The Grizzly

We’ve posted several synchronicities involving animals as oracles. This one, from Sue Thurman, a writer from Arizona, involves a grizzly bear, in a dream.

There often appears to be a deeper meaning to some of my experiences, but many are initially perplexing.  My lucid dream about grizzly bears was confusing.  In the dream the bears were large and threatening.  My husband was driving a jeep and I was the passenger.  We were on a rugged dirt road in the mountains where a stream had flooded the area, then receded dramatically.  Large fish were stranded next to the muddy road providing a meal for the bears.  It was frightening to be so close to the animals as they growled at us.  We were close enough to touch them.

Next morning, thoughts of the dream lingered.  Animals are a passion of mine, but it was my first dream about bears and it was bugging me.  When I turned my car onto the highway headed for work, the dream took on new meaning.  At the first stoplight it was impossible to avoid noticing the license plate in front of me at eye level.  It was like being slammed in the face.  The plate read, “BEAR GRR.”

This was not the first time or the last when a license plate demanded my attention with a message, or provided an answer to a question on my mind.  It gives me shivers when it happens.  The license plate warned of something, but what?  Later one afternoon I heard voices and a scuffle outside my office window followed by a dull thud.  While police surrounded the building, an ambulance arrived to retrieve a body covered with a blanket.  The man had been shot to death a few feet from me.  Was this the warning from the bear dream reinforced through a license plate?  It would be hard to convince me otherwise. 
Sue wrote about another synchronicity that’s equally intriguing. It’s here.

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9 Responses to The Grizzly

  1. Toumai says:

    … oops darn! Got a little ahead of myself there. You get my drift though- "!" shares the same key on the computer key board as "1".

  2. Toumai says:

    Thanks for the vote of confidence. Nancy, do you realize that your comment above was posted at 1:11 (sychronicity!). The fact that the "!" shares the same space on the keyboard is not just a coincidence either (1:11 can be seen as !:!!– sort of like the inner parallel world seconding the motion).

    It's just too bad that we have to go through so much (painful convincing) before we finally come to arrive and agree at the that last paragraph. Such is the way I guess, in the world where all living things must grr-ow.


  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I like Toumai's last graph, too. I think it's spot on target.

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    License plate synchronicities are always intriguing. and, well, just plain bizarre!

  5. Elizabeth Bradley says:

    I think it's intriguing that license plates play a role in her dreams and premonitions.

  6. clyde from over the "rainbow" says:

    yeah "ber" never thought of that, kind of like weather, will it or not?????

  7. Nancy says:

    I like Toumai's last paragraph.

  8. Toumai says:

    Sue's bear resonates with me since I have a bear (of sorts)that has been stalking me for quite some time.

    When I was 27 years and going through a crisis in my life, I would have a lucid dream. It revealed a Bible, the cover of which would morph from a pleasant picture of Jesus into a vicious grizzly much like your posted picture. Then a voice entered the dream to warn, "It says that Jesus came as a bear".

    A couple years later, I would apply for work with a Pewter giftware manufacturer. Since I was seeking a job as a designer, they would test my skill at bas-relief, so I was asked to sculpt a christmas ornament- a bear in a sock (teddy of course).

    A couple years later, I was singled out from the other designers on staff to produce a design for Disney (as in Walt)since they had invited pewter manufactures world wide to enter a contest bid, the winner of which would secure a very large contract with them.

    My boss would show me a picture from the original story of Christopher Robin and teddy bear "Winnie the Pooh"– this was the pattern I was to sculpt. It was my best work and did winn the contest. By the way the surname of the owner of the company I worked for at the time was Greek in origin sounding like "Care-a-bear-ass".

    A couple years later, I would start up my own pewter company. I decided that my limited edition (yearly) Christmas ornament would follow a theme- a differnent 'bear' designed for each year(I was not consciously aware at the time, that I was beginning to 'play along').

    Etymology check: the 'Grr' that Sue saw on the license plate is partially immitative but it is also a short form of the word 'growl' (note 'gr-owl'-play with words). It is particularly noticeable that words expressing danger (note the 'anger' within) were originally created so that they would also reflect the remedy. The closest Proto Indo European root to 'ger'(grr) is the word *gharto-, from base *gher- meaning "to grasp, enclose" (cf. O.E. gyrdan "to gird," Skt. ghra- "house," Alb. garth "hedge," L. hortus "garden," Phrygian -gordum "town," Gk. khortos "pasture," O.Ir. gort "field," Bret. garz "enclosure, garden," and second element in L. cohors "enclosure, yard, company of soldiers, multitude"). Lith. gardas "

    "Brr" like 'grr' is short and related to 'bear'. Of course we know that 'brr' means cold and now you can see why the more northern countries like USSR use the bear as their emblem… and note the 'bear'(ber) within the word 'hibernate' and all our colder months.

    The inner world is trying to warn us that is for sure. I suggest that they want us to make these historic links.

  9. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, gee, that's one story!!! LOVE it! i wonder what the story is on the person who was shot – apparently she didn't know him? now over to read her other story – great post, you two!

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