Oh, Brother!

Here’s a quite astonishing story of like attracting like, the law of attraction, and synchronicity. Enjoy.

Gary Nesbit was just the guy carrying the other end of the couch for deliveryman Randy Joubert. At least that was the case until the coworkers found out they were brothers. Both adopted at birth, the men made the discovery decades later while working side by side at the same furniture delivery company in Maine.

Nesbit has worked for the delivery company in Waldoboro for 7 years. Joubert joined the business in July. Joubert had been researching his family history after a state law allowing adopted children to obtain their birth certificates became effective Jan. 1. Joubert learned that both of his parents had died, but in their obituaries he found his parents had another son, born on June 10, 1974.

Customers routinely told the 30-something deliverymen they looked like brothers.
In August, when a customer again mentioned their resemblance, it clicked for Joubert, according to the Bangor Daily News.

He started asking Nesbit some personal questions. “As soon as he said his birthday I knew,” Joubert told Villagesoup.com. The two brothers, just a year apart, grew up in neighboring towns and attended rival schools. Finding each other nearly 35 years later was a shock to both men. “Phenomenal,” Nesbit said.

But the chance discovery didn’t end there. A teary-eyed woman showed up at the brother’s workplace on Thursday (Sept. 17) clutching a birth certificate.
She is their half-sister.

“I’m really awestruck,” Joanne Campbell, who was born to the same mother five and six years before the two men, told the Bangor Daily News. “After all of these years, here I am 41 and now I finally found my brothers.”

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13 Responses to Oh, Brother!

  1. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    hmmmm…..another mystery to unfold – 🙂

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I'm blocked on the sequel to my novel and am looking for clues that may be in these posts. Somewhere!
    – Trish

  3. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    thanks, trish –
    too funny, toumai 🙂
    but true…..

  4. Toumai says:

    Amazing story.

    … and checi happens!

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Oh – looky there. CHECK not checki! Jeez, I hate when that happens!

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    will checi out, gypsy!

  7. gypsywoman says:

    thanks trish – listen, i'm just always about BEGINNINGS anyway! that's the gypsy blood i guess – oh, and lest i forget, if you've not been over to my place – travel journal, i think is where i put it – a little tidbit from yesterday about the comment verifications on blogger – just a little something light!

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Good point, Gypsy!

  9. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    yes – happy endings and happy BEGINNINGS…as in this story for the brothers and sister!

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I love happy endings!

  11. lakeviewer says:

    Oh my, I'm in tears; what a beautiful story.

  12. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    goosebumps all over just reading this one – great great individual story – and so meaningful for us all – brothers and then a sister!!! how wonderful for them – you know, every once in a while these kinds of stories come about and they are always so movingly beautiful – one wonders how many others there are out there with family of whom they are unaware – it took the states which do allow for birth certificates to be made available to adoptees far too long to come about but better late than never – wonderful inspirational story, macgregors!

  13. Jeff says:

    Wow…that's a really cool story.

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