Kissing the Limitless

Here’s a cool synchro/serendipitous tale from T. Thorn Coyle, author of Kissing the Limitless: Deep Magic and the Great Work of Transforming Yourself and the World. She uses the term serendipity, which refers to something unintended, unexpected and beneficial resulting from an action. Usually, one or more synchronicities can be found within a serendipitous experience. It also usually involves being in the right place at the right time, which is where serendipity meets synchronicity.

Thorn posted this story originally on 10/15.

There have been many occurrences in my life that one could call serendipitous and they only seem to be increasing as of late. Serendipity is an accidental discovery of fortune, (or an accidental, fortunate discovery!) and synchronicity that confluence of events caused by “being in the right place at the right time.” But really I think this could be rephrased as “being present in the right place at the right time.” Or we could give that first word a capital “B” instead. Being: present in all of one’s parts, connected with animal, human, and divine, with time and space, with the energies of life, living fully in the moment. Lo and behold, fortune is in front of us!

A few months ago while buying an airplane book in the Denver airport, I was waiting in line, breathing, doing some practice – not in any hurry, just connecting with breath and center – when the man behind the counter said something like, “It won’t be long, ma’am.” I felt surprised that he had thought to speak, because my sense was that I had been waiting quietly. I assured him I was in no hurry. After I paid, I took a postcard for Kissing the Limitless out of my bag and quickly put it on the counter, asking if he could help get it in the store. He seemed happy to take it and I went on my way.

Today I got a note from him on Facebook, asking to add me to his list of friends. He only worked at that bookshop for one month – as he put it, “probably so he could get that card” – but has since been spreading the word about Kissing the Limitless to others. You see, among his other talents, he designed this Tarot deck.

Turns out we have some interests in common.

Looking back on the event now, my thought is that he assured me it would not be long in order to make a connection of energy and attention with me. Because of that connection, I gave him the postcard. Because of that postcard… who knows what will appear in both our lives? Who knows what wyrd is winding?

Had I not been present in that moment, this delightful little confluence would have passed me by. But it doesn’t mean the possibility was not there all along.

Serendipity happens. Good fortune comes to those who pay attention. Are we open?

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9 Responses to Kissing the Limitless

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Deck sold out? That's good to know, Terri. Thanks. After looking at some of the cards on his site, I figure this deck is one to own.

  2. therese says:

    Ah yes, the magical groove. It's why I always carry business cards now. I'm really disappointed the Tarot deck is currently sold out. I guess I have to keep checking his site. 🙂

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I think most of us try to avoid auto pilot, but sometimes it's an easy thing to fall into. You're tired, fall into a habitual way of thinking, and suddenly, uh-oh, auto pilot clicks on. Then a synchro snaps us out of it and suddenly, we're in the magical groove again.

  4. Nancy says:

    I agree with all of the commenters. Life is magical when we realize how much is going on all the time, all around us.

  5. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    so true the thing about auto pilot – i don't know that i've ever done anything auto pilot in my life…at least i've tried not to –

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    This story really does have an appeal and for all the reasons people have addressed. Auto pilot is the thing to avoid!

  7. ~JarieLyn~ says:

    I love this too. I think it really is about paying attention. Most of us go about our day on auto pilot and then we don't remember going from one place to another. We miss out on the journey so to speak.

  8. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    i'm with stacey! LOVE this! it is so true that there is magic in our lives all around us every moment – we have only to FEEL it to SEE it – it's right there!

  9. staceyjwarner says:

    LOVE THIS….magic is in all of our lives everyday if we stay in the moment…I had a dream once where I was pulled over and the dream was about finding the meaning and magic in it…very interesting.

    much love

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