St. Germain speaks

Here’s something a little different. It’s part of a channeled transcript, supposed from St.Germain, through someone named Chanel Lingenfelder. This segment is about synchronicity. It appears on a blog called Palm Tree Lifestyle that features “teachings and information from Ascended Masters, Arch Angels, and other Great Light Beings.”

We usually avoid stuff from so-called enlightened masters, because they are often preachy with a holier-than-thou mentality, but this is interesting – in spite of the stream-of-consciousness, eye-crossing run-on sentences. See what you think.

Synchronicity is one of the most powerful aspects of intuition. Intuition brings forth a way for you to find an unexplainable road or journey along a pathway that you don’t quite understand yet once you are there, are able to realize when back tracking your thoughts, that the awareness of the moment on the journey that you did or were supposed to take is what enables you to reach your destination. Now synchronicity is one of the most powerful energies that can transmute the lower thought forms of fear and guilt and the forever questioning that’s currently playing out (quite predominantly on the earth plane) therefore for you will find that a lot of the information coming through not only through known but also unknown avenues is to diffuse fear and to finally release guilt from the clutches of the inner darkness afraid to truly face the self as an extension of light.

Therefore synchronicity is the energy that you must watch out for everywhere you go, you will find that those previously opposed or unable to converse with you in some way about beliefs and understandings will come forward and now unmistakably share with you their experiences of synchronicity out of the blue. (Well, that seems true! – R)

This is one of the subtle ways in which we bring energy through as we awaken new energies stirring the pots of divinity until such time that each is ready to come forward magically taking a sip from the potion of love called Creation for that is when humanity will be able to claim themselves as powerful creators and instead of many of the thought-waves or religions or institutions or teachings keeping their followers thinking along a one track mind of fear rendering themselves unable to embrace their right as powerful creators they will be served with the horse-d’-oeuvre of synchronicity, which is one of the tools through which we are directing much of the new thought waves. So when your friend or neighbor is excited to share with you their experience of this to their own shock, then get excited with joy for the new energy is here.

It is part of the tools of the new world, all part of the ingredients as we brew a magnificent broth stirring the pots of divinity and when the time is right whomever is ready to move on steps forward to share in the joy. So there is no need for you to go out to create wars of light, with the new energy you allow energy to unfold and you do this best by shining your light, lighting up your own wisdom, sharing your own inner self in such a way that every one of your friends and family knows of your shift. They may not be able to place their finger on it, but they will know the shift in the look in your eye and the smile on your lips, the look of insight, the smile of knowing, this is the energy that is now unfolding, gently, for you see the forces of light is without pressure, the only force that is possible is love.

Love is an energy very powerful, so powerful it’s best you don’t oppose it. It conquers all releasing all fears and attachments to fear and it is for this very reason many like to prefer to think of the opposite of love as fear or hate, but in fact as you know love has no opposites for nothing, no thing can come against it.

So what you are now beginning to work with, and to face in your personal life on a daily basis is the questions of the mind that dares to ask you within each minute of the day who you are. If you have thought previously this to be intimidating and boggling then you better think again for in time to come this energy shall increase tenfold. And each of you that has an idea of your existence, each of you that has some understanding of your background you will not be hammered and dampened by that question at all, for all you will answer is ‘I AM’ and the new energy that now extends from this asks you that each time you have the power within your heart and mind to actually expel from your lungs the oxygenated ‘I AM!” to have some compassion by allowing some of this energy for your neighbor so that they, your brother or sister that feels round in darkness for their history and existence will benefit from your wisdom allowing them to embrace who they are, God Beings, Christed Beings, Light Beings, beautiful beings, no matter the expression of the preference of your current life experiences, everyone is beautiful, everyone is special. Of course then there are those that may feel themselves not to be beautiful and special in another’s eyes, but the key to this is what brings me to my next point.

This is the other energy that you now need to actively work with and I know that you have been presented with these energies previously but because I have come to give it to you today I want you to take in seriously! (Laughter), and this is forgiveness. Forgiveness is the key that will unlock every unconditional aspect you could ever need to transcend yourself from this universe into any other in any way you wish. No longer are you able to walk about judging another no matter what they have done in your eyes for it is not up to you, it is not your business to say what another has done or not and favor your likes or love accordingly. So forgiveness is another powerful aspect of the new energy force of light that is beamed towards the planet and how is this done, through light rays. Are you with me?

Love that line about the ‘horse-d’-oeuvre of synchronicity.’ Guess I should have fixed the typo, but living in a horse community it sort of makes sense.

