What’s Happening to the Sun?


Thanks to gypsy for the image!


More and more frequently, I hear people comment about how “weird” things are right now. It’s not just the inexorable march toward December 21, 2012  and all the hoopla surrounding that date. It’s something deeper, intangible, an intuitive sense that we are in the midst of something extraordinary, a paradigm shift, perhaps, or are being swept into a phenomenon for which we don’t yet have a name. Nothing, it seems, can be taken for granted. Change is the operative word, even in the world of science.

But when that change includes fundamental shifts in a scientific law that is supposed to be constant, scientists snap to full attention. Theories are tossed around. The mystery deepens.

The decay rates of radioactive elements are supposed to remain constant, the values are NOT supposed to change. Carbon-14, for example, which is used to accurately date ancient artifacts – a technique known as carbon dating – has a half life of 5,730 years. This dating process rests on the assumption that the decay rate never varies. Well, toss that constant out the window.

Researchers at  Purdue first noticed something was screwy when they were using radioactive samples for random number generation. “When they compared their measurements with other scientists’ work, the values of the published decay rates were not the same,” writes Ian O’Neill in in Discovery News.  “In fact, after further research they found that not only were they not constant, but they’d vary with the seasons. Decay rates would slightly decrease during the summer and increase during the winter.”

In 2006, a nuclear engineer at Purdue, Jere Jenkins, was testing the decay rate of manganese-54 and noted an inexplicable drop in its decay rate.  This drop occurred  just over a day before a large flare erupted on the sun.

As O’Neill writes, the scientists began to theorize that: “The sun may be emitting a preciously unknown particle that is meddling with the decay rates of matter. Or, at the very least, we are seeing some new physics…Did the sun somehow communicate with the manganese-54 sample?”

Peter Sturrock,  a Stanford professor emeritus of applied physics, felt that neutrinos  might hold a key to this mystery. As the article notes, these subatomic particles are born from the nuclear processes in the core of the sun and  pass through the Earth like ghosts. But it turns out that Sturrock was onto something. The decay rates “vary repeatedly every 33 days – a period of time that matches the rotational periods of the core of the sun. The solar core is the source of solar neutrinos.”

Project world awareness goes into this anomalistic mystery in some depth. “If particles interacting with the matter are not the cause – and matter is being affected by a new force of nature – then time itself may be speeding up and there’s no way to stop it.”

How many of us awaken in the morning, blink, have coffee, blink again, and suddenly the sun has set and it’s dark outside? How many of us joke about how, as we get older, time speeds up? Maybe age doesn’t have anything to do with it. Maybe time actually is speeding up.

And if time is speeding up, what does that mean for us down here on the third rock from the sun? Again, I’m not a scientist, but there’s something about this information that resonates intuitively. If the decay rate of matter is speeding up, then it affects all of us. Information is flowing at an ever increasing speed globally, and to be informed is to be empowered. The more we know  and discover, the greater the chance that our consciousness expands. With an expansion of consciousness, we evolve. As we evolve spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, then the self we are today is vastly different than the self we are tomorrow or next month or next year.

As Jenkins says, “What we’re suggesting is that something that doesn’t really interact with anything is changing something that can’t be changed.”

Perhaps this solar fluke – which affects both matter and time – will accelerate  the evolution of human consciousness. Maybe, as a species, we’ll evolve to the point where we recognize that war, greed,  hatred, discrimination, and everything else that divides us as inhabitants of the same planet spell just one thing: a path to intractable destruction. Maybe we’ll reach the point where so many people are awakened to this shift that a tipping point occurs and a new paradigm is born.

The sun, after all, is the giver of life. And if it is changing at fundamental levels that defy the laws of physics,  that turn quantum reality inside out like a dirty sock, and destroy scientific constants, then we, too, are changing, evolving, becoming…well, something else. Right now, in the quantum sense, it’s a wave. Through out intentions, prayers, desires, and evolution as a species, we can collapse that wave  and bring it into reality. And that’s where synchronicity shouts and seizes your attention.

How’s that saying go? Change begins one step at a time, with you and you and you until the you becomes us.




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32 Responses to What’s Happening to the Sun?

  1. Lauren Raine says:

    This is fascinating. Thanks!
    I know that NASA has been predicting the possibility of a massive solar flare in 2012, which could potentially shut down the grid. Here’s a video about it:


    The crop circle world has been having a lot of ideas about crop circles they theorize predict a massive solar flare.

