Rachel Maddow and Synchronicity

This evening, Rob and I were watching the Rachel Maddow Show and this image appeared on the screen and remained there for a while. She was talking about the new twist in the trump admin – that the head of the DEA has resigned because trump doesn’t have “respect” for the law.

Maddow has alluded to synchronicity before, but never called it by that name. Instead, she has used the word “coincidence.”

She didn’t explain what the synchro was, but it was interesting to see the word mentioned at all, on MSNBC’s highest rated news show. I wish we knew what the synchro was. It’s possible she used it in reference to a synchronization – not the same thing as synchronicity. If anyone else saw this segment and knows what the synchro is, please enlighten us!

Rachel, we’ve got a rather long twist of trump admin synchros. But for starters, here’s a good one.


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4 Responses to Rachel Maddow and Synchronicity

  1. C.J. says:

    4000 Russians in Trump Tower??? That’s quite a lot of people in one place….. I honestly don’t think we’ll ever know the real truth about any of this. In my opinion, the entire media is completely untrustworthy, not just Fox and affiliates, but ALL of it. I think Joe Public is flying by the seat of our pants because we don’t have a genuine source for who and what to believe. Folks we’ve admired and trusted for decades have turned out to be
    crooked to the point of criminality. So, I’m just being a bad American and ignoring the
    whole stinking mess because there isn’t anything I can do to change any of it. Riots and protests increase and are getting people dead everywhere. I’m done with it.

    • Jane Clifford says:

      Most reliable guide is ones own intuition in an age of disinformation. Most peeps believe what they want to believe filtered through there own education/ brainwashing/ conditioning and emotional filters. This limited duality relies on invent the enemy, go to war with the enemy. The world is going to have to move from being controlled robot slaves thru manipulation of fear and feeding the fears to taking responsibility for the reality we are all co creating by refusing to sort out our own shadow and conflicts so they no longer appear “out there”.
      When we stop blaming out there we stop becoming willing victims of authority by becoming our own authority.

  2. Sheila Joshi says:

    I was confused by that, too. I think she was trying to say there were several juxtapositions that were very telling —

    1) Roger Stone said Podesta was about to have his turn in the barrel, and then Podesta’s emails were hacked. Just a coincidence?
    2) DT said he as going to have a very special speech coming the next Monday, and he said that right after what we now know was a June 2016 meeting between his people and 4000 Russians in Trump Tower, and that meeting just happened to have a professional hacker attending. Coincidence?
    3) And Zuckerberg said oh pshaw Russians didn’t weaponize FB, and now he’s dribbling out the facts about how they did. Plus, we have new evidence of yet more Russian manipulation of social media. Just a coincidence?

    So, I don’t think she was using the word “synchronicity” in the correct psi sense, unless she was being sarcastic and saying, wow, could these things possibly be related?! Ya think?!

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