The new moon  on September 28 features the sun, moon, Mercury and Venus all in cardinal air sign Libra at 5 degrees. It’s a beauty in that all this Libra energy urges us to get along, avoid confrontation, and to be more diplomatic in all our relationships.

Jupiter, the planet of luck, expansion, and synchronicity, is at 17 degrees Sagittarius in the 12th house and forms a beautiful angle to Venus at 17 degrees Libra in the 10th house. This angle indicates an expansion of beauty, love, and friendship, and perhaps even of $/income!

The only thing I wonder about is Uranus down there in the 5th house, at 5 degrees Taurus. Uranus is the planet of sudden, unpredictable events and forms a 150 degree angle to the new moon – a quincunx. This aspect denotes a need for some type of adjustment – in attitude, understanding, or insight.

For a fuller understanding of how this new moon impacts your sign, take a look at the September forecasts in the masthead. And don’t forget to return in a couple of days for the October forecast!



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One Response to NEW MOON IN LIBRA

  1. Gia says:

    Thanks for posting this. And the forecast. Most helpful.

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