Which Universe Will It Be?

PS Well, here we are. This is how Nazi Germany started. The Nazi movement was built on hatred,  that hatred took root, Hitler became a dictator, and the people who chilled about it – Jews, minorities – ended up in camps and more than 6 million of them were exterminated. This isn’t just an election; it’s a profound insight into the American psyche.  With everything Trump represents and the way the map is shaking out,  it looks as if the republicans control all 3 branches of government.

Fascism. After 8 years of W. Bush, Cheney, and  that gang, I don’t think I can live under this type of government. Costa Rica is looking like a more viable alternative.





Or Clintonlandia?


We’ll have a clearer picture (maybe) at 9 p.m. when the voting booths close on the east coast.


We’re going to make America great again. We’ll repeal Obamacare. The system is rigged. I know how to make a deal. We’ll build a wall. She’s fat, she’s ugly, all those women are lying. The Mexicans are  rapists, thieves, we’ll deport all 11 million of them. I was against the war in Iraq – but I love war.


He’s unfit to be president. I apologized for using a private server for those emails and wouldn’t do it again. I didn’t send any classified emails over my private server. We’ll raise the minimum wage, make college affordable to everyone. And, (borrowing from Bernie Sanders) Wealth can’t continue going to just the one percent.


We are presented with two distinct universes and paradigms, two candidates who have the lowest favorability ratings ever, and with two independent candidates who never even got a chance to participate in the debates.


It’s no secret that we were/are Bernie supporters. If he had been the Democratic candidate, Trump would have been choking on dust by now. But he was derailed by the Clinton machine in the primaries and here we are, folks.

On the radio shows I’ve been doing for the Biggest Book of Horoscopes Ever, everyone has asked: What’s your take on the election? So at the end of September I did a post on it. The Dems should hold the White House, but if they do, the Repubs take it back in 2020.

This election, like that of Obama in 2008, is part of a paradigm shift. But the direction of that shift is questionable until after election night.

For  those of you who feel it doesn’t matter who wins, who think these things are decided by the Illuminati or a cabal or whoever, consider this: politics infiltrates every area of your life. From the health choices you’re allowed to make to the foods you buy and eat, to the schools your kids attend to the way your bank deals with you money, elections matter.

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16 Responses to Which Universe Will It Be?

  1. Susan says:

    I’ve struggled with a deep, gut -wrenching sense of sorrow today that was comparable to the feeling I had the day I sat and watched the twin towers collapse before my eyes. Then I realized that today s 11-9 and found that to be eerie.

  2. lauren raine says:

    And if there is no hope for America, there is no real hope for our planet. Because we are truly a global humanity now. It’s not “just” about the rise of American fascism, and the loss of the innovation and generosity that was the country I was born into, but it is about the utter insanity of a president and Republican congress that refuses to even think about climate change. I am so frightened…………

  3. lauren raine says:

    Do you really think this is the mind of America now? I feel today there is no hope.

  4. lauren raine says:

    I cannot express the sadness and shock that I feel that the American people want a misogynist, vulgar man who has been charged with raping a 13 year old, who has committed tax evasion and unscrupulous fraud in his businesses and doesn’t even try to hide it, who “doesn’t believe in Climate Change”, who wants to cut back social security and get rid of the Department of Education, who wants to build the Great Wall of Mexico and is racist towards just about everyone who isn’t white, whose vice-president doesn’t believe women should have birth control, who uses the ploy of finding a scapegoat (just as Hitler did) to rouse the darkest emotions of the crowd………….I cannot express my sadness that this immoral man represents the mind of America now, the figurehead of our country, and our hope for the future of not only our piece of the planet, but all the planet.

    I am not sure we should talk of leaving, because if we care, it may be our duty to stay, and to counter the darkness that has fallen on what was such an innovative, and generous experiment in democracy. I pray for America now.

