Category Archives: max

The Green Bowl

This synchro comes from Gabe, who way back when we first started this blog, sent us one of the most powerful synchros we’ve ever read, The Magic Teapots. His teapot story was followed by another powerful synchro. And another. When … Continue reading

Posted in Gabe, max, precognition | 8 Comments


Here’s another story from Max Action, the guy now famous for the Magic Teapots story. Max also contributed Chicago Breakfast Bums, and The Little Prince. This synchronicity occurred a couple of weeks after the teapot incident. In the couple of … Continue reading

Posted in max, objects, telepathy | 1 Comment

Chicago Breakfast Bum

Here’s another one from Max, a proverbial fountain of synchronicity. He also contributed Dominoes, The Little Prince and The Magic Teapots. The following story took place in January 2007, a few months after the teapot story, which all his fellow … Continue reading

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The Little Prince

Here’s another one from Max, who gave us the Magic Teapots, Dominoes, and Chicago Breakfast Bum.*** Late Thursday night I was lying in bed reading with Becky. She was reading a book I’d gotten her earlier that week: Leo Buscaglia’s … Continue reading

Posted in books, max | 1 Comment

The Magic Teapots

Max, an “urban explorer, has a website called action (listed under websites of interest), where he writes about his explorations of caves, tunnels, rooftops and basements – “spaces between, spaces forgotten, spaces forbidden.” And he says he loves crawl … Continue reading

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