time”
            Home will always be there,but this life won’t.
            Usually…but not always,those pesky guides will step in and mess up your foolproof plans anyway.
            Read Paulo Coelho’s “Veronica Decides to Die” for a very good insight into this situation.
            He writes from experience…like I do (except only better.-)
            Go rent some funny movies and try to have a laugh…remember,
            “LIfe’s a bucket of s#!+ ,when you think of it…”

        • R and T says:

          My sister was married to a jerk…my (now) ex-brother in law. I can sympathize, Nat. But if you let these people really get under your skin, then they’ve won.

  7. mathaddict3322 says:

    We agree to friendly disagreement on this one. I can find no point in exercising free will unless that free will is making a choice or a decision. In the Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus, “Predetermine is defined as: “determine or decree beforehand; predestine; prearrange; predestinate; ordain.” It then states: “see predestination”.
    What are we doing, Trish, when we exercise our free will? We are making a choice or a decision that is setting a plan in motion that will manifest. We may change our minds, once again exercising free will and making a different choice or decision, but without having made choices and decisons via our free will, there would be nothing in front of us. Life would be stasis. If you and Rob and Megan had not decided to go to Costa Rica, using your free will to make that decision prior to the trip, you would not have gone. Therefore your trip to CR was “predestined” by your free will. You could have cancelleded the trip at the last minute, and that would have merely changed the
    destiny. A genuine clairvoyant would have been able to tap into the future and have been able to perceive that you would take the trip, or not. For me, and this will be my final comment on this matter because we could debate it forever, is that when we exercise our free will, whether we are in or out of a body, we set in motion acts of destiny, or future events. If we are in the car going to the store and decide to go to Walmart instead of Kmart, that is free will, and the store is the end result, or destiny, determined by your free will. For me, this is as simple as 1 2 3. Great discussion here….have a wonderful weekend! 🙂

    • R and T says:

      Math – I think we have a challenge here with semantics. Your use of free will/predestination is more about cause and effect. Because we made a choice to go to costa rica didn’t “predestine” the trip. There were any number of things that could’ve gone wrong that would have prevented us from getting there. A flat tire. Getting lost on the way to the airport. A long security line. When I think of free will and predestination, I’m thinking of big SOUL issues, not trips, not what I eat for breakfast, not whether or not I read the morning newspaper. Just because I subscribe to a newspaper doesn’t predestine that I’ll read it every morning. Just because I buy grapefruit, doesn’t mean I’ll eat one every day. That’s the minutia of daily life, not a SOUL issue. So when I talk about free will, it’s addressing the world/reality beneath all that. Who do you marry? Who is your child? What is your career? Where do you live? Why do you have the parents you do, why were you born into the family you have? You see what I mean?

  8. mathaddict3322 says:

    I can’t agree. If a person makes a decision or choice, using free will, that decision sets in motion and dictates a pre-determined effect. For example, a man is offered a position with a company and he accepts that position. By exercising his free will (cause) to choose to accept the position, he has PREDESTINED the (effect) of the cause, the position which was his free will to accept. Again, I perceive free will and predestination to be aspects of the same function. One cannot exist without the other or there would be no such thing as past, present, future, and perhaps in reality there is not except through our linear perceptions of Time when we are incarnate. Another example: A couple plans to have a baby, they conceive the baby, the baby is born. This series of events is an act of the free will of the parents that results in predestining the birth of their child. Again, cause and effect…inseparable aspects of the same function. In my opinion, with solid criteria established to support the hypothesis. However, differences of opinion make the world a much more fascinating place!

    • R and T says:

      I don’t see the world in such black and white terms.
      “A couple plans to have a baby, they conceive the baby, the baby is born. This series of events is an act of the free will of the parents that results in predestining the birth of their child.”
      That’s cause and effect. Something quite different from free will versus predestination.
      Astrologers have been arguing about this very thing for centuries. So have Christians. To me, they are polar opposites.

    • There are two ways of limiting one’s free will. You can either follow the herd with its habits and politics or CHOOSE to live on a daily basis according to collective unconscious/synchronicity/some kind of predestination. It indeed looks like a lack of freedom along the way from the point of view of the ego.

