
If this footage is genuine, it’s mind-blowing.



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9 Responses to Real?

  1. I hate to say it, but my intuitive sense is that this is faked. I’d love to be shown to be wrong, though! At first it does look somewhat like a UFO/ ball of light I saw in Australia in 1996. And I do wonder why nobody in this whole wide world ever gets something like that on camera, say, as close as I was to it. It’s something I don’t understand, as I have met people who have seen similar things to what I saw.


  2. dah says:

    advanced pyrotenics,, the chinese invented them a long time ago… or m a y b e something more…

  3. The video is cool, but the guy is not. He was repetitive in saying the same thing over and over again. So annoying. I’d prefer a video without his commentary. He sounded like a broken record.

  4. Nancy says:

    I can’t tell if it’s real. I watched it on Streiber’s site and thought it looks like some seen over northern European countries. But it is so hard to know anymore.

  5. It’s certainly impressive. It seems genuine but then again … not sure.

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