Inside Out and the Green Frog with Red Eyes

Costa Rica frog

Daz, who lives in Australia, experiences synchronicity frequently, which you can read about on his blog. Whenever he sends one of them to us, we’re always astonished at how his synchros are like cascading dominoes, with one collapsing into another.  In this synchro, you’ll see it.


The other day I read your Costa Rica post and saw the green frog with the red eyes, and thought how weird it looked. Because over here we have green tree frogs that look similar, but don’t have red eyes. It’s the red eyes that really struck me, I couldn’t remember seeing a green frog with red eyes.

Anyway, I went grocery shopping with my wife and was aisles ahead of her, so I started reading the magazines in the magazine section of the store while she caught up. I picked up a mag called “Inside Out,” flicked through it, but couldn’t decide if it would make any difference to my life if I bought it or not. So I thought, If I flick through again and find a synchronicity somewhere in the pages, I’ll buy it. That’s when I came across the second photo of a frog with red eyes within three hours of seeing the one on your blog.  Needless to say I now own the magazine.

The frog Daz found in the magazine, which appears to be a general decorating  magazine for home projects:


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5 Responses to Inside Out and the Green Frog with Red Eyes

  1. Darren B says:

    There were a lot more synchros than that involved.I’ll have to do a post on my blog about them later,as I’m off to Byron Bay,so won’t get much internet time today.
    The frog was just the tip of the ice-burg here.

  2. That’s one way to choose magazines … nice synchro.

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