  9. mathaddict3322 says:

    “Is it predestination or did the dreamer simply tap into the future?” Please explain the difference to me. If the future wasn’t already there for the dreamer to tap into, how did the dreamer tap into it? Please know I am in no way being argumentative. This is a profound area in which I’ve spent the better part of my adult life, so the intellectual and spiritual ideas and thoughts of all of you are most interesting for me, and I appreciate the sharing. However, mathematics doesn’t lie. 2+2=4 in any language on this planet. I’m hoping that before I transition, I will have an acceptable, reasonable, logical answer regarding WHY I was guided to the Death Factor Equation material, and what purpose it may serve. That it is accurate, is proven and undeniable as much as I wish it weren’t. And it raises such a litany of questions and dilemmas that elude explanations, on such a multiplicity of levels, that I have no choice but to continue to search and to remain open. In a previous post, I shared an experience from a reading I did several years ago for a woman. As a medium, I work in trance, and my Source is discarnates. It has been my rule to never, ever predict death. But in this situation, my Helpers insisted that I tell the woman for whom the reading was being given that her (young and healthy) husband would have a massive stroke at very specific month and time in the future, be admitted to a very specific nursing home, and would pass at a very specific time. I argued vehemently. silently, with my Sources against giving my client this prediction of death. They insisted, and I relented and gave the client the information, which was taped. She phoned me later to tell me that she had planned suicide that very night because she could no longer tolerate her marital circumstances, and the information about her husband’s demise had given her hope for the future, and she didn’t commit suicide. Obviously the Invisible Helpers knew what she was planning, and they intervened by letting her know that she was coming to the end of a disastrous marriage to a brutal husband. Every detail of the prediction came true. Every single detail. If it wasn’t “out there”, how did Spirit know it?? The title of this post is “Can we predict the future?” In my experience, the answer is yes. The HOWS and WHYS and WHAT FORS are something we may never be allowed to know while we are in physical bodies.

    • R and T says:

      To me, math, time is a vast flowing river. Our perceptions divide it into past, present, future. So the future, like the past, is always there, accessible to us.
      I feel free will operates always – before we’re born, while we’re in physical bodies, and after death. To speak of free will and predestination as synonymous is a contradiction.
      They aren’t synonymous. They’re polar opposites.

      In astrology, there are certain configurations that indicate death is possible, but again, it’s up to the individual to make that choice. It’s as if the chart is saying, If you want
      to leave, here’s your opportunity. If you don’t want to, that’s okay, too, you’ll have other opportunities. And perhaps there are probabilities where we DO die, but also probabilities
      where we don’t.

  10. "whoot" says:

    how the hell could we possibly create it if we couldn’t VISUALIZE it…..

  11. mathaddict3322 says:

    P.S. Trish, you asked, “if we have no free will when we’re alive, then what’s the point of being here to learn?” Perhaps just a small portion of the answer to that huge question may be that when we are doing our past life reviews on the Other Side, prior to reincarnating, and using those reviews to decide via our free will what we need to learn, ie, what courses to take, what classes to choose, we select the curriculum there that we will follow here. Then when we are here, we again use our free will to make choices and decisions when we encounter those lessons….how to respond, what to do with the experience. Just as some students fail, or make As, Bs, Cs, Ds, or Fs in certain classes, perhaps we do the same, depending upon the choices we make once here. Making decisions before we are born doesn’t necessarily preclude making choices and decisions when we are here, if in fact free will is active on all levels of our Being/Consciousness.

  12. I don’t think that results are predetermined as this would mean the same for all of life.

    In saying this I have dreamt the winners of two horse races – even though I know nothing about horse racing and do not gamble. I did a small post on this here. But both of the winners had links to myself via their names, so some would say, ‘Just a coincidence.’

    I believe though that it is possible to see into the future as time isn’t as most people imagine. But I don’t feel anything is predetermined. There are paths and possibilities but we also have choices on an individual, family, country, race, etc basis.

