Hot Dog!

Fortunately, we were out of the country when the focus of the U.S. news turned to Anthony Weiner and his problems with his namesake appendage.

No doubt he will be forced to resign from congress, even though many others have done far worse and remained in office. But Weiner’s tale has such a weird synchronistic twist that it just can’t be ignored. So here, yes, we’ve joined the Weiner-Gate weiner roast. We liked Anthony as a politician for his outspoken views, but now we can only says this:

I wish I were an Oscar Mayer Weiner
That is what I truly wish to be
cause if i were a oscar mayer weiner
everyone would be in love
oh everyone would be in love
everyone would be in love with me

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12 Responses to Hot Dog!

  1. Conan’s Late Night show has been having a good time with this as well. They even have a character that comes out as the infamous photo. Loved the hot dog song…brought back good memories.

  2. Nancy says:

    LOL! – I also noticed the syncho with the young girl most voted to be a tabloid scandal. This is one of those stories that just keeps on giving.

  3. "super fish awwl lee steeew pit" says:

    won’t comment on A.W. little to much analogy,, but on the Osama thing,, and the muslim belief in the bundles of virgins available to the ones who offer up their lives,,, wonderin if it might be “eye ron ic”,, if maybe the ten of thousands or 100’s of thousands get to share the same bundle,, and there less attractive ones at that…..

  4. Must find out what Weiner has been up to (though I can guess!) – I don’t think I’ve heard of him previously.

  5. Nancy Pickard says:

    Bwah! Too funny, Rob. That old ad has given decades of hilarity.

    • R and T says:

      The famous weiner ad was created in 1965. Its creation would certainly make a great episode for Madmen. I can see Don Draper tussling with that one after one of his proteges came up with the theme song.

  6. That’s hilarious. I am reminded of when my son was a little kid, every time that Oscar Myer Weiner add came on television he would go into a fit of giggles. The comedians are have a roasting good time with Mr. Weiner – a gift that keeps on giving for them.

    • R and T says:

      This was rob’s creation. We kept hearing about weinergate and with that name and what happened, it looked like synchronicity to us!

      • R and T says:

        Here’s another little related synchro. One of the women ‘involved’ with Weiner was deemed by her high school newspaper as “Most Likely to Be Involved in a Tabloid Scandal. Now she’s a 21-year-old college student in Washington state. It only took four years for the prophetic comment to come true. lol

  7. shadow says:

    ha ha! sweet little poem!

    and may i say congratulations on the publishing on your book, i’m looking forward to seeing it in print!!!!

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