Category Archives: Peter Levenda

The Monster of Florence

  Peter Levenda explores the dark side of mankind in his books, such as Sinister Forces, and so it’s not surprising that his reading list would include The Monster of Florence. But for Peter, that book opened synchronicities connecting him … Continue reading

Posted in authors, books, Peter Levenda | 12 Comments

Magnetic Shift

Last night, I was clicking around on the photos of people who follow our blog and happened to click on two that didn’t have blogs of their own. So I clicked on the blogs they followed and one of them … Continue reading

Posted in magnetic shifts, Peter Levenda | 19 Comments

Sinister Forces

Here’s a somewhat spooky synchronicity sent by author Peter Levenda. Peter probes into some dark stuff here, deep into the Underworld. We would’ve put it up on Halloween, but we’ve got a ghost tale set for tomorrow.   ***  Yesterday I was … Continue reading

Posted in Gnostics, Peter Levenda | 7 Comments