  13. mathaddict3322 says:

    If you read down in my comments, you will find: “The bottom line is that free will is at our disposal at all times and in all circumstances”. Decades ago, while working with the frequencies (in numbers) of my deceased dad, I was stunned by a particular phenomenon. I “stumbled upon” that curious phenomenon which sent me in search of whether or not the phenomenon was a constant or a coincidence. Although I have penned a voluminous manuscript of the results of this search, I will never publish it and I don’t know WHY it was given to me, because certainly it was given to me from a Higher Source for some unknown purpose or reason. I will say at this point that the phenomenon is a mathematical equation, a rather simple one, that demonstrates unequivocably that the age in years at time of death is inherent in the numbers of an individual. Not only the AGE IN YEARS at time of death, but the CAUSE OF DEATH is inherent in the numbers. More detail than that I cannot conscientiously offer because of the negative impact such a revelation can entail. However, this I can and will state with absolute integrity and truth: Over almost three decades, I have walked through cemeteries all over this country, have contacted life insurance companies, have used encyclopedic facilities, have spent more hours than I’d have believed possible in university libraries, have sought the wisdom of various religious leaders including a Rabbi, because the equation appears (encoded) in the Hebrew Holy Book, have accessed countless sources in an effort to find test cases. It was my intent to DISPROVE this mathematical phenomenon, this equation, because I didn’t want to accept it. However, over these three decades I accumulated in excess of seven thousand test cases, people from all walks of life, military personnel, children, presidents, ordinary folks of all ages and all areas of life. In every case, EVERY CASE, except two, the equation held. The two exceptions are John F. Kennedy, Sr., and Elvis Presley. So, do these two exceptions prove the equation is not a mathematical constant? I’ve wracked my brain over this. I DID find the death factor equation in the numbers of Kennedy and Presley, but it wasn’t the age that they “apparently” died. What does this discrepancy mean?? I can only speculate. And, I continue to perform test cases in my effort to disprove the equation. A compelling aside is that two of my test cases were performed when JFK, Jr., and his wife died in the plane crash. Both these cases were absolutes in both time and cause of death appearing in their numbers, as were all the other 7000+ test cases excepting JFK, Sr., and Presley. This lifelong work has by necessity altered my views of the way our lives operate and the planning that is involved. Perhaps it is only these three things: the circumstances of our birth, ie, time, place, parents: the cause of our death; and the time of our death; that are predestined or predetermined before we are born. I’m not dogmatic about any event of pre-determination beyond those of cause of death and time of death, and there can be no question that they are set in place prior to birth, or they would not be inherent in the frequencies that are represented by the numbers of each individual, and to my dismay, they are. While visiting recently with a man who is both an atheist and an agnostic, who holds doctorates in several areas of study, (he is an M.D., a PhD several times over, an astrophysicist, an aeronautical engineer, and the inventor of multiple medical devices including some used by NASA), I presented my work to this man who was my teacher and mentor in my professional medical career. I put a manuscript into his hands that is almost ten inches thick, knowing he could skim it for errors and find them immediately. He couldn’t fault the work. He couldn’t fault the math. He couldn’t fault the equation. He just had no explanation for its accuracy except that, being the atheist/agnostic he is who believes that the death of the body is THE END, he couldn’t EXPLAIN it. I remain open to many schools of thought and to many philosophies, and to the adage that all things are possible. And I continue to attempt, not to prove the validity of this equation, but to disprove it.

  14. Darren B says:

    “I’m not convinced that the results of games are mostly predetermined”.
    Rob,I used to think like that too,but I was running a lotto syndicate at my work years ago and one of the ladies asked me “do you think you can dream the lotto numbers?”.I asked why and she told me that her husband had dreamed them but could only remember the first three numbers.I said did they win? She said no,because they are for this Saturday’s draw,but he strongly feels that his dream was right.I said do you mind if I could have a copy of the numbers,so I can see if they come up? She said sure,because it’s not as if you can win anything with just three numbers.
    She gave me the numbers and said,this is how he wrote them down.I put them aside and nearly forgot them.Then I went to check the syndicate numbers,and saw the scrap piece of paper with the numbers on it.Those numbers her husband had written down had come out in the exact order as they came out in the draw…and they were the first numbers out.
    So going by that,I would have to say that there is predestination involved,but just how much, is the question?

