Michael Moore’s New Podcast


Ever since I saw Bowling for Columbine and then Farenheit 911 and Sicko, I’ve been an avid fan of Michael Moore. He speaks his truth an d is never afraid to do so. I remember how at the end of Farenheit 911, everyone in the theater applauded. Same with Sicko.

Now he has a podcast called Rumble and it’s available on a number of different platforms.

I downloaded it on Podbean, 4 episodes so far. The first one is called Let’s Rumble. Episode 2: We ARE onĀ  the Wrong Side. Episode 3: Last Train out of DC. This one was recorded while Moore was on a train leaving D.C. after sitting in on the impeachment proceedings. Episode 4: Now Yous Can’t Leave, a long conversation with Robert De Niro.

I’ve listened to bits of each of them and I think I’m going to start with episode 3 and then move on to episode 4. This is the first week of his podcasts.

Wow! A welcome addition!

And happy winter solstice, our shortest day of the year!





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3 Responses to Michael Moore’s New Podcast

  1. Gia says:

    I’m already listening to episode 4. De Niro is reallly good.

    • Trish and Rob says:

      The two of them each know more about politics than the dumb-dumb in the White House, who thought he could buy Greenland as if it were a piece of real estate. Amazingly, he still a developer and con man at heart. Meanwhile, the Republicans in Congress are continuing to destroy their party. None of them supported Trump when he was running, including Lindsey Graham and Ted Cruz, who are now following Dear Leader right off the cliff. An entire party living the lie and grounding themselves on the wrong side of history. What a shame.

  2. Trish says:

    I’ve since located the right link directly to Moore’s podcasts: https://podtail.com/en/podcast/rumble-with-michael-moore/

    Episodes 2, 3, 4 are terrific. Episode 1 is basically an intro.

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