6 Challenges to Mainstream Science

Marcus Anthony, our Australian friend, futurist, psychologist, and prolific author has provided a list of beliefs that he has come to accept as truths. He has done so not only from research and reading, but primarily from deep exploration.

In the first of the 2-part article, Marcus’ list includes seven statements. Of the seven, mainstream science rejects six of them. The one item on the list that would be accepted by the current scientific paradigm would be Marcus’ contention that when we die, we don’t go to heaven.

So where do you stand on this list? We basically accept all the items on Marcus’ list as part of what we see as reality. Of course, we would extend it somewhat farther. We would add: Coincidence, in general, are meaningful. If you pay attention to these often startling events, you become more aware and in tune with  a deeper level of reality that exists outside of everyday cause and effect.

Here’s Marcus’ list, but we recommend reading his entire post for more clarity.

1)      Mind extends beyond the brain. True
I still find it almost incredible that this most obvious fact is still denied in mainstream science and education (I have to remind myself that science is still in its infancy). The mind exists in a sea of information, entangled with other minds and consciousness fields. The brain mediates consciousness, but does not generate it. I am not sure how consciousness expresses itself without the brain (see point 2), since the brain so clearly has an enormous effect on the way consciousness expresses itself. It seems likely to me that the etheric body (see point 6) has an etheric brain, and that this etheric brain survives death. But thyis may not be the full explanation.
2)      There is life after death. True Beyond Reasonable Doubt
I have had numerous instances of communication with relatives who have passed on. Sometimes they come to me and say things. Other times I find my mind and theirs entangled, because of some unresolved issues between us. Or often I just see them in a dream or a vision, and this is usually because there is some relevance in the connection for me. For example, one time I simply witnessed a deceased male relative of mine in a state of extreme emotional distress. He was basically experiencing extreme guilt at having sexually molested two female relatives of mine. He told me their names. Later one of those female relatives made claims about sexual abuse – but she would not name the person. Other encounters are more casual. Much of the time the dead are attempting to seek power or control over the living, where the minds remain entangled with the living, which is true in almost every case. However keep in mind that this is precisely the same as when they were “alive.” Nothing changes in this respect. People still play games with each other at a psychic level.
3)      When you die you go to Heaven. False
When you die your mind is not transformed or elevated into a new level of consciousness. It may well be true that departed souls are greeted by “the light” and spiritual guides soon after death. However the dead retain their scars and psychological issues. These are recorded in the Soul Template. The essence of life after death is that your mind plays out dramas, and attracts to itself situations which reflect its belief structures, and the overall “vibration” of its resonance. So a mind full of fear and self-loathing will recreate an afterlife where it will experience persecution and denial. A more “enlightened” mind will attract more joyful experience.
4)      People can see the future. True
I have had too many premonitions over the years to see this as anything but certain. The only question for me is whether I am seeing the one set future, or a possible future which could be changed. For example, before the recent cricket world cup I had a vision that the Australian cricket team would be eliminated from the tournament at the quarter-final stage (Australia had won the previous three World Cups, and were undefeated for 12 years). A month later they were eliminated in the quarter-finals, as I’d seen.
5)      People can read each other’s minds. True
… with some qualification. It is possible for a person to read another’s emotional energy and attitudes, and the psychic projections of the ego can be read. I have seen many people do this, and just quietly I am pretty good at this myself. Jessica, who ran the spiritual group in New Zealand, was terrifyingly good at this. She could basically see straight through you. The first time I ever met her, I had had a disturbing vision while meditating that morning. In the vision I found myself looking down at my hands, and they were covered in blood. Later that day when I met Jessica, the first thing she said to me, before she even said hello was “I can see your hands covered in blood.” I am not making this up.
Mind reading can be learned. It is an innate human ability because the capacity for empathy is wired into our brains (mirror neurons), and our minds are not confined to our brains.
6)      The soul can travel out of the body. True
… again, with some qualification. The mind is not localised to the body, so some apparent out of body experiences do not actually involve the etheric body leaving the physical body. They are actually the mind perceiving information at a distance (ESP). Other out of body experiences involve the etheric body detaching and moving out into the world, or alternatively, into another astral dimension. I have had both kinds of out of body experiences. One time I found myself travelling out of my body, and riding along some power lines above a road (for some reason the etheric body is attracted to electricity). But I have also travelled out of the body into black, empty voids.
I do not consider out of body experiences to be desirable. They are typically caused by adissociation between mind and body, and a subconscious desire to escape this world.
7)      There is an etheric body. True
This is correct. I have not played around with this too much (I don’t see the point), but I have had several experiences where I have been able to manipulate the etheric body. This has occurred in the hypnogogic state between waking and sleeping, and independent of my will 9or at least started out independent of my will). Basically, the etheric body is a subtle body double, and looks just like your actual body under normal circumstances. For example, sometimes I am able to move my etheric arms out in front of my chest, even though my physical arms are still by my side.  When I touch my etheric fingers together, I can feel them just like my real fingers. So they are connected to the nervous system somehow. I have also often had the bizarre experience of finding the etheric body of someone else lying beside me as I sleep. One time I awoke in the middle of the night to find my older brothers etheric hands resting on my chest. I grabbed them, got out of bed, threw them out the door and closed it. Another time an etheric baby attached itself to my back as I was sleeping on my stomach. I reached around with my etheric hands and touched it. It felt very real. I then told it that it could not stay, and it went away. To this day I don’t know if the baby was living or deceased.
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7 Responses to 6 Challenges to Mainstream Science

