Meet Noah Presley

Names are funny things. They define us. Describe us. Perplex us. And sometimes, a name strikes you as totally right or completely wrong and this applies not only to people, but to our animal companions.

Our first golden was named Jessie and we wrote about her in an earlier post. We had to put her down in May 2008. Her name fit her.

This dog came to us as Presley – as in Elvis, shake your hips, rock ‘n roll. He’s from the South Florida golden retriever rescue organization, and spent the first 9 months of his life with a man in Miami who also owned his parents. Due to financial problems, the man had to give up all three dogs.

I called the rescue organization on a Monday, we had Presley a week later. During that week, he was removed from his owner, his parents, taken to a foster home where the other goldens wouldn’t let him eat, and was neutered and brought to yet another home. The day he arrived, neighborhood kids descended on our house to greet the new dog. He had to deal with three cats and two strays, and 4 out of 5 went nuts and hid or took off.

The day after he arrived, I kept referring to him as Noah for some reason. He just didn’t impress me as being Presley. Then, this evening, I was visiting a neighbor and told her I kept calling the dog Noah. Annette snapped upright, her eyes widened and she said, “You’re kidding. When I first laid eyes on him, I thought of him as Noah.”

I don’t know if this qualifies as a synchronicity, but it certainly qualifies as weird. Out of all the names in the universe, why would Annette and I both think of this dog as Noah? Because he’s not Presley. He’s Noah, calmer, wise, mellow, and he knows how to treat the animals on his ark.  So, meet Noah Presley, who looks an awful lot like Jessie, except that he isn’t gray! (That’s Jessie below.) He’s sweet, loving, and the cats have given their seal of approval.

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11 Responses to Meet Noah Presley

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Marlene, there are some who contend their lives are filled wtith synchronicities. Yet, when asked for an example, either none are fortcoming or the offering will be incomprehensible or so mundane that it's of interest to only one person. Those are all signs that such a person is seeing signs where none exist.

    Hope that helps. – Rob

  2. Natalie says:

    My son is Noah, and when i fell pregnant, we both just said at the same time 'Noah!'
    It is a name we both loved separately, and
    it was the name of the restaurant where we first met. 🙂
    I'd have to say your boy is ALMOST as cute as mine! 😀

  3. Marlene says:

    Is it just me..??@@??…..
    but who is …Simply…?.

  4. Marlene says:

    Oh he is definately a Noah!! I love a matter of fact i love ALL dogs
    I have 2 myself a Jack and a Heeler and I would never be without a dog or two… in my home..I have met people that don't look like thier names…AND I have had the same situation
    where another person and I agreed they look like another name..and then agreed on it!! I always wonder if its a matter of associating the name with someone in the past..
    Ah!!!! the mysteries of life!!!!

  5. simply synchros says:

    just curious to see if Rob left simon's comment up, came upon synchro…. Nancy, simply simon's family used to have a place on Juanita about a mile from the Hyatt. Ski Squaw

  6. Nancy says:

    We had goldens – Lady and Winnie – both lived their lifespans with us. Is there anything sweeter than a golden? Really? I love the name Noah, and bless you for giving him a home. We have seriously considered rescuing a golden. I have gone so far as to check out the websites. But one black lab is enough for now.

  7. ~JarieLyn~ says:

    I so enjoyed reading this personal post. Noah is beautiful and I'm sure he has a great home now.

    It's funny that you mention Rock N Roll and Shake in reference to Elvis Presley and your dog. whenever I give my dog a bath (which I give to her in the downstairs shower) I always tell her to Rock N Roll and Shake it off before I let her out. I make a little song out of it and I shake my body so that she will mimick me. Silly, but it works.

  8. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, how neat is that! his first family trip! wonderful! i remember the first time i took my little dakota danielle out on her first car trip in the convertible!!! she was carsick, bless her heart! many many moons ago –

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Noah is taking his first family trip today. So far, he loves it.

  10. Liza says:

    Sounds like your house is a fur fest just like mine. Noah is beautiful, and I am happy that you found each other.
    Thank you for sharing this post and your home with Noah.

  11. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, how absolutely beautiful NOAH P is!!! you're right, i don't get an elvis kinda guy with him, but he definitely sounds and looks like a calm caring collected NOAH! beautiful – and LOVE his bandana! please tell him auntie gypsy sends her love!

    oh, and i see who has the office space, too!!! 🙂

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