  5. c.j. says:

    I understand that this will sound false to many, but…..whenever I used to see photos of Barbara Bush, (Wubbya’s mother), often her face would shape-shift into the image of a reptilian and then quickly shift back to her false Earthly facade. It never failed to stun me because I wasn’t looking for it. I have a significant hypothesis that the entire Bush family is reptilian. Having experienced some undeniable encounters with those entities, I have no choice but to think the reptilian species is very much around us, well disguised, and is in positions of power within our communities, etc. Furthermore, I’m of the opinion that the reptilians is a “race” of aliens that is under the rulership of what we, as humans, would perceive as a matriarchal society. In other words, the equivalent of our females such as Queen Elizabeth who holds the reins across the water.

  6. c.j. says:

    Yep, I agree with you about Hillary, with the notation that, for me, she is the lesser of two evils BECAUSE she has spent the past thirty years in the political arena in multiple very serious positions, so she certainly knows the system inside and out. I just want to be able to give her my TRUST, which is a huge factor for me, and as yet, she hasn’t earned my trust. It’s my sincere prayer that she will do that, as time passes. This has been one heck of a roller-coaster ride for all of us, I think. As for Trump, I can’t stand to look at his face.

  7. c.j. says:

    I agree with Shadow, and contrarily, to a limited degree, with Trish and Rob, which indicates that I find myself in a very detestable space today. However, I DO believe that an individual’s political choices on elections reflect the individual who is casting the vote. At least, when I was young and innocent, I believed that. Now, no. In 2008 I supported and cast my vote for Obama, not without some reservations, but gee, his rhetoric was SOOOO perfect. SOOOO persuasive. Particularly following on the heels of the Bush reign. I did the same for Obama again, although even more reluctantly, in 2012. I have been sorely disappointed in this sitting president and won’t take time and space explaining WHY, except to remark that in my opinion Obama is and has always been a “Hollywood movie-star celebrity wannebe”, to the detriment of taking care of the business of this country for which he was elected. I, just me, personally, do not want a continuation of the past eight years , especially by a woman who ALREADY is expressing that same mind-set by surrounding herself with multiple high-profile celebrities, (several of whom are outright NASTY!), and taking them with her on her campaign trail, alongside the current president who SHOULD HAVE BEEN in Washington, attempting to bring solutions to the unprecedented horrors inundating us, instead of gallivanting all over the place singing and shouting the praises of HIS choice for his replacement. (Just for the record, I am not comparing Obama to ANY other POTUS. I am speaking ONLY of HIS neglect of his duties.) Contrarily, I do not want a president who obviously has the conviction that he, and he alone with no assistance from anyone, can run America in his Hitleresque fashion from his Godly throne on Mount Olympus. I want to see, and TRUST, a president who is putting his (or her) shoulder to the wheel and taking his (or her) position seriously….which means focusing on the dire issues facing the United States and who has the power and authority and WILLINGNESS to do his (or her) job, to carry out the responsibilities necessary to correct these formidable issues. I am not perceiving such a candidate in this election today. The woman is a corrupt lying traitor, and the man is a reincarnated Cave-Man. So what do we do? I find no redeeming qualities in either of them, and this is a first for me since I cast my first-ever vote for John Fitzgerald Kennedy eons ago. I can’t accept either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton as CEO of MY company, which is The United States of America….a once strong, powerful, and PROUD entity.

  8. lauren raine says:

    I already voted last week with mail in ballot, and I’m just going to assume that the majority of Americans are sane and ethical enough to not elect Trump, that this country is not about to be plunged into American fascism. I’m just going to assume that in a few days I’ll be drinking champagne in celebration of the first Woman President, just as I did 8 years ago when the first black President was elected, and I felt that this country reflected a just society.

  9. DJan says:

    I’m with her. Fingers crossed that the pundits are right, along with you. 🙂

  10. Shadow says:

    …these elections determine the future of our entire plant, every nation, all our futures, yet I fear voting won’t much sway the result already pre-determined.

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