Time Catcher

Recently, I drove to Boca Raton, about 40 minutes away, with a friend to a yoga class that I take about twice a month. En route, I talked about my novel, Time Catcher, that has been circulating among publishers for months. I mentioned that I was worried because it deals with 2012 so it needs to sell soon…or it might not sell at all, unless it undergoes  a major rewrite.

During the class, I also started thinking that I was reaching the end of my time going to this studio. I’ve taken classes with this particular teacher for about 11 years. It’s very challenging yoga and I’m about 25 years older than the average student. It’s not that I can’t handle the class anymore, but there’s now a studio much closer to home, which also has good teachers.

So near the end of the class, we did handstands and the instructor asked us to hold it for ten breaths before coming down. I could only stay up for a couple of breaths in the middle of the room, so after a couple of tries I went to the wall. Up I went, my toes lightly touching the wall, or so I thought. After a breath or two,  I felt something coming down between my  legs. I quickly closed my thighs, catching it, lodging it against my groin. It was about the size of a plate, but I had no idea what it was.

I kept holding it and breathing. Finally, after nine or ten breaths, the instructor’s assistant snatched it away, and I came down. That’s when I discovered that I’d been holding the wall clock! I must have knocked it loose when my feet hit the wall, and moments later, it fell.

I continued on with the class, but a short time later I realized I’d created a double synchronicity from a handstand. Time Catcher! Get it? The book and the studio. Tick…tick…tick.

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11 Responses to Time Catcher

  1. therese says:

    LOL! The image is priceless. Did you feel an electrical buzz or hum?

    With all the chaos in the world of publishing right now I wonder what all these time synchronicities will mean. Maybe there's a message in the distance from one yoga class to the next, like taking a different publishing route with your with your book. Good luck!

  2. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    well, trish, i'm STILL laughing every time i think about it – i'm still visualizing it – gotta stop and move on!!! 🙂 but such fun at his expense, poor thing! yes, and i meant to mention the same thing as nancy – i want to read it too!!!!! and now, if i just knew an editor! but i'm afraid i'm all out of those, right – or left!

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    All I need is the right editor to read it.

  4. Nancy says:

    We are all on the same wavelength today – time.

    Hope the book catches on – I want to read it! And before 2012!

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Aleksander – that's a good one!
    When Rob first told me about catching the clock between his legs, the visual left me hysterical with laughter.
    Jenean – interesting what you do with clocks! Good character trait for a character!
    – T

  6. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, wow, rob! so time and the book are really so so connected in so many ways!

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Yesterday, the day this post originally was to appear, I received an e-mail from the agent handling Time Catcher. She wrote that she will not submit the novel to any more publishers. So it remains with the last one.

    It either catches on soon, or it's time to move on. – R

  8. Aleksandar Malecic says:

    These events were happening in a few days, without a pause between them. A young boy asked me half-jokingly how people make pieces of puzzles. In my blog about synchronicity (malecic.blogspot.com) I had mentioned an expression "instant mysticism" ("instant misticizam"), then I found in Google an old article from the Time magazine about instant mysticism. A day later in a TV quiz there was a question about the meaning in Serbian of the word "time" in the name of this magazine. I found on the Web an article about the album of the year 2007 (according to Kerrang!). It is Puzzle by Biffy Clyro (I have never heard about this band before). There is a picture on the cover of a man sitting and thinking. A day later I read an advertisement from Komercijalna banka (Commercial bank). There was a picture of a puzzle and the sentence: "Time is always on your side." ("Vreme je uvek na vašoj strani.")

  9. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    ok, i haven't quit laughing yet from the mental image of it all after your description, rob – what an exercise in trying to hold onto time, literally!!! and great synchro story! interesting adele mentioned being obsessed with clocks/time – i don't own a clock and haven't in years and years – but, every electrical anything has one and i've even covered a few of those with black electrical tape – don't want time hangin' around –

    anyway – very neat post!

  10. Adele Aldridge says:

    I love this story! I especially love it because I am obsessed with clocks and with time in general. I look forward to your book.

  11. Toumai says:

    Incredible. And then there were sychronicities surrounding Trish's book "Running Time". Seems as though in more ways than one, time is of the essence.

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