Men Who Stare at Goats

One recent evening, I was exchanging Facebook comments with Tamra Temple, who is deeply involved in the field of Noetic Science, and very knowledgeable about remote viewing and psychic spies. So she was talking about the new movie, Men Who Stare at Goats, and how she was looking forward to seeing it.

I mentioned that the promos were linking Project Stargate, the CIA’s former remote viewing program, to Earth One Battalion and the goat-staring scenario. But Remote Viewer #001 Joe McMoneagle had told me recently that the goat staring stuff had nothing to do with Stargate.

That led to a discussion of where the truth lay, and Tamra concluded in a Zen-like manner that the truth actually was within, and it was best not to look outside to authority figures for what is true. So she was turning the exchange into a larger scenario about truth.

Now here come the synchronicities: I made the mistake once or twice of calling her Tamara, rather than Tamra. During that same evening, Trish and I watched an episode of The Fringe, and at the end of it the name Tamara appeared at the beginning of the credits. That was interesting, but just a nudge toward synchronicity. It got better.

I had also mentioned to Tamra that I’d written two novels with RV as the theme, PSI/NET and JUST/IN TIME, and asked if she knew of them. She said she didn’t, but wanted to read them and asked if I would sign copies for her. I agreed, and she sent me her address, but at first I couldn’t figure out the name of the city. She’d written it as: T or C, NM. Was it a typo? I looked it up and found out that T or C was a common way of addressing Truth or Consequences, New Mexico. I’d heard of it, but never been there. What struck me as synchronistic was that we had been discussing truth, and here the word showed up in her address.

Finally, the next morning after I’d told Trish about the synchroncity with Tamra, she randomly clicked a blog on our list, and what name appeared at the top? Tamara.

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11 Responses to Men Who Stare at Goats

  1. Thorn says:

    I recommend reading the book.

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Sansego – check out

  3. Sansego says:

    How can I get involved with Noetic Sciences? This is a field that I really want to get into. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Vanessa, I think most of the material about RV on Wiki is written by skeptics, people who don't accept the evidence and don't want you to accept, either.

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Linda Hamilton from The Terminator? I'll have to look for that one.

    MacGregor real estate! Even spelled the same. Funny! Interesting about the hot springs, gypsy.

  6. Nancy says:

    I've been waiting for this movie to come out. It looks funny. I think that is the intention anyway. Linda Hamilton recently did a post of RV and the CIA.

    The other day I was thinking of something Trish had said while we were driving, and drove past MacGregor Real Estate. Gotta love those synchronicities. I wonder how many pass me by in a day because I'm not paying attention. I can see you catch them, though!

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I think this is a movie we'll see at theaters!

  8. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    wow – what a web we do weave with it all! i've seen mcmoneagle on several shows but couldn't remember what he's doing most recently – wonder if he's right about the goat staring –

    oh, and about TorC – if i remember correctly, that place used to be hot springs? – and changed its name for the tv game show –

    very neat post –

  9. Vanessa says:

    Man, I'm fascinated by remote viewing. Who knew the mind could be so powerful? I just now looked up RV on Wiki and found a list of Wiki pages/articles on the paranormal:
    Fun stuff to look through. 🙂

  10. Jeff says:

    "It was best not to look outside to authority figures for what is true."

    What a great piece of advice!

  11. Lyn says:

    I love being part of God's sense of humor, early in the morning,(6:55 am). Truth or Consequences, what a name for a town..wonder if there's a Karma anywhere??
    Men Who Stare At Goats…a title to build a movie around..thanks!

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