Category Archives: Marcus Anthony

Looking Inward with Marcus Anthony

Here’s an interview with futurist Marcus Anthony, Phd, author of Discover Your Soul Template. An Australian who lives in Hong Kong, Marcus talks about his life and how he came to write his spiritual self-help tome. He notes that his new book diverges substantially … Continue reading

Posted in Marcus Anthony, synchronicity | 15 Comments

When the Impossible Happens…

An editor once told us that she was wary of books about synchronicity because most manuscripts on the subject that had come her way were dry and academic with many convoluted sentences peppered with academic parlance. Such books tend to … Continue reading

Posted in Joseph Campbell, Jung, Marcus Anthony | 28 Comments

Can we predict the future?

When Carl Jung coined the word synchronicity to define meaningful coincidence,  he used a wide-angle lens, so to speak, encompassing many aspects of psi phenomena in his definition. In a sense, telepathy and precognition and other ‘sixth sense’ abilities are … Continue reading

Posted in Marcus Anthony, prediction | 48 Comments

An Ausie in New Zealand

Here’s a story from Marcus Anthony, an Australian therapist-futurist, and author of The Sage of Synchronicity. His previous stories here, Jack the Ripper, and Bright Lights are two of my favorites. Now we learn more about Marcus’ past in this … Continue reading

Posted in Marcus Anthony, New Zealand, Sage of Synchronicity | 14 Comments