A Nuclear Family?

Earlier, we pointed out synchronicities between the lives of Abraham Lincoln and Barack Obama. Now, Augustine Togonu-Bickersteth sends us the curious parallels between two men, who one the surface seem quite different. Italian-American Nuclear Physicist Enrico Fermi is credited as the creator of the nuclear bomb, President Obama has urged the elimination of nuclear weapons.

Both men were born in the Year of the Iron Ox, which comes up once in 60 years in the Chinese calendar: Fermi in 1901, Obama in 1961.

Fermi won the Nobel Prize for physics. Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize.

Fermi and Obama both attended Columbia University and the University of Chicago.

Fermi and Obama were both professors.

Fermi invented the nuclear reactor and was credited with helping the U.S. win World War II. Obama is trying to influence the dismantling of nuclear weapons around the world. (Also, some people in the U.S. have gone ‘nuclear’ over his winning the presidency. – R.M.)

Fermi tested the first nuclear reactor on December 2 1942, three days after Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, was born.

Fermi was born on Saint Michael’s Day (September 29 1901). The feminine form of the name Michael is Michelle, the name of Obama’s wife.

While these connections are interesting, I’m still more impressed by the Obama-Lincoln synchronicities.

I think the Obama-Fermi connection is more of an example of how we are all linked together as this YouTube video testifies.

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10 Responses to A Nuclear Family?

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I sent the YouTube video from the end of the post to my cousin, who is a quantum physicist, but not particularly inclined toward mysticism. Here's what he wrote after viewing it. – R
    This was interesting, with what seemed like actual footage of Feynman and Sagan. Waxing eloquent and poetic about science and the universe has a strange effect on someone like me who has lived in that very, very different world for a whole lifetime. It just seems so foreign and strange. But the music and everything is very nicely done.

    This calls to mind a comment made by Paul Dirac, whose biography I am currently reading. He was there at the founding of quantum mechanics in the 1920's, and personally discovered, through his own mathematical formulation, the existence of 'antimatter', namely the positron. Shortly later, it was discovered in experimental work. He received the Nobel Prize for his achievement. So he was an amazing guy, but he had a very strange personality because of his domineering father. He would speak only very rarely, even in social groups. However, he was a friend of J. Robert Oppenheimer, who was just a student then. Oppy was very verbal – and many found him obnoxious! He did physics, but also wrote poetry. Dirac found this very strange, and said the following: "In science you want to say something nobody knew before, in words everyone can understand. In poetry, you are bound to say something that everybody knows already in words that nobody can understand."

    So there is one opinion on the difference between theoretical physics and poetry. They are opposites!

  2. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    i posted it to my facebook, too – after i watched about 5 more times!

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Love the video. & Sagan looks like a teenager!

  4. teapotshappen says:

    heh, cooL! I'd posted that Sagan vid on my Facebook, saw Rob liked it and reposted it – today I decided to add it to my blog … and when I scooted over here a bit later to see what was new, saw you guys had already done the same. Darn good video, isn't it?

  5. bored says:

    Way to stay on top of things Robbie

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Oh, we've been hit by Mr. Crap! LOL

  7. The Crap Blog Detective says:

    The link between the two men is slight at best. You should put that list against one which shows the difference between the two men.

    A truly awful post

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    It's a terrific video. I'll have to look for the one on the holographic universe. You'll love the book!

  9. Nancy says:

    That was a fascinating link from U-Tube – it makes me want to see what else is out there. I found one on the Holographic Universe which was great, plus I've ordered that book on your suggestion. Wonderful, post.

  10. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    fascinating links – and then, the obama/lincoln connections – more than fascinating – oh, and i can't resist saying how i loved rob's little nuclear side comment! had to watch the video twice – great great post!!!

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