My Way


The song for the first inaugural dance Friday evening featuring President Trump and Melania: My Way, by Frank Sinatra.The title seems appropriate for Trump’s style of leadership. However, take a look at the firstĀ  line of that song: ‘And now the end is near.’ Nancy Sinatra pointed out the apocalyptic lyric here.

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3 Responses to My Way

  1. c.j. says:

    I just mentioned in a brief email to the MacGregors that if my husband precedes me in death (unlikely), I will have the song MY WAY sung at his memorial Ceremony of Life, because that has been the theme of my spouse’s life. (I see this as a synchro!) That line “the end is near” disturbs me, because I also mentioned to the Macs that the PE symptoms that have had me bound for at least a week are continuing unabated. Whatever they are pre-empting has not yet manifested, and I am extremely restless, tossed and turned all night, unable to sleep, along with several other severe PE symptoms. They are disabling.

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