The October forecasts are posted in the masthead. One thing to remember about this month: Mercury turns retrograde in Scorpio on Halloween and doesn’t turn direct again until November 20. So, everything slows down. Don’t sign contracts during this period, don’t make submissions, buy expensive electronics (Unless your washing machine breaks down!). If you travel, there may be unexpected snafus.  But if you during a retro period, you may return to that place again.

Other than Mercury turning retro on the last day of the month, October should be pretty good for most of us.



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  1. Dale Dassel says:

    Autumn is my favorite season (except when the temperature still feels like July). I love the falling leaves, and Halloween with all its associated imagery and lore. Not looking forward to another Merc retrograde, though.

  2. Gia says:

    Thanks for the forecast!

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