Here’s some extreme speculation about Saint Germain, courtesy of

It is believed that Saint Germain was born in 1561. As he grew into adulthood he mastered all of the European languages. He was one of the best swordsmen of his day. He was a master violinist.
He was a personal friend of Voltaire, Rousseau, and a great many other distinguished philosophers. He knew many European heads of state. He was known as “the man who never dies and knows everything.”

He was very wealthy, but no one knew how he had accumulated his great wealth. He was a great painter and musical conductor. He had an extensive knowledge of herbalism. Some feel that this attributed to his long life. He was a master alchemist. It is said that he could turn base metals into gold.

He founded Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry in England. He did this under the name Francis Bacon. It was his dream to create in America a new country free of corruption, greed, and dictatorial monarchies. He was instrumental in formulating the Declaration of Independence and the constitution of the United States as they were being written by his Masonic followers who founded this nation. Their Masonic symbols can be seen on the dollar bill.

He spent eighty five years with the Trans-Himalayan Brotherhood which was made up of El Moyra, Kuthumi, Djwhal Khul, and others.He lived for over 350 years, staging his death between lifetimes. As a writer he used the names Christopher Marlowe, Edmund Spenser, Montaigne, Robert Burton, Cervantes, Valentine Andraes, and Comte de Gabalis.In other words, he made Da Vinci look like a slacker!

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9 Responses to St. Germain speaks

  1. therese says:

    This channeled post reminded me that punctuation is a recent discovery, as recorded in "Eats, Shoots & Leaves" by Lynne Truss. 🙂

  2. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    neat summary on more recent post – i read and re-read here and then went to main post but a lot more wading to get to bottom line[s] than with summary – and the whole thing about abraham-hick telling you to take down the post!!! geeezzzee!!! i must have seen part of the same show that vanessa speaks of – however i switched channels when it began to give the graphic details of results on the planet with the shift's expected occurrence about 2012 – didn't want to take any more negativity to bed/dreams with me!

    another great post, rob and trish!

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Stacey, thanks. Glad you wrote that, since we'd received a private e-mail from a reader suggesting that we take it down…for a number of reasons, including comments that the St. Germain legend is beyond belief and he ought to speak better English.

    Meg helped us out on the latter problem.

    Sansego, I agree about Abraham-Hick. The laws of attraction material is more practical and comprehensible. Our daughter is a regular follower and contributor on their forum.

    That said, I also have one qualifier. Abraham speaks of joy and openness, living freely and attracting what you want. But in practice, I found the Hicks people somewhat less open and joyful when it comes to 'outsiders' quoting their material.

    One day I posted their quote of the day, which we receive every morning, here on the blog. Within minutes, I received an e-mail telling me take it down, that the material could not be used without permission.


  4. staceyjwarner says:

    I loved your introduction to this…I'm also very glad you put this information up because it might ease a lot of fear I pick up on about synchronicity.

    I love synchronicity…so much fun!

    I also love reading anything about St. Germain…he fascinates me.

    Oh, and I think I'll write a post on 2012 and the paradigm shift.

    much love

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Sansego – I'm with you on the violet flame bit. The Hicks present their material in a practical way.

    The date the mayan calendar ends – 12/21/12 – is the end of an astrological cycle. Don't know about the evolution part, but the general consensus from what I've read seem to be about a dramatic shift in paradigms. That part already seems to be happening, with the meltdown in the economy, housing, banking etc. As institutions collapse, something new is born, that leads (hopefully) to a more sustainable future.

  6. Vanessa says:

    The line with, "then get excited with joy for the new energy is here" reminded me of something I saw on telly last night. I was watching a show about the whole 2012 thing, and amid the dire predictions about all sorts of ways we humans could perish, there was someone saying the date simply marks the end of one (huge) cycle and the beginning of another, since cycles are abundant in nature. He thinks the new cycle will be better, and humans will evolve into a better species. That's a bit far-fetched since evolution happens so slowly, but it's much lighter than the dire predictions of doom.

  7. Sansego says:

    You probably got the best part. I couldn't read the lengthier version on the link you gave. They lost me at "I, St. Germain, am the lord of violet flame…" (or whatever they wrote) blah blah blah. Sounded kind of hokey to me.

    As far as "enlightened masters" goes, I like the way Esther Hicks speaks when she's supposedly in trance with the non-physical entity known as Abraham. I don't find too much fault with what they say, except maybe for our planet's resource, which they claim is abundant and non-exhausting, but which science actually says we are taxing our planet's ability to sustain our species. I think science wins that argument.

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    If it helps even one person in some way, it was worth posting.

  9. Natalie says:

    It really sits with me.This blog is case in point! The forgiveness thing will be more tricky I reckon…….
    All in all, a very interesting read. Thanks. 🙂

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