Category Archives: pets

Sylvester, Darren, and Peter Gabriel

 On November 22, we posted a story called Doolittle, that got some great comments. One of them came from Darren, who comments as Brizdaz. The cat in the story is a black and white cat; we didn’t have a picture … Continue reading

Posted in cats, pets, spirit contact | 12 Comments

Charlie’s synchronisitic journey

Here’s an incredible tale of a lost dog and synchronicity. But maybe Charlie was never lost. Maybe he knew what he was doing when he managed to hitch a ride from Taos to New Orleans where he was re-united with … Continue reading

Posted in dogs, pets | 9 Comments

Meet Noah Presley

Names are funny things. They define us. Describe us. Perplex us. And sometimes, a name strikes you as totally right or completely wrong and this applies not only to people, but to our animal companions. Our first golden was named … Continue reading

Posted in dogs, names, pets, retrievers | 11 Comments