Radio Shows


Radio shows and podcasts are wonderful publicity venues for non-fiction books. And they’re fun to do!  Until this book was published, I’d never done radio for astrology before and was admittedly nervous about it. Astrology is a complex subject.

The first show I did was with Dia Nunez on H20 Network. Rob and I had done her show before, she’s knowledgeable about astrology, and I figured I wouldn’t be as uneasy doing a show with her first. We scheduled it for the day after Mercury turned direct, September 23, and she videotaped and recorded it through an app. The show went great – but the video didn’t work! The Mercury retro trickster was still with us. We decided to try again at a later date.

The next show I did was with John Capello, a psychic and medium who also knows quite a bit about astrology. I had sent John some possible topics to cover and one of them was about the upcoming election. I had to do some research for this; election astrology is not my strength. I wrote a post about it with a chart to illustrate why the Dems should be keeping the White House in this election. If that happens, the Repubs take it back in 2020.

John’s take as a medium is that we are in the midst of a paradigm shift. He also had some other fascinating insights about the evolution of our species.

The next show I did was with Donna Seebo, also a psychic and medium who is well versed in astrology and other paranormal topics.Here’s the link for her show.  Scroll down to show #666 (uh-oh!) and follow the directions. She’s a delight!

The most recent show was with Jim Harold, who is a lot of fun, open to everything paranormal, and sent me a link that’s easy to use!  Listen to my recent interview on The Paranormal Podcast with @THEJimHarold

On November 19, I’ll be doing a signing and teaching a workshop at the Cassadaga Bookstore and I’m really looking forward to it!  Cassadaga is one of my favorite spots, a Spiritualist community where nearly everyone talks to the dead.

What I’ve learned from these radio shows is that my unease about doing them was, well, just stage fright, I guess,  since I’d never done radio for astrology before. I also met some totally cool people  who are dedicated to bringing new ideas to a wider audience. Many thanks to all of you!

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2 Responses to Radio Shows

  1. Shadow says:

    Stage freight? I know ’bout that, and understand completely… But! Have a fabulous time on the 19th, you know your stuff *smiles*

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