
Simon Crump began work on his fourth book in 2006. He finished it just four hours before Michael Jackson’s death–an eerie synchronicity.

Entitled Neverland, it’s a series of interconnected short stories about the troubled superstar. According to the Guardian of the U.K. “It’s unexpectedly funny, as easy to read as a child’s language primer, but somehow a great and elegiac profundity lurks beneath its spare prose and outrageous absurdity.”

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4 Responses to Neverland

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    That's one of his more comprehendable ones…at least, until the end where he loses it.

  2. ~JarieLyn~ says:

    Okay, Simple Simons comment just confused the hell out of me, but I won't even bother with addressing it further.

    Yes, that is an eerie synchronicity for sure.

  3. simple simon says:

    Saw MJ in Disneyland probably "67" east coast kids visiting with the pa"rents" course they did own. In town, just playing with words. Point is about Micheal, we should understand this' "that nobody, nobody never ever anywhere at anytime nobody never ever lived their lives, their whole complete lives at a higher level of notorioty, nobody was every as famous for their whole lives as Micheal Jackson. This I believe and it would of been a tremdous credit to his soul to of been able to come out of the situation not distorted like he abvoius truelly was. The blessing was a curse, as they usually are it's a paradox get it "pair of doc's" always get a second opinion synchros L N other

  4. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, wow! very eerie for sure! neat post!

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