  1. Darren B says:

    I pretty much agree with everything Marcus says above and with what you and Rob say about “Coincidence, in general, are meaningful. If you pay attention to these often startling events, you become more aware and in tune with a deeper level of reality that exists outside of everyday cause and effect”,especially.
    But,I don’t agree with his statement;
    “I do not consider out of body experiences to be desirable. They are typically caused by a dissociation between mind and body, and a subconscious desire to escape this world.”
    In my experience of an OBE at around about age 12,that comment couldn’t have been further from the truth,I had no desire conscious or otherwise to escape this world,in fact I loved this world so dearly,I would have done anything but,to escape this world.
    I see that OBE experience as an “accident” that turned my entire perspective of life around.At around 20 years of age,that was a different story and I did literally everything in my power to get out of this existence…without leaving too much mess behind for others to clean up,and without trying to impact on the lives of others too negatively with my passing (if that was at all possible?),but I had no OBE’s or NDE’s at that time,but I did have contact with an entity that seemed to be outside of my conscious self at the time,call it an angel,spirit guide,inter-dementional being…or just a very good figment of my imagination if you want to.I’m not going to label it,because it never really introduced itself as anything to me,it just told me what to do,at the time,to help me out of the shadows of life,that I was swimming in…and it probably still does help with my life today in some background functioning of my life…I don’t really know.
    I don’t see the OBE experience as desirable or undesirable,it can be slightly scary at first (so is learning to walk,or drive a car for the first time) but there is really nothing to fear by experiencing one.and if people want to pursue them,I say fine,but I don’t have any real desire to do so at this stage.Although I think the world would be a much kinder place if everybody had at least one during their lifetime,the earlier in life,the better,in my opinion.

    • R and T says:

      I agree with you on the OBEs, Daz. I had one, when I was 18, but nothing as dramatic as what you experienced. But it led me on a search for books…and to Robert Monroe’s classic Journeys Out of the Body. That book pretty much redefined my concept of what reality is. My dad was a real skeptic about all this stuff, but I gave him Monroe’s book and it blew open a part of his consciousness.

  2. Natalie says:

    Very thought provoking. 🙂

  3. gypsy says:

    well, i came by earlier and read the post a few times – to absorb – then went away to ponder a bit – and came back ready to leave a few words but i see that cj has already been here for me and has basically once again taken the words from my own mouth – except that, of course, i don’t have the same extensive mathematical background – but the premises she presents are the same – thanks so much for saying it so very well, cousin! and yes, a great post, you two! and i’ll go over to marcus’ to read the entirety – thanks again!

  4. I guess most people who read your blog regularly will accept these insights. Heaven may be one where some will differ on, though Marcus’ explanation of how “mind plays out dramas, and attracts to itself situations which reflect its belief structures” answers why NDEs often differ dependent on race, religion etc.

    Great post.

  5. Nancy says:

    Hmmm, interesting. I’ll have to pop over and visit Marcus and read the whole thing. Thanks for the heads up.

  6. mathaddict3322 says:

    I accept each and every one of Marcus’s insights as valid, and the added insights from T and R regarding meaningful coincidence. There have been too many experiences in my life that have proven to me there is no such thing as “accidents” or “coincidence”, for me to consider anything else. I will say that mathematics plays a huge role, for me, in my own recognition of the absence of coincidence. The math connection is too lengthy to go into here, but essentially I’ve learned that frequencies (which are represented by numbers) are the fundamental basis by which we are able to measure and actually prove beyond reasonable doubt that coincidence doesn’t exist. Regarding the subject of reincarnation, I accept the hypothesis that it is a reality, but at the same time must clarify that I’m not certain of the dynamics.

    Like Marcus, I’ve had definitive experiences that, in every aspect, would seem to have been my own soul’s experiences in a different time, place, and body and that relate profoundly with karmic issues in this current life. Contrarily, I’ve had experiences that MAY have been my soul’s, but that may instead be a powerful consciousness connection to the souls’ of another or other individuals. Therefore this remains an open question for me, but I cannot and do not doubt the veracity of reincarnation in some form. Love this post, guys. MORE, please!

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