To Our Animal Buddies



No synchros here, at least none that I’m aware of any right now, although all of these animals at one time or another have featured in synchronicities.  This is about animal buddies.

Last Christmas, our daughter Megan gifted us with Nala, a pure black kitten that had been fostered by our neighbor, Annette. We named her Nala because at the time we had a cat named Simba, our first orange tabby. And yeah,  this all goes back to The Lion King.

At the time, we had 2 Golden Retrievers, Noah, our noble red golden featured in the top photo with Nala the black cat, ,and Nigel, his younger companion.

They both welcomed Nala. Simba, though, did not follow The Lion King script. Nala didn’t become his queen. She became an annoying presence in a house where he was the Cat King. He tolerated her, occasionally played with her, but at the age of 12, he preferred sitting outside on the front sidewalk, basking in the sun.

In March, Noah died suddenly of cancer, a heartbreaking event for us. He’d been with us for more than 10 years, such an intricate part of our family that losing him was like losing a piece of our collective soul. And for Nigel… well, dogs grieve. So we often bring Megan’s dog, Nika, to stay with us. She and Nigel get along and are connected through Noah, who was the big brother for both of them.


Two months later, we had to put Simba down. He was dying from fluid in his lungs. His lungs actually were floating in his chest. He’s now buried in our backyard with two other cats, a bird, a hamster, a goldfish. Pet Cemetery.

In July, we visited my sister in Atlanta and met the three cats who have lived in her huge cellar for 5 years. They were feral when she adopted them. We decided to adopt Beowulf, a male Persian mix, a beauty who gets along with any dog or cat or human.

He spends his days outside, making up for lost time. He and Nala go on adventures together and some day I may shadow them to find out what, exactly, they do on these adventures. You can see them here, commiserating.

Both come in at night, though, and settle in with Nigel. It’s strange and wondrous, really, how our animal buddies become such an integral part of our lives and teach us about unconditional love.

This photo, from a friend, Carol Libutti, who recently lost her beloved dog, was captured on her Nest security camera. It gives me hope that our animal buds are still with us even after they pass on. She received a message that “activity has been detected in your entryway” several hours after her dog had died.

So during this holiday season, my gratitude goes out to the animals who have graced our lives.



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5 Responses to To Our Animal Buddies

  1. lauren raine says:

    My animal friends (well, mostly cats) are really my best friends. My two white Van cats (they have one blue and one yellow eye each) always know when I’m not feeling well or am down, and turn up to give me love and comfort. And my home seems to be a cat magnet……abandoned cats just seem to turn up and make themselves at home. Last year Mr. Grey, a bedraggled long hair turned up, now he is right at home, our Guard Kitty. This year a young female I call Phoebe decided to live under my trailer, and we are now friends – she waits to say hello in the morning. It’s always been like that, I can’t imagine a life without sharing it with animals.

  2. A says:

    Beowulf sure is something else to look at. I love all of these buddies. And especially Nala. I have a soft spot for black cats.

  3. DJan says:

    Your animal buddies have also graced my own life. I feel through your pictures and stories that I have known them, too. Blessings to all who grieve, be them two or four legged. Merry Christmas and thank you for this lovely post about love.

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