Talking Synchros

Here’s a new radio interview that can be found through Mike Clelland’s Hidden Experience blog. You might not want to listen to the entire 95-minute rambling saga, but the three of us had plenty of stories to relate.  Mike seemed quite pleased that we tied some of our synchro experiences with the UFO scenario…including our one Men in Black story. Enjoy.



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17 Responses to Talking Synchros

  1. Darren B says:

    Great interview,guys.
    I love listening to Mike’s audio conversations,and funnily enough I linked up to Mike’s blog ages ago,from a link to one of his comments that he made on this blog (or the older version of this blog…before it was hacked).
    I’ve seen pictures of you both before and I’ve heard Trish on the Strieber’s site,but that’s the first time I’ve heard Rob’s voice.At first I thought he sounded a bit Canadian,but then I thought he sounded like he was from the Chesapeake Bay area of the States…am I right? If not I’m curious to know where the accent is from.
    I hope there are more audio conversations to come from you two,there’s always something interesting brought up…which in turn leads to more synchros.

    Cheers / Daz

    • R and T says:

      Thanks, Daz. Glad you enjoyed Mike’s interview. As for my origins, where I grew up, we were told that we did not have accents, that everyone else did. But I’ve been away from Minnesota for more than 30 years and I’m still often tagged as a Canadian. Being a border state, Minnesotans are influenced by their northern neighbor and, in fact, I remember Canadian money was accepted as legal tender and equal to the dollar. We also shared some similar words and phrases, such as: ‘Ya sure, doncha know, you betcha, eh?’

      There’s also a smattering of Scandinavian terms as well, such as ‘uffta,’ which means a number of things depending how it’s used. Ufta, that was a long time ago, eh?

      • Darren B says:

        Interesting,when I heard you say the word “about” that’s when I thought you might have been Canadian,because in my experience Canadians tend to say “aboot” rather than the “normal” pronunciation of the word (I’ve probablly watched too much “South Park” over the years.-) ,but then I thought you don’t sound really Canadian,it’s some sort of mix.
        Minnesotan,I should have guessed from the movie “Fargo” and the accents in that film.
        It’s funny because we in Australia never thought we had an accent either,it was always the other person who had the accent,not us.I guess that’s how we all think around the world.
        It’s kind of funny in a way.

  2. Natalie says:

    Sit down, press ‘play’, kids go : muuuuu-uuumm. intermittently for 12 hours, sit back down resume ‘play’ get up, sit down, until they finally went to bed. 🙂

  3. Will head on over to the interview – and, yes, a great pic!

  4. Stayed up until 1 am listening to the interview last night…it was great! And wonderful to hear your voices. I’m only on page 51 of Synchronicity and the Other Side…and so far….enjoying it immensely.
    When I got back into reading your book last night after the interview, I got to page 48, and was reading about Judy’s experience of the blinking light in the suitcase as confirmation that her late friend Hank was okay on the other side. Oddly enough when I looked up at my clock it was 12:21 which is the date my husband passed. I felt a certain comfort in that….even though I believe he’s been ‘recycled’ (my silly name for reincarnated.
    Good to your smiling faces on this post!

    • R and T says:

      Well, here’s a synchro for you. Just as your comment came in, I was writing up a new synchro involving Judy and Hank! I love the 12:21. Glad you enjoyed the interview. Mike is great fun to talk to.

  5. gypsy says:

    yes, what a neat photo of you two – love the jane/seth synchros – how neat are they! and off to listen now!

  6. Natalie says:

    I agree, it is a lovely photo, but what excites me though, is to hear your voices! Wow!
    After all this time, I get to hear my friends. 😀

    Trish, this may seem really strange to say, but the first thing i felt when I heard your voice was “Jane Roberts”.
    I am going to listen to it all intermittently around the Littlies demands. 🙂
    Also, while I am rambling, you two served me Vodka and juice ????last night in my dream and helped me with some Tricky customers. Thanks.♥

    • R and T says:

      That doesn’t sound strange to me at all. She’s one of my heroes.Vodka and juice? Hmm. I hope we all had fun!! 🙂

    • R and T says:

      We had a number of synchros related to Jane Roberts early in our relationship. When we first met, we discovered that we both read Seth books, but didn’t know anyone else who was familiar with Seth. Trish’s maiden name is Janeshutz and Jane Roberts’ husband was named Rob. One of the first articles we co-authored appeared in FATE Magazine, and at the end of it was a brief obituary of Jane Roberts, who had recently died.

  7. Nancy says:

    Thanks for the heads up on the interview. Love the picture of you two! 🙂

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