    • R and T says:

      Is it predestination or did the dreamer simply tap into the future?

      • Darren B says:

        I have no idea what to make of it.All I know is that her husband dreamed the numbers.She gave me the numbers and I watched them come up in the draw that he said the numbers would come up in.
        All I know is that his dream was right.It was the most prophetic dream that I have ever witnessed in my life.
        It totally freaked me out that a dream could be right on the money…except in his case he couldn’t remember the other three numbers…so no money for him.-)
        A lesson to always keep a pencil and notebook on the beside table.I do,but I have not dreamed of winning lotto numbers in my life…but here’s hoping.

  15. mathaddict3322 says:

    If I may, allow me to offer the postulation that predestination does not in any manner preclude or contradict or deny the existence of free will, but instead supports it. Predestination could very well be, and probably is, an effect of the cause of free will.

    My work with numbers, which is vast and encompasses an array of individual and global, or group, experiences and events, has proven to me with mathematically accurate constants that the future is “set” in place prior to the birth of a soul into its body.

    Each soul has free will intact and active whether it is in a physical vehicle or whether it is in its unencumbered state of being, and according to the mathematical workings that I’ve spent my life studying, free will determines experience and much has been decided prior to incarnation, when the soul is designing its blueprint for the upcoming lifetime.

    That blueprint is more than a “pattern”. It is more than influences. It involves a highly complex mathematical matrix that is created prior to birth and is in place when the soul enters this world as a physical entity. It appears that certain incidents and events are etched in stone before we are born and are going to occur, and that certain events and experiences are penciled into the program and will be subject to choice when the experience occurs during the soul’s journey in the body. Even many of our responses to experiences are pre-determined.

    Free will and predestination seem to be aspects of the same function. Our experiences are present in our frequencies and can be extracted and understood when one is familiar with the mathematical cryptograph. Our lives from birth to death are visible in the frequencies that are represented by our numbers, which are present at birth, and even in the hundreds of thousands of cases of adoption and other name changes such as in marriage, etc., etc, the frequencies are apparent.

    That this is a fact doesn’t eliminate free will. It simply indicates that the soul has exercised its free will PRIOR to birth and has set certain experiences and events in place at that time. If this were not the case, the events and incidents would not appear as they do in the coded numerical matrix of the individual.

    I can discern no argument between the non-existence or existence of spirit guides relative to this debate between free will and predestination. Our Other Worldly Helpers generally know what our souls have planned, and the more evolved the Helper, the less likely it will be to instruct but instead will guide.

    The word “Guide” here is objectively essential. Because our Helpers are aware of the choices made by our free will prior to birth, they are in a position of being able to assist us as we move through these experiences and events. A highly evolved spirit helper, (in my own life as a medium interacting with discarnates), seems to never give orders or instructions, but rather offers “guidance”, which we may or not follow, and which doesn’t alter the dynamics of the experience itself but rather can determine how we RESPOND and REACT to the experience, which is an act of free will occurring when we are incarnate.

    The bottom line is that free will is at our disposal at all times and in all circumstances, and that free will PRE-determines and sets in place the experiences of our lives prior to birth. Also, that our Higher Self and our Other Worldly Helpers are aware of the blueprint and assist us with the journey through these experiences.

    One might ask the question: do we have the option, via ever-present free will, to CHANGE something that we have designed into the blueprint? Are there certain events that we may avoid even though they were woven by us, via free will, into the design during the planning stages prior to birth?

    My work indicates that on occasion we may delay choosing the manner in which we might respond to the experiences in the design, waiting until it happens to make that decision or choice, but that the experiences WILL occur. Again, for me, there is no dissenting factor between predestination and free will, but that predestination is the effect of the cause of free will.

    • R and T says:

      If we don’t have any free will while we’re alive, then what’s the point of being here to learn? It seems to be that part of what we learn when we come here is how to make intelligent choices. If you look at astrology – specifically a birth chart – you see a blueprint of potential. The soul chooses the time, place, and circumstances of its birth. It chooses its parents. That’s the natal chart potential. Planets and their placements and signs are also frequencies, archetypes. Whether we act on that potential is where the free will comes up. In the thousands of natal charts I’ve don I’ve done thousands of natal charts I’ve done there seems to be only one factor that may be predetermined – the Vertex. This is a point in a chart that speaks to an agreement we made before we were born. We agree, according to the vertex, to meet someone or to have some type of experience. But even with the vertex, free will is still operative. We might reach the point of that agreement – and choose not to carry out the appointment. This is also where I think the many world theory comes in…for every choice we don’t make, there is some part of us that experiences that road not taken.

