The Green Bowl

This synchro comes from Gabe, who way back when we first started this blog, sent us one of the most powerful synchros we’ve ever read, The Magic Teapots.

His teapot story was followed by another powerful synchro.

And another.

When we transferred the blog from blogger to wordpress, we lost several posts, including Gabe’s Chincago Breakfast Bums, which I think was included in 7 Secrets.  Regardless, all these stories are included on his blog.

In this synchro, Erin is Gabe’s roommate. Ginny is his mother, who gave him the green bowl.  The post is written as an email to his mom.


Two nights ago Erin was making rhubarb pie in the kitchen, while I sat in the armchair in the living room. She came into the doorway, holding that large green glass bowl you gave me.

Although she has never broken any of my kitchenware and was not doing anything threatening toward the bowl, for some reason I said, “Don’t break my bowl!”

She laughed and looked at it, saying, “Don’t worry, I’m not going to break your green bowl.”

Then she walked out of sight toward the sink. The sink ran for a moment, and then I heard her curse in surprise. I jokingly yelled something like, “What have  you ruined in there?!”

Although I’d just made the comment about the bowl, I’d already put it out of my mind – it was just a random comment – and besides, I’d heard no breaking glass.

Erin returned to the doorway, still holding the green glass bowl, a shocked look on her face. She held up the bowl, which looked intact – at first. Then I noticed that three cracks ran through it. No pieces had come apart yet- it had cracked when she’d put the frozen pieces of rhubarb in it.


So is this synchro precognition?  It sure looks that way to me.  I always wonder how often random thoughts we have throughout the course of a day are actually precognitive. They may not unfold as rapidly as this one did, but perhaps occur over the next few hours or days. For Gabe, this one was practically instantaneous.


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8 Responses to The Green Bowl

  1. Grace says:

    I just LOVE hearing about this sort of thing, although it’s a bummer about the bowl! lol

    One of my latest experiences along these same lines…

    I had my mom over for a couple of days for the 4th of July holiday. To prepare, I did some shopping on the Thursday before she was to arrive (on Saturday). Trader Joe’s had some fantastic looking black figs….not something I buy very often in the least – in fact, I think this was my first time!…but they looked delicious and I popped them in my basket and took them home.

    Two days later, while fixing some munchies for Mom and I to enjoy with our wine, I broke out the figs – thinking they’d be a nice accompanyment to the Bree and humus and tapenade I had out.

    Mom got the BEST look on her face – sort of like shock mixed in with joy and anticipation. She says to me, “Oh dear! Do you know that just yesterday I was thinking about how much I’d enjoy some figs??? How did you know??”

    🙂 We giggled together and I said, “Well, Mom, for whatever reason, that’s just the way I roll!”

  2. Natalie says:

    I mainly get these sort of ones when i am in danger, so perhaps it is our higher self just alerting us ‘ahead of time’.

  3. mathaddict3322 says:

    Well, there’s an old adage/law that states “Whatever we fear, we attract”. Could be something as simple as breaking a cherished bowl, or something as major as dying in a plane crash. For me, the law of attraction defintiely falls under synchronicity.

  4. Nancy says:

    Yes, I think it is precognition. I think we “know” lots of stuff before it happens, we just don’t pay attention.

  5. Yes, I would classify this as a synchro precognition. I’m sure we’ve all had similar things to this happen – but why do these words or images appear? What would be the purpose of telling someone not to break a glass bowl? Could be a warning perhaps, maybe Erin held the bowl more carefully because of what was said … who knows. The problem is sometimes we can end up over analysing everything.

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