Time, Space, and Costa Rica

Arenal volcano, Costa Rica & the view from our porch

The name means “rich coasts,” and yet on our trip to this country, we didn’t visit the Atlantic or Pacific coasts.  We focused on the interior, around Arenal volcano, one of the ten most active in the world, the lake by the same name, and the area called Monteverde -green fields – otherwise known as the cloud forest. We had some odd synchros on this trip, and they fit right into the areas we chose to visit.

Originally, our family vacation this summer was going to be to Peru, to the stone forest outside of Lima, which we wrote about here. I even worked it into the ending of Ghost Key, the sequel to Esperanza. But when the gas prices began to rise, so did the airfares. When Miami-Lima hit more than $900 a ticket, that quickly removed the destination from our budget. So we opted for Costa Rica. It turned out to be exactly the right place.

The morning we left for our flight out of Miami, we thought we were doing well on time until we reached the entrance to the turnpike – and discovered it was closed. We had to drive north – when we wanted to drive south –  and lost about ten minutes. OK, no big deal. We were able to make up the time, it was Sunday, barely 6 AM, no traffic. We arrived at our off airport parking with time to spare.

We drove into the lot where we thought we were supposed to park, realized it was the wrong lot – and then couldn’t get out!  We had to go inside the hotel to find someone who could let us out of the lot (guard gate), and by the time that got straightened out, had lost another ten minutes. Amazingly, we still managed to make it to the airport two hours before our flight left and got to our gate with plenty of time to spare.

The operative word at that point was time: not enough of it, plenty to spare, and what time was it, really? This is where it got tricky and odd. The flight was slated to leave at 9:50 AM EDT and to arrive in San Jose at 10:40 AM. Yet, the pilot announced the flight would arrive at 11:30 AM.

The three of us quibbled about what time zone CR was in. We finally determined it was in central standard time, two hours behind EDT, so even the pilot was messed up about the time. We landed at 10:30 AM,  CR time and just as we picked up our bags, Rob’s watch band caught on something and fell apart. It seemed synchronistically appropriate, since it rendered his watch useless. Strangely enough, he had packed a spare watch and put it on. A bit of precog planning?

This mishap seemed to end the synchronicity loop related to time mishaps.

From this point on, we experienced odd synchros related to destinations- space. During our trip to Sarasota a week or two earlier for Megan’s graduation, our GPS had disappeared. We bought a new one, purchased a map of  Costa Rica, downloaded it, and figured we were ready for driving in Costa Rica. But when we reached the car rental place in San Jose,  we discovered the map had never downloaded, and had to rent a GPS from Thrifty. Good thing we did.

The drive from San Jose to the lodge near Arenal volcano where we stayed was less than a 100 kilometers – but only as the crow flies. Once we left the Pan American highway, the road climbed steadily through the mountains, with more twists than a pretzel and a scarcity of road signs. We got lost a couple of times when we consulted an actual map instead of following the GPS directions.

The GPS itself was humorous. It issued alerts for every dangerous curve and bridge on our route. Whenever it announced puente peligroso – dangerous bridge- we learned to slow down because quite often, the bridge was on the verge of imminent collapse. It took us about four hours to reach Arenal Lodge and once we did, the space part of this synchro loop ended. This is when the trip, at least for me, became a quantum vacation, where time and space become irrelevant; there is just a vast now.

I had selected this place from the internet and was a bit worried that maybe it would be a dump in the middle of nowhere. We were pleasantly shocked.

view from our balcony

rob, megan, playing chess in the lobby, which is completely open to the elements

This 2,000 acres encompasses a magnificent rain forest replete with howler monkeys, bats, sloths, hummingbirds, deer, and a lone macaw, Stephanie, whose story is for another post. There are more types of frogs and butterflies than we’ve ever seen in one location. In fact, Costa Rica has more biodiversity than nearly every other country in the world. It’s the home of 500,000 species, four percent of the total species in the world.

From dusk to dawn, nature’s orchestra is continual, a cacophony of insects and frogs so lovely and powerful that it permeates your very being.

Arenal frog, major part of nature’s orchestra

Intimately woven throughout this orchestra are the details that awaken your other senses. The lushness of the landscape is apparent even at night – in the air you breathe, the taste of it against your tongue, the way it feels against your skin. The Angel Trumpets surrounding one of the ponds sway and dance in the moonlight, promising hallucinogenic dreams to those who sleep nearby.

Then there’s the starkness of Arenal volcano rising against all this abundance, jutting upward more than a mile, as if reaching for something within the belly of the sky. It dominates the landscape at every moment of the day and seems to shout, I am here, timeless and invincible.

It last erupted in 1968, buried several towns, and continues to spout ash and smoke. Even though it was quiet during our stay, I woke suddenly one night, bolted upright, and there it was, framed in the open porch door. Smoke curled upward from its cone, inscribing secrets against the stars.

Now: if only I can decipher all these secrets.




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17 Responses to Time, Space, and Costa Rica

  1. Nicole says:

    I love the view from your balcony. The volcano just sitting there, waiting. Was it the adventure you hoped it would be? Have you been inspired yet Trish? Wonderful photos, thanks for sharing. Happy late Father’s Day Rob.

  2. DJan says:

    I just want you to know that I am still having problems with your website. It invariably tells me after minutes pass that it is unresponsive and asks if I want to kill it (never!). So I just wait and it will eventually come up, and then the same thing happens when I try to make a comment. But this time it was worth waiting to say something, because that place is just so beautiful! I just love your CR vacation, the location was magical. I also love the story about the dog and the chimp… you never fail to inspire me, and I don’t want you to think I have forgotten you, even though I must pull this site up with no reminder. You are worth it, though. Thanks for all you do to bring your worldview to me! 🙂

  3. shadow says:

    quite the adventure. but then, in such a beautiful place, anything will be wonderful, right?

  4. Natalie says:

    Indeed! I was very aware of the sensuality and the magic. Thanks, Trish. 🙂

  5. D Page says:

    I love this post. It really took me there. All the senses, plus the photos. Thanks for sharing, Trish.

  6. Nancy says:

    Written by a true writer – the words were as beautiful as the scenery. Very high on my list to visit very soon. I love how everything is open to the elements.

    • R and T says:

      You will love this country! We met an expat couple who own a yoga studio in santa elena. Interesting to see how they are living there. They’ve been in CR since 1994.

  7. Lovely pictures and so fun to have the abundance of secrets of space and timelessness.
    I got a message once that though I can not solve the secrets with my rational mind, the message is within and known. Your awareness of it all has been absorbed now for your pleasure. Thanks so much for sharing the pictures and your thoughts, there are many places I would like to visit and enjoy doing so through your eyes.

  8. Costa Rica looks so lush and beautiful. I love the picture of Rob and Megan. She’s beautiful Trish. The volcano and the bugs might keep me from visiting. I was recently reading a blog from a gal that moved from NYC to CR, and she was giving some insight to what it was like to live there…it was in the same place you were …she said the monkeys wake her in the morning. Pretty cool synchros too…especially the watch. Glad you had a good time.

    • R and T says:

      Thanks, Maggie! If you get a chance, can you send me the url to that blog you mention?
      The monkeys do make a lot of noise, but so do the frogs and insects and every other animal!

  9. That looks so amazing. There was an article in the holiday supplement of our newspaper on Costa Rica last week where it described the sloths and other animals. I was so impressed that I enquired about flights. Unfortunately there are no direct flights from the UK, have to go via USA which I don’t fancy – and quite expensive for now. Hopefully one day. Great photos and love the first one of the volcano. Looks magical – especially with those ‘secrets against the stars’. Look forward to your next Costa Rica post.

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