Two of the amendments on the Florida ballot are important. One is about solar power and is worded in such a way that it’s deceptive. FPL and the corporate greedy guys wrote it so that it sounded like yes, yes, vote yes! But it’s actually an amendment that penalizes people who opt for solar panels, in a state where the sun shines almost daily. Unfortunately, when we voted by mail, there wasn’t much info about this amendment and we voted yes,. That’s how cleverly this amendment is written. Vote NO if you live in this state. We have since told everyone we know what this amendment is really about.
The other amendment concerns the medical marijuana law. This amendment was also on the 2012 ballot and lost. Even though it won by more than 50 percent in that year, it required 60 percent and didn’t make it. But this year, maybe. And my sense is that if it makes it onto the balltot, then on November 9, clinics are going to be inundated by patients seeking relief from insomnia, stress, and anxiety over this election.
Those on the losing side will be so ticked off they’ll need weed to calm their nerves.
If I had understood the benefits of weed for Parkinson’s patients when my dad was alive and living with us, I would have had him smoking this stuff daily.
As a woman who grew up during the 60s, I already understand the benefits of weed for spurring creativity, for accessing other dimensions of reality, for being able to communicate with all the invisible realms that visionary Terrence McKenna wrote about in his books. Marijuana may enable us to communicate with other realms – inner and outer – in ways that help us to redefine who we are, where we are, and where we are headed as a species, a collective.
It doesn’t belong in the same class of drugs as heroine. It’s benign and induces a sleepy introverted state that doesn’t even approach a drug like ambien, prescribed for sleep deprived individuals, who often end up doing things they don’t recall, like driving cars. That doesn’t happen with weed.
Vote yes on this amendment. Let’s join the rest of the rest of the world on this.
I’m so glad I found your blog and books by randomly clicking on a IAMA Reddit thread about Rob writing the Indiana Jones books. I read the entire thread and bought Aliens in the Backyard the next day. I soon discovered your blog and it always brings me a comforting feeling knowing I’m not alone in my beliefs. It’s late and I just wanted to say thanks guys for all you contribute.
Thanks for stopping by, Rydia! If you have any synchros to share, send them!
I apologize for going off topic. Have been forced by infection in left eye to put my books away, so I’m closing eyes and listening to TV stuff. How did we get to a point where we must choose between a corrupt lying TRAITOR (Clinton, of course, and there was a time when traitors were hung by the neck until dead), and a corrupt self-appointed ‘god’ ? I will be glad when Wednesday comes and pray that there won’t be any kind of dreaded attacks anywhere in the states, cyber or otherwise. Peace, everyone.
Trump is a lot more than a corrupted self-appointed god. He’s a racist, hates women, is a bully, makes fun of the handicapped, has questionable business practices, and would alienate every other nation on the face of the planet. Clinton has her issues, too, but given the choice between the 2, there’s no question. We voted for her. A third party vote or no vote is a vote for trump.
I am currently straddling the threshold between late Stage 3 and early Stage 4
Parkinson’s. It is a moment to moment challenge. I’ve never inhaled any type of tobacco or other “inhalants”, so never used marijuana. When my Mother suffered from head-to-toe metastatic lung cancer, I would have paid a ransom to buy it for her if I had known how to do that. I pray it becomes legal in Florida, and that at least one method will be via an oral tablet, etc. I’ll be first in line. Re the election, my conscience will not allow me to vote for either Clinton or Trump, so I’m sitting this one out. In my opinion, NEITHER candidate will serve America, and will take us deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole where nothing is what it seems. Again, in my opinion, both are pathological liars and corrupt. No matter which one wins, 2017 will find our beautiful country in chaos.
There’s a reason they want to keep it away from us. A ‘herb’ that actually works, whose benefits far outweigh any negatives, the impact on pharmaceutical companies would be astronomical. Can’t allow that now, can they!?!?
I’m proud to live in a state where I can buy recreational marijuana legally. And yes, this has been the most awful election, hasn’t it? I’m hanging in there but will be so glad when it’s over. We have the first ever carbon tax initiative on the ballot here in Washington state, and the oil industry is trying hard to get it defeated. It has a chance! 🙂
Yay for Washington state, Oregon, California, Colorado…. I bet the oil industry is going bonkers over that initiative. Hope it passes!
The electric monopoly here is doing its best to shut down solar accessibility as well. We have plenty of sun in Arizona.
I’ll be glad when this election is over, it’s been so very revealing of the split in the mind of America, and I’ ve been very disturbed to see Trump get where he has, what it reveals. I hope to celebrate the inaugeration of the first women president. If not, well, I hear Nova Scotia is a lovely place.
So is Costa Rica!