Solar Eclipse: July 1, 2011


Eclipses are weird – not just in the science of what happens, but in the effects they have on us here on Earth. A solar eclipse, which happens only on the new moon, is when the moon passes between the sun and the earth. A lunar eclipse, which occurs only at a full moon,  is when the moon passes behind the earth, so the earth blocks the sun’s light from hitting the moon. Can you visualize that? I can’t.

Solar eclipses tend to concern external events and often represent new opportunities according to the sign and house place of the sun in our birth charts. Sometimes with  SEs, we have to give up or surrender something before we receive whatever the eclipses promises. Lunar eclipses revolve around internal events, emotions, culminations.

On June 1, we had a solar eclipse in Gemini, followed two weeks later by a lunar eclipse in Sagittarius. These two eclipses were positive eclipses. The solar eclipse in Cancer on July 1 may be a bit more problematic. This one forms a cardinal cross and it’s easier to visualize: t.  The t can be arranged in any direction. Like this: |— (with that dotted line solid) or —| or with the long part of the T facing up. It’s called a cardinal cross because the aspects among these planets occurs in cardinal signs – sun and moon in Cancer (water), Uranus in Aries (fire),  Saturn in air sign Libra, and Pluto in earth sign Capricorn.

Cardinal signs indicate the beginning of every season. They are initiators. So you can expect big changes in your life, which will be as positive or negative as you make them. These changes will be triggered by an external event. Even though the event will be as irritating as a grain of sand in your eye, just remember that we, the people, still exert more power collectively than any group of politicians.  Through networking, we empower each other. We have to tend to our families, make sure that we are as sustainable as we can be, given where we live and what we do. We must not be afraid to take risks. Regardless of the time we have left on the planet, a day or 80 years, goals are important. They focus our desires.

This eclipse falls in my natal ninth house of publishing, which makes me a bit uneasy since the  paperback for Esperanza just came out, and sometimes the effects of an eclipse can be felt several days before the actual event. The other day, a Google alert came up for Esperanza. I clicked the link and it led me to a pirate site, where Esperanza was available for free download.

I didn’t want to jump the gun on it, so I sent the link to my editor and asked if she knew anything about the site. She said it was a pirate site – i.e., copyright infringement – and that I should send them a DMCA takedown notice.

I had to Google it to find out what to do and decided to send an email first to the site administrator. Within a few minutes, the administrator wrote back to tell me the link had been removed. So it all turned out fine. Meanwhile, my editor sent the link to the publisher’s legal department.

For more information on this eclipse – and the month of July – take a look at astrologer  Susan Miller’s excellent site. Click your sign and read away.




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17 Responses to Solar Eclipse: July 1, 2011

  1. imagining says:

    well, given all the things going on in everyone’s lives here, i won’t add to it all by listing my own – but will ask, meekly, WHEN will this eclipse period END! 😉

    now, over to the miller site – thanks, trish!

  2. D Page says:

    Reviewing the Uranian chart for the World Axis, this solar eclipse shows things like “nature out of control”, earthquake swarms, accidents (air and car), whistleblowers, power outages. To see the solar eclipse chart go here:
    and scroll down to the last chart on the page.

    Trish, I hope the pirates leave you alone.

  3. mathaddict3322 says:

    More and more, I tend to think it’s how we choose to respond to the experiences and changes in our lives that matter, more than the experiences and changes themselves.
    We’ve had a huge change, too, Lauren. Our three sons are in their 40s: 41, 43, 45. Our oldest and his family live in the house right next door, which is fantastic because we get to see the three granddaughters often….they are close enough but not too close. We always said we wouldn’t allow any of the boys to come home again once gone. Well, never say never, Middle son’s divorce was final on June 15th, (no children involved at all, thank goodness), and he has moved in with us! Fortunately we have a guest room and bath downstairs, and the master BR and bath are upstairs, so it’s not been a prblem. But it HAS created enormous changes in hubby’s and my routine. No upset, just changes to accustom oneself to. He initiated the divorce and FL is a no-c0ntest state, so it was a simple process. He’s here until he pulls his life back together re an apartment and vehicle, etc. May be awhile. Like with you, this entire year has been filled with one significant change after the other. We just catch our breath from one and get hit by another. Whew.

  4. Lauren Raine says:

    I hope the copyright infringement problem quickly clears.
    Glad I read this………..I have to say, the month of June has been for me the month that all hell has broken loose (including 115 temperatures and massive Arizona fires). My mother has been in the hospital, and it is rapidly apparent she will need to be placed in a care facility, so just like that, my life as a live in caretaker is ending and many things will change.
    It’s well said here that changes are what we make of them. We can chose how we experience and explore change, although we may not be able to avoid it.

  5. Thanks for the link to Susan Miller’s – I’m a Leo there (which I much prefer!) while others say I’m a Cancer. A bit of both probably.

    How annoying about Esperanza. As Terri has said, it’s theft – and a big one at that, when it’s the whole book. Hope it’s all resolved okay now.

  6. mathaddict3322 says:

    One thing that has already happened is that the government of the state of Minnesota has completely shut down and the entire state and its citizens are in chaos. It shut down at 12:01am this morning. I’m hoping this isn’t a harbinger of things to follow quickly in other states but wouldn’t be surprised. What a mess. And on one of the biggest holiday weekends of the year, all the state parks and campgrounds are closed, highway rest stops are closed to travelers, passport offices, drivers licence bureaus, everything. Unimaginable. Dirtbag politicians who don’t give a flip for their constituents. These are the kinds of actions that start revolutions that initiate wars.

  7. Everything in this post is well-said. Piracy is – as it was – infringement and theft. But how we handle it becomes the lesson. I will always hold that the majority that desire the novel/music/movie will be happy to acknowledge that desire with payment. We, as the creators, still need to be taskmasters for those who expect abundance with no effort or acknowledgement on their part.

    This 7/1/11 eclipse will be personal, at least for me. It is my youngest daughter’s 22nd birthday, and I went to her bowling-birthday party tonight, having hauled a bowling ball and shoes out of storage to attend. I’m currently feeling screaming thighs and cracking knuckles. I didn’t break 100 in the three games I bowled, but years ago, when bowling in leagues, I had an average of 128. 😀

    As you know, a cardinal cross is personal even when it’s also global. What we do on a global level has as much impact than what we do on a personal level.

  8. Natalie says:

    Another synchro! I was just about to go over to Susan’s site as it is the 1July here already, (12:12 when i first landed on here) and VOILA! here it was for me to click on.

    Bit of a worry about Esperanza!!! What IS WRONG with people?? Hope everything stays positive for you, Trish. ♥

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