Backward-running Clocks

In the aftermath of the Oscars and accolades received by Brad Pitt and others involved in The Strange Case of Benjamin Button, a synchronicity arrived from Jim Banholzer related to clocks running backwards.

Jim has several synchronicities posted on the site, including:
Big League Omenand Children of the Universe.

Interestingly, when I mentioned the movie to Jim he wrote back that he hadn’t seen it and didn’t know it related to a backward moving clock. So that adds another level to Jim’s synchronicity, which follows:

Recently, through Facebook I made contact with an old elementary school classmate. We lived on the same street in Virginia and sometimes walked to school together. In 1968, her dad was kind enough to guide her brother and me to sell tickets door-to-door for the Boy Scout Exposition. At $1 apiece, I hawked over 100 tickets, for which the Exposition leaders gave me some prizes. The award I remember most was a state-of-the-art clock radio, by which I could set to wake me up with loud music. I thought this was cool.

In the pre-digital era, this clock had a relatively simple design: Every minute a little number would physically flip down, until the top of the hour, when the hour’s column flipped over. This radio clock woke me up diligently for 25 years, for paper routes, school and work, until January 1993 when it went haywire, the week before I left Virginia to move to Idaho. I tried fiddling with it for a few days, but never could figure out why it now ran backwards.
Finally, I gave up and threw the clock radio away. I owned better radios and if this clock didn’t work, the device was essentially useless. Plus I needed to pare down on possessions for the move. For me, the strange behavior of that clock was a metaphor marking the end of my Virginia years.

Now sixteen years later, after reading books like Michael Talbot’s Holographic Universe, I wonder if the behavior of the clock was sparked by unusually high level of electromagnetic energy, somehow related to the excitement of my Idaho move.
Or was its time just up?
* * *
I’m now reminded of another clock incident. For Christmas several years ago, a friend brought me a prank clock that ran counter-clockwise. I found the perfect place for it and that was on the basement wall at work, where the newspaper employees had to come in once a week to label papers, then bundle them for mail. It was bad enough that they had to come in so early, and frequently some would arrive tardy. Eventually there were so many no-shows and tardies that our publisher decreed that if workers arrived late, they should be punished by losing some of their vacation time.

If they were cutting their arrival time close, most would look at the clock when coming in from the dark. They were supposed to be there at six sharp and if they arrived at 5:55 and looked at the clock, at first glance, it appeared to be 6:05. Many thought they had arrived late, which gave the other co-workers a slight reason to chuckle. This clock tripped quite a few people over the years.

When I abruptly quit my job, I left behind a number of possessions and tools at the workplace, included the backwards running clock. The friend who bought me the clock occasionally did some consulting work for the newspaper and one day rescued the clock for me. He came over, sat it on my table and said, “Hey, isn’t this your time?”

I now have that clock kept in our greenhouse, filled with several other backwards thinking devices and contrarian type books.
Jim Banholzer
When I glanced at your blog, I saw that the last post was Renie and Adam Walsh. It’s a powerful ‘coincidence’ that the man, who helped me sell those Boy Scout Exposition tickets forty-one years ago, is a retired F.B.I. agent, who now works on American’s Most Wanted with John Walsh –Adam Walsh’s father!

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2 Responses to Backward-running Clocks

  1. JBanholzer says:

    Over the last moon, I’ve spent considerable time reflecting back on clocks and this Synchronicity post. Recently, a friend pointed out that I would have a ‘magic birthday’ coming up relatively soon, and this would be 12-12-12, when I would turn 53.

    While thinking about this, for some reason, I felt compelled to look back at some William Shakespeare. Throughout most of school, I felt as if his work was high over my head, although perhaps I didn’t invest my time wise, trying to understand the great bard. While reading countless intriguing references to Shakespeare since school, I felt like I was missing something and should at least shortcut through Wikipedia to gain a rudimentary Shakespearian appreciation.

    One of the first fitting things I discovered is that “Am I a weakish speller?” is a perfect anagram for William Shakespeare. The second thing that caught my attention was that Shakespeare died on April 23, 1616, his 53rd birthday. This started to hit home even more, when I read somewhere that my magic birthday (when I should turn 53) is also a day predicted by many to be the end of the world, as we know it. However, I soon discovered this information was partly backwards, because whenever I Googled “12-12-12” the search engine automatically redirected me to 12-21-12 – the celebrated end of the Mayan calendar.

    Determined to investigate more about obscure meanings regarding twelve-twelve, I continued on; finally discovering a problem-solving book regarding 12-12-12. Among his many innovative suggestions, the author says, “I direct clockwork radios with inbuilt torches be distributed to as many poor tribes as possible so that they can be informed of the truth and can follow the 12-12-12 initiative wherever they may live. It is more efficient than dropping leaflets to illiterate people and there are no batteries to ‘borrow.’”

    Therefore, with many 12-21-12 seers predicting doomsday, while the 12-12-12 book mirrors vast solutions for humanity, perhaps when the clock does strikes a final twelve knell, it will also be signaling a powerful new beginning.

  2. JBanholzer says:

    A friend pointed out that the type of analog clock I won from the Boy Scouts was also featured in the movie Groundhog Day. Even though Bill Murray tried smashing it, it kept returning to default at 06:00 each day, resetting time.

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