This one comes from Jim Banholzer, a short, but funny story about a friend’s synchronicity.

At first, my friend seemed excited by the concept of synchronicity when I mentioned your blog to him, and he told me a story about the end of a relationship. It was after his first year of college, and he was saying goodbye to his girlfriend when – out of the blue – a bird crapped on his forehead. Soon after that, they broke up, and he felt somewhat shat upon, so to speak.
Talk about a sign! But there’s more. So when the man, now a professor, went to our blog, he cautioned Jim about getting involved here, pointing out that the definition at the top of the page was not grammatically correct. He probably is opposed to the colon after ‘or.’

We found that hilarious, at least the idea of warning a person away from a blog so as not to be associated with someone else’s grammatical error. Yikes! Yep, your career is toast, Jim!

He then wondered if the prof’s reaction to our blog related to his renewed annoyance of that trickster synchronicity from long ago. Maybe he will come back and straighten out our grammatical problems. We can only hope! Or: not.

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8 Responses to SPLAT!

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Marja – that's a good one, with numbers! I love number synchros. Have there been any more 17s?

  2. Marja says:

    Lol that's funny My blog will be full of mistakes, me being dutch and often I am too lazy to check it properly. My latest synchronisity. On my daughters birthday she had a cake with 17 candles. The same day we went to the movies about a girl who in the film blew out a cake with…17 candles

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Jasrilyn – can't think of synchros offhand that relate to these words, so I'm posting them on your blog.

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Jerielyn- ok, a gauntlet. We'll come up with something.
    Butternut -better parties! Oh, I love it. what an interesting synchro – goes along with the 6 degrees of separation and all that!

  5. Butternut Squash says:

    I prefer to associate only with the grammatically incorrect. They have better parties.

    Our latest synchronicity:

    This year my son is in a new school in a new city in a new state. In his class there is a boy who has his same first name and exactly the same birthday and year. After talking to one other, the boys discovered that one of each of their parents was also in the same class together in this same school.

  6. ~JarieLyn~ says:

    That is funny.

    The older I get the worse my grammar gets. I used to be really good at spelling and grammar, but not any more. I never would have noticed that Or: in your header had it not been mentioned, and you know what? It doesn't bother me at all. haha.

    Rob/Trish if you were interested in the five words here's a fresh batch for you.
    1. Dance 2. Curiosity 3. Karma 4. Smile 5. Conservative

  7. Nancy says:

    He'd have a hey day with my blog!

  8. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, too too funny!!! Or:not!!!
    and for his own sake, i certainly hope the poor man never trips by my blogdoorspot because i long ago discarded the proper whatever for my own "creative licensureship" – see, i even make up words as i go – and that whole thing of punctuation and capitalization….please!

    sorry, i digress – very neat post, you two!

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