Meg Brookman went to work on the St. Germain post and has provided readers, who were baffled by its grammatical contortions, with a concise summary. So here’s the Readers Digest version:
Synchronicity is one of the most powerful aspects of intuition. Intuition brings forth a way to find an unexplainable road or to journey along a pathway you don’t yet understand. In the moment you do what you are led to do in joy, you will be enabled to reach your destination and new energy is created. 

Synchronicity can transmute fear and guilt and the ever-present questioning you feel. If you pay attention, you’ll see that the information coming to you, from both known and unknown sources, is meant to diffuse fear and release guilt.
Synchronicity is the energy you must be alert to wherever you go. You will soon find that those previously opposed or incapable of conversing with you about beliefs and understandings will come forward to share their experiences of synchronicity. 
Love is a very powerful energy. It conquers all fears and attachments to fear and it is for this reason many prefer to think of the opposite of love as fear or hate. But, as you know, love has no opposites. No thingnothing – can come against it.
We must love, explore, read, think positive thoughts, and indulge in creativity in order that new energy can manifest itself. That is when we will reclaim our birthright as powerful creators. To help those who remain fearful and unmoving in old thoughts, they will be given the gift of synchronicity. So when your friend or neighbor is excited to share with you a synchronous experience, be filled with joy – for the new energy is here!
Answer ’I AM’ to this new energy.
Thank you, Meg.
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2 Responses to UPDATE: ST GERMAIN

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Ask Meg Brookman. She's the lady who wrote it. I think it encompasses the whole concept of synchronicity with insight.
    – trish

  2. terripatrick says:

    This is awesome – is this on a poster I can buy somewhere? Or do I have to create my own poster so I can post this in my office?

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