Magnetic Shift

Last night, I was clicking around on the photos of people who follow our blog and happened to click on two that didn’t have blogs of their own. So I clicked on the blogs they followed and one of them led to a site I’d never heard of called Red Ice Creations.

Here, I found a fascinating article about how Russian Air Force commanders have issued a warning and ordered changes in flight routes after “massive magnetic shifts downed two airliners.” The  reason for this warning “are the rapid formations of geomagnetic storms emanating from the boundaries of the African Tectonic Plate that due to their intensity have caused the loss of two major passenger aircraft leaving nearly 300 men, women and children dead.”

The flights referred to are the Air France Fight 447, which broke apart in flight and plunged into the Atlantic on June 1, near the boundary of the African Tectonic Plate.  216 passengers and 12 crew members perished.  The second flight was a Yemeni Airways flight to the Island Nation of Comoros in the Indian Ocean, which went down on the eastern boundary of the African Tectonic Plate. More than 150 people died and one “miracle child” survived.

The geomagnetic storms are supposedly caused by the forming of a “new ocean” in Ethiopia. According to Nature News Service, “The African continent is literally unstitching itself just like the sleeve of an old shirt, along the area known as the East African Rift, which traverses it, beginning with the southern end of the Red Sea, going through Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique. The molten lava beneath the Earth’s surface makes it thin by constantly pushing against it, and eventually breaks it and tears it apart.”

While Western scientists believe this new ocean won’t be completed for millions of years, Russian scientists have a different take. They say that “due to the sun’s Deep Solar Minimum, our Earth is in danger of being, literally, “ripped apart”, at the worst, or nearing a “total pole reversal…”

I alerted Rob to this striking story, and after he read it, he forwarded the link to our friend Peter Levenda. It’s the kind of story that Peter investigates and he might have contacts who could either confirm or dismiss its accuracy.

So Peter wrote back a few minutes later and said, “How weird. I just did an interview with Red Ice. It should be up tomorrow (Thursday)!

So here we’d stumbled upon an obscure Swedish web site and then contacted someone who not only knew of it, but was about to appear on it! On top of that, Peter’s interview, which is about China (Part 1) and Freemasonary (Part 2), will include comments on synchronicity!

Since Peter didn’t offer any new information on the ‘massive magnetic shift’ in Africa, we contacted author Whitley Streiber, whose Unknown Country site often focuses on earth changes, and asked him what he knew about this dramatic report. Here’s what Whitley said:

“We can’t find out anything much about the magnetic storm aspect. The Yemeni crash was barely reported in the western media, which is very odd, given the way crashes are usually big news, especially with such a horrific loss of life. There is indeed a rift in Ethiopia that has widened suddenly. But we have no source that can corroborate the magnetic effects being claimed in this story. We know that it’s gathering a lot of interest, and we are working on it.”

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19 Responses to Magnetic Shift

  1. Barbara Martin says:

    Earlier today I read an article from Cosmos magazine online about the rift in Ethiopia, and here I am reading about it again.

    There is a change coming of a new era where we will have to modify our current methods of survival. Perhaps those who are so inclined ought to become Reiki practitioners.

  2. terripatrick says:

    I'm still stuck in 9/11/01 memories because of rewriting a novel that takes place when it happens. The last chapters were tough because the characters were less "connected" than we…

    Anyhow, visiting NYC in March of 2001 I had this overwhelming feeling of weight on the earths crust, which has a layer of liquid beneath, and couldn't shake it the whole trip. Then when I watched the towers fall I was again overwhelmed with the feeling of weight and knowing about that liquid layer – I watched and waited to see where it would first show, and how long before it did.

    When I heard about the tsunami in 2004, I immediately went to the globe and tracked the space from NYC.

    That type of rippling physical motion releases in many ways, and once in motion….

  3. staceyjwarner says:

    I've been feeling for many months now that we humans are heading towards an awakening.

    our lives will completely shift. some will be ready and some won't. some are choosing to die now.

    interesting times ahead and great synchronicity.

    much love

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Wow, Jeff, we just checked out that link. Great synchronicity – and totally creepy. Thanks for alerting us to it!

  5. Jeff says:

    Very interesting! The Russians may be right too.

    And – unrelated to this particular post – I came across an article today that mentions an interesting synchronicity about an author and a painter I thought you'll might be interested in.

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    As usual, none of what you write makes any sense, or has anything to do with post. Hence, it has been deleted, Simon.

  7. simon says:

    all that's just a parital Rob

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Funny on the typo!
    We saw V, too. Pretty creepy. & V definitely doesn't stand for victorious!

  9. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    OMGOODNESS! I SEE A NOT-NICE TYPO in my comment above – in case you can't tell, it should be POLE SHIFT!!! so sorry!!!!!

  10. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, yes, nancy, a lot has been written on the pole shit – for some time – just google it – good grief, what in the world did we do for information before google??? does anyone remember???

    i meant to ask b4 if anyone saw the V night before last? well, in this case, i don't think we may conclude that V is for victorious – for us! but that's just me –

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Cayce mentioned the pole shift and so did other writers over the years (names escape me at the moment!).

  12. Nancy says:

    I'm going to have to follow your links to get the scoop on this phenomenon. I'm trying to remember where I read about the two poles shifting. I wonder if this is related?

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Too funny! Do let us in on your dark and dangerous entertainment!

  14. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    yes, i'm so looking forward to it – the thing is however, that no one on the planet could be LESS either of the two – it's just sadly indicative of the perspective of those males who perceive open and honest women as dark and dangerous!

    oh, and now that i've just left red ice, i was too mentally tired to even google!!! so i'm going to go now and entertain myself a bit in my dark and dangerous way! what's a gypsy to do!!!

  15. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Dark and dangerous! Oh, I love it. A dark, dangerous gypsy. You'll have fun with that one, for sure!

  16. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    OMGoodness!!! how totally, well, for lack of a better word which escapes me at the moment, how "weird"!!! mesmerizing!!!

    couple of other things – i've been trying to "get in the mood" to do some new posts this morning so i thought i would check a few blogs to get motivated a bit – someone jokingly had just referred to me as "dark and dangerous" which i thought was funny so i decided then to do a post using those words as a "theme" of sorts – and started looking for images – the one i settled on i just left in the unposted box, a lava flow [dark and dangerous] as i still wasn't able to find the words for it so i decided to browse some more – i was so startled when i just read your post, i went back to my unfinalized box to make sure it was really there [and then saved it as a draft] – thinking maybe my mind was playing trickster! –

    i've often wondered of those "followers" who don't have blogs of their own and have wondered if there weren't those out there who do follow sites such as yours just to see what the scoop is – actually, it's a lot more than wonder – i firmly believe it –

    sorry for the rambling – just really taken aback by this intriguing post – now off to red ice and google!

    thanks for such a riveting story!!!

  17. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    They were reported – just not much about it in western press. If you google nature news science, you should be able to find the article on the rift in ethiopia.

  18. Adele Aldridge says:

    The weirdest thing to me is that these crashes weren't reported. What do YOU make of that part?

  19. Natalie says:

    Pretty scary stuff. :O

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