  2. D Page says:

    Very very fascinating. It all verifies some things I have noticed. I have had erratic experiences with time, recently. Including 20 minutes of missing time during sunset, last week. (Missing time has not been something I had not experienced before.)

    I have felt very pensive regarding the idea that reality has shifted or changed. Gypsy and I noticed earlier this year that the quality of the day/sunlight has changed.

    I have had 5- 6 weeks with no dreams for the first time in my life. Dreaming always been central to my life. I am very puzzled by this.
    I have also noticed changes in the way oracles work. 35 years of working with tarot, astrology, I Ching, runes…and the patterns have changed.
    All of the clocks in our home are digital and none of them (cable, computer, cell phones) have the same time anymore.
    I have noticed that the critters in our small ecosystem here have changed habits and behaviors. Especially the birds.
    I also see bigger changes happening everywhere.
    What I can’t seem to “pick up” psychically is a clear view of what it means and where it’s going, like nothing has settled.

    Good post!

    • D Page says:

      Yesterday, 2 new (and unnamed) elements were added to the periodic table. Apparently, they are very mercurial.

    • R and T says:

      fascinating observations, D. My dreams have been erratic, infrequent…but when I recall them, they are strange. You and gypsy are the dreamers, though, so it seems significant that you haven’t been dreaming. Am just finishing the key – the updated version of Strieber’s book. It’s mind-bending.

      • D Page says:

        Thanks for the book tip. I downloaded it last night on NOOK. Very intriguing.
        The “radiant body” he talks about is something I’ve experienced. Building the radiant body is one of the goals of Tibetan meditation practices.It’s built so one can move through the dying process without losing contact with the “essential self”. This same body (aka light body) will allow you to move through time, dimensions, realms, etc.

        PS.both today and yesterday I had problems trying to post here.

  3. Nancy says:

    These are all fascinating comments. It was very interesting to hear Maggie’s take on soil changes. I do think it’s possible there are interelated. I also think about The Key in regard to climate change. I do hope Streiber’s perfect storm doesn’t arrive, however.

  4. Karin and I were talking about time speeding up this morning over breakfast – ‘surely it can’t be Thursday again already.’ We may well be heading for exciting times when real change comes about. I don’t feel that it is anything to fear. Interesting about carbon dating. If decay is speeding up perhaps rejuvination or renewal is too. Very informative post, much to ponder.

    • R and T says:

      I like your take, Mike, that renewal may be speeding up too.

      • jane clifford says:

        Time is percieved by everyone I know as speeding up to & I feel it. Occaisionally though the opposite happens and I hit a glitch where it stretches like chewing gum! Doing a well known canyone else ?r journey the other day across these powerful mountains here in wales I had the strangest experience of not getting anywhere, as if i was on the same stretch of road for all eternity! I was not in a hurry,there was little traffic, i was looking forward to my weekly lunch with a friend 40 mins away & I just had this wierd perception of time as if the journey went on for ever! She too had experienced similar. Anyone else?

  5. Mike Clelland says:


    NOAA forecasters estimate a greater than 25% chance of geomagnetic storms on June 9th. That’s when a CME from the magnificent flare of June 7th is expected to deliver a glancing blow to Earth’s magnetic field. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras.

  6. Great post and it resonates with me too.
    I would say our Perception of time is speeding up because time is beyond third dimensional linear energy. As scientists tools and ability to track and analyze data improves for quantum measurements, more of the facts will fluctuate.

    The universe is always evolving and not according to a set list of rules compiled by humans. I totally agree that unity around the globe will increase the ability of humans to evolve on a conscious level. The division of boundaries and the tearing down of peace is not beneficial to our evolution unless we learn war, greed, and control, is a stagnant state.

