Animals as Spirit Messengers


Recently, I was listening to an Abraham/Hicks CD that was recorded during a workshop in Seattle. During these conferences, people in the audience are called upon to occupy the “hot seat,” where they can interact one-on-one with Abraham, the consortium of spirits that Esther Hicks channels. At this conference, a young man who was an animal lover was called first.

The story he told is a mind-blowing instance of spirit contact. The man’s father had recently died and he’d gone to his father’s grave to pay his respects. While he was standing there, he felt something wet and warm on the back of his leg and looked back. A small black poodle sat there, staring up at him. The man petted and talked to the dog and wondered where the owner was.

Just then, a woman’s voice called out, “Augie, Augie, where are you?”

Surprise and awe tore through the man. His father’s name was Augie. He and the woman talked for a few minutes. She was at the cemetery, visiting the grave of her son, who had died several weeks earlier, on the same day as the man’s father.

Fast forward ten years. The man and a friend were in a sidewalk café and a black poodle came up to him. “Wouldn’t it be weird if this dog’s name is Augie?” he said to his friend, and reached down to look at the dog’s tag. The name on the tag was Junior – his father’s nickname.

Now, seriously, what are the odds of both of these instances, ten years apart? Black poodles both times whose names related to the man’s deceased father.

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2 Responses to Animals as Spirit Messengers

  1. DJan says:

    It’s a wonderful story. I’m still waiting to receive that book from the library but am looking forward to it (about a dog’s purpose). 🙂

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