Category Archives: movies

Silver Linings Playbook – and a Radio Update

Just a note on radio shows. Last night, we were on caesar’s ghost with Charlotte Kosa on blogtalk radio. And what fun that was. She’ll have the show archived at the link above. For some reason, we thought the show … Continue reading

Posted in movies, radio, synchronicity | 18 Comments

Loopers, a Time Travel Movie

    I’m a sucker for time travel stories. Ever since I read Jack Finney’s Time and Again, I’ve been hooked.  So when I read that a time travel movie called Loopers would be out at the end of September, … Continue reading

Posted in movies, synchronicity, time travel | 10 Comments

The Words

The other night, my daughter, Megan, and I saw  The Words, a rather intriguing film about a writer, played by Bradley Cooper (Limitless). The fact that Cooper was in nearly every scene, that he carried the character of the writer, … Continue reading

Posted in movies, publishing, synchronicity, writers | 9 Comments

The Help

Christmas Eve, we started watching this movie – it’s long, two and a half hours, so we saved the last hour for Christmas day. It’s not a comfortable movie, by any means. It takes place in Mississippi during the early … Continue reading

Posted in movies, synchronicity | 12 Comments


  There are some movies that become part of the family tradition over the years. When my parents were alive, one of those movies was Raising Arizona, a Coen Brothers movie with Nicholas Cage and Holly Hunter that is one … Continue reading

Posted in movies, synchronicity | Tagged | 11 Comments

A McLovin synchro

We’re always encouraging Megan to watch movies with us, movies that she would normally not watch on her own. Door in the Floor, starring Jeff Bridges and Kim Basinger was one such recent example. She watched it, thought it was … Continue reading

Posted in movies, names, synchronicity | 14 Comments

Cowboys and Aliens

Arizona, 1878.  Desert. Hot sun. A lone cowboy comes to suddenly, gasping and injured, obviously confused. He has a shackle on his wrist and tries to break it open with a rock, to no avail. In the sand, he finds … Continue reading

Posted in cowboys and aiens, movies, synchronicity | 22 Comments

PS Synchro with Midnight in Paris

  This synchro comes from Adele Aldridge, whose I Ching sites is one of my favorites.It’s about what she experienced as soon as Midnight in Paris ended. I think Woody Allen would appreciate it! +++ I saw “Midnight in Paris” … Continue reading

Posted in movies, Woody Allen | 14 Comments

The Kids Are All Right

  With Megan home this summer, the TV is on more frequently than usual. She’s a true movie buff, this one, who attended an acting school during her high school years and perhaps still entertains this dream of doing movies. … Continue reading

Posted in movies, politics | 14 Comments

Midnight in Paris

This post may be a synchro in that the first movie we saw after returning from our Costa Rica trip was Midnight in Paris, a time travel movie in the Woody Allen sense. It felt right because Costa Rica is … Continue reading

Posted in movies, time travel, Woody Allen | 35 Comments