    It’s awesome that science is revealing the invisible and communication at the speed of light is also growing. These are exciting times and maybe more people will feel that any doomsday event that interrupts all this exploration and sharing would be counter to a universal and eternal plan. Which is what God is, the personification of a universal creator with an eternal plan. According to many religious beliefs, God also loves his/her children. And as God’s children, after a few thousand years since we learned to write, we’re graduating from high school…

  7. Wow…very much enjoyed reading this post. I can say from my simple view of things… that for some time as a gardener…our plant life on this planet looks like it’s suffering…and I recently came across a guy that developed a product for plants made of carbon rather than the usual NPK needed for growth. He finds our soil lacks carbon. I understand that this may not have anything to do with you’ve just written…but on the other hand maybe it does. From a person that has her hands in the soil all the time…soil is changing. Since essentially all sources of human food are derived from plants, the carbon that comprises our bodies contains carbon-14 at the same concentration as the atmosphere.
    The amount of nutrient in our vegetables are depleted…even organically grown…we are losing nutrient, and I think the sun is directly related. We need proper carbon for photosynthesis. They say carbon is the building block to all life, and buffers all nutrients in the soil. Without carbon plants are stressed or diseased. As the old saying goes we are what we eat…and if what we eat is changing…so are we. The sun is the life giver.
    Just thinking.

    • R and T says:

      What u say makes perfect sense to us. Question: what can we do to mitigate this?,

      • jane clifford says:

        Hi Everyone!
        back from my month in the Sinai desert,which was challenging & miraculous,one would expect nothing less from the land from where Moses,Jesus and Mohamed originated.
        I wanted to add to this sun discussion, that recently I was sent an article on sungazing based on the theory that the sun itself feeds us and informs our cells. Certainly I am a light eater but in desert sun needed very little food indeed as if the light truly was feeding me!
        Since I completed the Munay Ki rites & am now qualified to pass the light seed transmissions/energy to others I have been tuned to earth,sun,moon,stars,plants animals and all thta is in a much more sensitive and deep way & many of you may like to try opening sacred space & facing the sun,honour it for sustaining all life & invite it to cleanse your chakras and light body & inform every cell and your DNA. It works for me and may work for some of you too,if it resonates with you try it.
        Unfortunately it is raining heavily in Wales whilst the east of the country has a drought & our weather is messed up here,sometimes 3 seasons in one day!
        Great to be back, great discussions here!

        I have been re named by a Bedouin Najima (Star)he dreamed it was my bedouin name & it is what they all called me!

  8. DJan says:

    Well, THAT explains why I’m running out of time. It’s real, not just my imagination! 🙂 And yes, it does seem that change is the only constant these days.

    BTW, for whatever reason I am having incredible difficulty pulling up your site, and then I need to wait what seems like several minutes to be able to comment. Not sure why.

    • R and T says:

      Hmm. Will have to see what we can do about it. Others have reported the same. Thanks for letting us know, DJan.

      • friend of nica says:

        the sun absolutely is at the core [pun intended] of many many of these shifts/changes – i know it in my bones – i feel it – like a second skin – but you’re right – the qs is how to mitigate – this and the other changes –

  9. Nancy says:

    Right up my alley with this post! Very well said.

  10. Natalie says:

    This totally resonates with my gut too. Terrific post, thanks for sharing.xx

    • R and T says:

      Is this what you experience as a medium, Nat?

      • Natalie says:

        Do you mean the resonance in the gut, or the levels of consciousness changing in a rotation? Both are true for me actually.
        I have all the clairs going on…..clairaudience, clairvoyance etc.. so at times I do feel a resonance in my solar plexus area.

        I also seem to have times when I am more ‘in tune’ with other dimensions and that does seem to be cyclical even though I am menopausal. I notice immediately when there is a hormone fluctuation, as my reading and mediumship ability changes along with physical changes the hormonal fluctuations bring. I am influenced by the moon, so it stands to reason that the sun may have a similar influence on humans too. Hmm…………….

  11. whoot says:

    Glowing golden sphere
    for all eternity never near
    from Gods factory of fusing Atoms
    to gods product of creating Adams


    • R and T says:

      Not sure what you’re talking about, Whoot.

      • whoot says:

        actually it’s

        golden glowing sphere
        for all eternity never near
        from a place so much in sight
        yet nobody present to see the light

        from Gods F of f. atoms
        to Gods P of c. Adams

        yinkity yinkity yankee
        yankity yankity Yinca

        come on Rob it’s poetry

        from the Wednesday when I was emailing YA about the “catcher” and “then” the ankle,, to the rain in SJ on the 4th and can’t in good taste go into what happened when inbetween,,, cause some times things just happen “coincidently” like when 2 cars hit and they have the same state license plate,, it’s not always a divine message

        happy belated b.d. Trish,,,,,

        lead high school cheerleader,, who grew up down the street from the boy,, (sometimes I feel as Dennis the menace, Mitchell Rd.) b.d… solar opposite from “bozo the frown”,, of course you have no idea what I’m talking about rob

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