Soupy Sales and the Bronx Brothers

Here’s one courtesy of reader Rodney Small. A kind of pie in the eye tale. Happy trails, Soupy Sales.

On Thursday night in the Bronx, NY, comedian Soupy Sales died. Sales was best known for putting pies in the faces of celebrities.

Meanwhile, in Los Angeles Thursday night, the baseball team from the Bronx — the New York Yankees — lost to the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, 7-6. The person most responsible for last night’s Yankees loss? Pitcher A.J. Burnett, who gave up six of the seven Angel runs. And what is Burnett’s nickname? “The Pie Man.”

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17 Responses to Soupy Sales and the Bronx Brothers

  1. Toumai says:

    …of course, there's another "PIE" to tie in– Etymology's PIE (PROTO INDO EUROPEAN)Root*…so:

    soup (n.)
    from PIE *sub-, from base *seue- "to take liquid"

    sub (also sus)-
    prefix of L. origin meaning "under," (also "close to, up to, towards"), from a variant form (*(s)up- of PIE base *upo- "from below,"
    of course, *upo origins is papap/babab which evolved into words like "pablum", "baby" and "pap"(breast)… a sense of the original meaning being 'to nurture'… 'sustenance'.

    Make of it what you will.

  2. Toumai says:

    heard just now that Canada's oldest woman passed away on tuesday. On checking, I find out that supercenturian- African American Gertrude Baines had died at 115 on September 11, 2009.

    Etymology of the name Baines:
    Usage: English

    From a nickname for a thin person meaning "bones".

  3. again says:

    My question though is how is it a guy wins the US open golf tournament, then passes away within months, now that's strange,,, and I'm not talking Curtis…..but Payne….

  4. simple soxox (sailor song) says:

    thinks they lead yours truly on, he did once caddie for a guy who beat YTs local MLB team in a WS game 7. what was the final score at the "House that Ruth Built"????

  5. Toumai says:

    Soupy died at age 83 on the 22nd, THAT is synchronicity! Wiki sez that he was nicknamed 'soup bone' as a kid, along with big brothers Jack and Leonard who were nicknamed 'chiken bone' and 'ham bone'.
    Soupy began using the stage name 'Soupy Hines', but changed it to Soupy Sales because he thought it sounded too much like Heinz Soup Co.

    …hm, obviously the funny bone is a family trait. Well, gotta go… soups on

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Musing, that's a good one! I left danielle a note, asking if we can use it. We have no food synchros!

  7. musingegret says:

    The syncs are abounding today. I just discovered a new food site and was sending you an interesting post on synchronicity. However, as I was leaving a comment there I needed to jump over here to get your URL—and discovered today's post on Soupy! Read Danielle's post—it starts out with soup!! LOL

    P.S. I was making a grocery list earlier for ingredients to make sausage/shrimp gumbo for supper!

    P.P.S. The verify word was 'beria' and Iberia is Spain from whence 'sopa de ajo' originated.

  8. Toumai says:

    Okay, the face I tried to post did a wonky Picasso thing!! Came from a digital 'drawing' I had produced (in fun) and sent to my daughter last year. It's cool, I put the larger original version up on my blog.

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Toumai – interesting story from wiki!
    Yeah, I think the universe has a sense of humor.

  10. Nancy says:

    Funny how fame and fortune can begin with something silly. The powers the be must have a sense of humor.

  11. Toumai says:

    I think Soupy just got the last laugh


    /_/ \_\
    0(* L* )0

  12. Toumai says:

    OMG(ess)… just read this on wiki re Soupy Sales (real name Milton Supman) and moola:

    On January 1, 1965, miffed at having to work on the holiday, Sales ended his live broadcast by encouraging his young viewers to tiptoe into their still-sleeping parents' bedrooms and remove those "funny green pieces of paper with pictures of U.S. Presidents" from their pants and pocketbooks. "Put them in an envelope and mail them to me," Soupy instructed the children. "And I'll send you a postcard from Puerto Rico!" He was then hit with a pie.[6] Several days later, a chagrined Soupy announced that money (mostly Monopoly money[7]) was unexpectedly being received in the mail. He explained that he had been joking and announced that the contributions would be donated to charity. As parents' complaints increased, WNEW's management felt compelled to suspend Sales for two weeks. Young viewers picketed Channel 5. The uproar surrounding Sales' suspension increased his popularity.

    would that be synchronicity?

  13. Toumai says:

    har har!! Nerver heard that one before.

    And HEY! I think Soupy might be sending that moola verse you 'ordered':

    Simple Simon Soupy Sales says eye in the pie in the sky… with diamonds( and maybe hair?!!)

    diamonds… as in 'twinkle in the eye'… or 'in the twinkle of an eye'.

    What do you think?… hmmm, maybe I should stick to making pewter.

  14. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    i can see him now – still shufflin' away!
    what a neat post! i'd read of his death but did not make the baseball player association!

  15. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I'm sure Soupy is dancing with delight in the heavens – doing the Soupy Shuffle.

  16. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Toumai,you forgot one. Yoni = hair pie. At least, where I grew up. 😉

  17. Toumai says:

    … hmm, first recording of "Pie Man" is found in "Simple Simon" Chapbook/verse- 1685 and is # 19777 in the Roud Folk Song Index.

    It get's… better:

    The verse is found beginning on page "333" of the Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes which was produced by none other than "IONA OPIE" (O-PIE!!) and husband PETER OPIE.

    Hmm… remember, "Iona" is "Yoni" (aka "JOHN"… "JACK" …"X")

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