Marches on January 21

women's march

Are you headed to one of the women’s marches all over the country on January 21? Men are welcome, too!

We’ll be at Trump Plaza in downtown West Palm Beach on Saturday. And no, contrary to what some fake news sites are reporting, these marchers aren’t being paid $2,500 to do this. Or if they are, we don’t know about it. No one has offered us a check for five grand.

Here’s Trump Plaza:


See you there!


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4 Responses to Marches on January 21

  1. Vicki DeLaurentis-momwithwings says:

    No I will be helping my daughter choose her wedding dress!

    I also work with a wonderful organization that includes a women’s shelter that I’m involved with. Both organizations are all about girls and women. It’s amazing to see the change in these women and then how it affects their children.

    Be safe at your March.

  2. DJan says:

    I’ll be at the Women’s March in Bellingham! I see that there are thousands scheduled all over the US and many in other countries, too. 🙂

  3. lauren raine says:

    I’ll be marching with my masks of the Goddess collection here in Arizona. This is so important, to let the world know that these vulgar, abusive, exploitative and oppressive men, led by you know who, will not be without resistance in their efforts to turn women’s, and human’s, and planetary right back by millenia. Thanks for marching!

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