      If whatever it contained within the vertex isn’t experienced in this life, then we probably have to deal with it in another life. But maybe not. It could be that whatever was supposed to be learned through an encounter or experience is learned in some other way. I think there’s greater latitude and freedom that we imagine.

      • Lauren Raine says:

        Wow! I’m not really an abstract thinker, more of a storyteller, but I never heard of this term “vertex”. Yet I have to add to my story above that about a year after I began my new life in California, I serendipitously went to a talk given by a ritualist and film maker I had heard of, but knew nothing really about.

        I walked into a room with a circle of about 35 chairs, saw a man in the corner sitting with a woman, and from that moment, there was no one else in the room for me……….it was literally a feeling like “I’ve been looking for you all my life”. It turned out that he was staging a play and needed a mask – he felt just as strange, I could tell, when I handed him my card for my mask business.

        We worked together for two years, but the energy between us was so intense, and ambivilent, that I ended up leaving California. But the creative energy the experience gave me was extraordinary, and not a day really goes by that I don’t think of him. It was the strangest experience of my life.

        • R and T says:

          That’s an intense story, Lauren. I felt the same way when I met rob for the first time. He came to the school where I was teaching English to Cuban refugees. He was a reporter. The second I saw him, I knew everything in my life was about to change and
          that we would eventually get married. There was at least one other point in my life when I feel we could have met – we were both traveling through Europe the same summer and later narrowed down the time frame to our both being in Edinburgh the same week.
          We could’ve passed each other on an Edinburgh street.

      • D Page says:

        In Uranian astrology, using the 90 degree dial, there are “event trees”. Sometimes the event tree will contain the word “fated”. These are things that are serious business for the soul, like the Vertex. They have to be faced. You have free will as to how you deal with it. Most events are not of the “fated” variety in the Uranian chart.

  16. Lauren Raine says:

    I really enjoyed this post – thanks to you and to Marcus! I’ve known many psychics, as I am a tarot reader myself, and some are amazingly correct when it comes to psychological issues that are relevant in the here and now, but only once have I encountered a situation that was truly precognitive. I think Marcus comment “The more conscious you are of the ‘energy’ that is unfolding from present to future, the more you can shift possible futures.” rings true. In looking back, I had an openess, emotional intensity, and a kind of faith that made it possible.

    I went to a shamanic practitioner (he was also an energy healer and herbalist) I had heard of for a “soul retrieval”, as I was going through a divorce at the time, and very open to everything. He was very business-like, and without knowing anything about me, set up his drums and we tranced together. At the end of the session he “blew” “soul fragments” back into my body, and we talked about what he “saw”. We talked about cutting the cords from my ex-husband, and my former community (I had moved away). He concluded the session by telling me that “you’ll know it’s all over when you see a magenta flower that looks like a cosmos, and a terra cotta angel.”

    8 months later, I had crossed the country with all my possessions, and my cat, in my van, determined to move back to Berkeley, California and start a new life. I decided I’d sleep in the van if necessary until I found somewhere to move, and began my adventure as soon as I arrived with a visit to a coffee house I last visited 20 years ago. Almost immediately I was greeted by a long ago friend who recognized me (!), bought me a cup of coffee, and offered me a place to stay. I didn’t have to spend a single night in my van, and when I walked into his living room there was a huge photograph of a magenta cosmos flower!

    A few months after that, I answered an ad for a roomate, and walked into a house with an altar – in the center was a terra cotta angel. Judy was one of the founding members of Reclaiming, and a colleague of my “heroine”, Starhawk, whose writings were the foundation of my MFA thesis! Needless to say, just like that, my new life began, and I ended up working with the very people I most wanted to work with, never having had to even try! The shaman was right in his prediction.

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